Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What did clamping do for you?

View Poll Results:

What did clamping do for you?

Increased erect length


Increased flaccid length


Increased erect girth


Increased flaccid girth


Increased erection quality


Decreased erection quality




Injury (please state how)


Affected curve (please state how)

Total Votes: 258. You may not vote on this poll

It baffles me that only 28% report increased erect girth. Thought it would be higher.

Originally Posted by curiousjo

It baffles me that only 28% report increased erect girth. Thought it would be higher.

As said, the percentage are mistaken. You should do the calc by yourself, counting the voters, not votes.

Right now we have:

36/56, so about 65% of voters had EG gains through clamping;

8/56, so about 15% of voters had EL gains through clamping.

It’s frustrating that people are voting, but not commenting. We’ve had 8 people with injuries, but what sort of injuries are they? With 65% reporting erect girth gains it would be worth the risk if most injuries are things like blisters. But if these are the more serious ED based injuries, then I’d have to reconsider. I wont jelq at the moment as I believe it’s the main cause of the ED based injuries posters have reported. My suspision is that clamping might simply be a better a better excercise, in terms of effectiveness and avoiding serious injury. If we get enough repsonses to this thread it could be enough to kick start a rethink into how we approach PE.

This type of survey should be created for all types of PE methods and then be linked to each other for easy access.

Clamping took me from 5” to 5.25” mid girth in my first month. Also my erections are rock solid with extra veins, bonus!

Currently in my second month, still another 3 weeks before i measure again

15/03/10 - Starting size (6.0" length x 5.0" girth) Progress Report

03/09/15 - Current size (6.5" length x 5.5" girth)

??/??/?? - Goal size (8.0" length x 6.0" girth) Syler wants a bigger dick to hurt you with!

Forgot to mention… Also took my flaccid mid girth from 4” to 4.5”!

15/03/10 - Starting size (6.0" length x 5.0" girth) Progress Report

03/09/15 - Current size (6.5" length x 5.5" girth)

??/??/?? - Goal size (8.0" length x 6.0" girth) Syler wants a bigger dick to hurt you with!

Originally Posted by Syler
Clamping took me from 5” to 5.25” mid girth in my first month. Also my erections are rock solid with extra veins, bonus!

Currently in my second month, still another 3 weeks before i measure again

New motivation for me. :) Though I’m still at 3 x 5 minutes, 3 times a week. I don’t expect much gains until I start doing 3 x 10 minutes (I’m increasing set duration by 1 minute each week).

Originally Posted by UpTo7
New motivation for me. :) Though I’m still at 3 x 5 minutes, 3 times a week. I don’t expect much gains until I start doing 3 x 10 minutes (I’m increasing set duration by 1 minute each week).

Glad i could be of assistance :)

I have not yet tried the longer sessions or the multiple sessions, I have only clamped for a few minutes at a time while kegeling to get max expansion then i release and jelq for ten min

15/03/10 - Starting size (6.0" length x 5.0" girth) Progress Report

03/09/15 - Current size (6.5" length x 5.5" girth)

??/??/?? - Goal size (8.0" length x 6.0" girth) Syler wants a bigger dick to hurt you with!

I increased my base girth by .25” from clamping and .1” at mid shaft.

Start 2008-NBPEL:6” EGMS:5”

—————Long break————

11-2018-BPEL:6.75” NBPEL:6.25” EGMS:5” EBG” 5.5” BPFSL: 7 1/8”

I noticed an increase in EQ and vascularity first, then discoloration, then size. Gained near an inch of girth from clamping along with squeezes and bends within 2 years. Will reevaluate my goals once I hit 6.5 eg but will never stop clamping in the foreseen future. Water pumping always controlled the discoloration. After a pump, I don’t have any discoloration. Just a rosy pinkish hue. The reason the discoloration is what it is is because of my daily pumping regimen. My penis darkens quickly if I don’t pump and just clamp btw.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Originally Posted by LongVehicle
Once you build up fatigue (carrying it through the days) your EQ should decrease. Then when you take a break it should go back to higher than pre-clamping EQ due to better vascularity etc. (this better EQ happens over time, as your body adapts).

How often should you be taking these breaks when your on a clamping routine? How long should the break last?

Originally Posted by LongVehicle
I think the other guy who reported a length increase may have been called “Shy..something..Male.” Thick Cock might remember who he is.

Stumpy, how much did your length increase? What exactly was your clamping method (level of constriction, level of pressure, time per set) and frequency?

Last year I tried clamping for maybe 2-3 months. I really wanted girth though I did do some stretching here or there. I gained about .25 - .25 in erect length and nothing in girth. And then I took a few weeks off and lost most of that length.

It’s weird, but I have gained about a .25” in length in the last month.

I have increased EQ ( especially close to ejaculation ) that is ridiculously hard. In addition, I have the “ribs” all the way from the base to just under the head. They seem to pulsate when I orgasm. Girth has increased considerably.

I primarily clamp. I supplement it with some fowfers at night and simple stretching.

I started out PEing about 2 years ago, I saw length gains with jelqing about 1/2 inch), but found it fatigues my dick a lot. Surprisingly, clamping has been easy to do, and has led to an additional 5/8 gain in length and 1/2 in in girth. I have also noticed my flaccid is fuller (my BP FL is about 5.5 inches). I clamp about 4 to 5 times a week for about 45 minutes total for each session. After about 4 weeks, I take 1 week off. I notice I get some spots when clamping if I am not warmed up, but they clear up in 1 day. EQ is great, and the volume increase has really been a bonus when making love with the wife.

"Res Firma Nitescere Nescit"


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