Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

what are the benefits of using a cock ring

what are the benefits of using a cock ring

Can you make ANY kind of permenant gain using a cock ring.



A cock ring can be worn immediately after a pumping session. This traps blood in the penis, maintaining your size gain. A cock ring should never be worn for more than 20 minutes while erect, as they cut of the supply of oxygenated blood. I have heard that a cock ring can make you last longer during sex, if you suffer from premature ejaculation.

Really? They make me come faster, because I feel that much more surface area.

Originally Posted by rossb2
. A cock ring should never be worn for more than 20 minutes while erect, as they cut of the supply of oxygenated blood.

I don’t agree with this. So someone having sex with a cock ring can only fuck for 20 minutes? Its pretty hard to take one off until you cum or lose some erection. I wear a cock ring pretty much every time I have sex (until I hit my 6 inch girth goal with PE!) and I have sex for an hour or two at a time, every time. I even wear a cock ring around during the day to maintain some plumpness.

What do they achieve in normal use?

Better, harder erection?
Can you cum with a cock ring on?

Cock & Ball ring info

P - J Meister has a great thread: "The Wonderful World of Cock Rings"
The Wonderful World of Cock Rings
which just about covers it all.

I’ve got a few posts here and I think cock & ball rings can give you permanent flaccid length gains, and multiple c&b rings stretch your balls to give you "low hangers" when warm. That’s a plus for me, but the reason I continue to wear cock and ball rings is the stimulation and ball stretching they provide. After a few months of trial and error, here’s the routine that seems to work for me.

Sitting down at the office / home, driving: Three 2" inside diameter x 5/16" thick stainless steel cock & ball rings, with a Homedics Thera-P wrist wrap on and in front of the c&b rings. Since I’m sitting down, gravity doesn’t get a chance to pull directly down on the c&b rings, and if I wear more than 3, my balls tend to sneak back inside the rings. The Thera-P wrap is fairly tight and that keeps my balls right out front by my glans, within handy reach for a occasional squeeze.

Standing up - walking - moderate exercise: six 2" ID 5/16" ss c&b rings. The vertical standing position lets gravity pull directly down on the c&b rings, keeping a fairly constant force on the ball sac. My ball sac and glans seems to swell with pooled fluid, and that plus the force of gravity seems to keep everything in place and copacetic.

Vigorous exercise / swimming / etc. - Take them off before they go flying all over the place!

Sleeping - I’ve tried lots of different combinations, and nothing has really clicked so far. Actually, wearing nothing at all seems best, as my ball sac really seems to loosen up and I get a great stretch and morning wood. I’m thinking of trying just one 1.75" ID x 1/4" think c&b ring for sleeping. I did this a while back with multiple 2" ID c&b rings with the 1.75" ID c&b ring up front. I got great engorgement and I think I can achieve the same engorgement with just one 1.75" ID ring, and it should be more comfortable too.

So that’s it so far. Different situations require different c&b ring arrangements. The 2" ID c&b rings are the most comfortable for me. I would say for long term use, go with the largest size you can wear comfortably. Oh yes, I have had them slip off from time to time, especially after sitting down for long spells. That’s why I modified my sitting routine to only 3 c&b rings. So far no slipped rings with this setup.

P - Good luck however you go. I am glad I found out about c&b rings and look forward to adding more to my standing collection - hopefully some 2" ID x 3/8" thick rings. I get mine at our local marina. They are manufactured by Sea Dog marine hardware, which is a wholesaler that only sells to retailers. Hope this helps. MC "ball :hanger: "

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got."

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