Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What did clamping do for you?

View Poll Results:

What did clamping do for you?

Increased erect length


Increased flaccid length


Increased erect girth


Increased flaccid girth


Increased erection quality


Decreased erection quality




Injury (please state how)


Affected curve (please state how)

Total Votes: 258. You may not vote on this poll

It seem 18% (rounded) got EL gains and 67% EG from clamping.

Good poll.

Seems like more than a handful of people gained length also? So this would disprove that clamping hinders length gains.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

I clamp for fun. It feels great when masturbating. I think I do it similarly to Drilla: I put the clamp directly on my bare penis, and I always edge when clamping (otherwise it doesn’t maintain my erection). I find that when I do a couple of 15-minute sessions a day, my EQ is phenomenal and I get constant spontaneous erections. I think I also accidentally gained about 0.5” of base girth from occasional clamping. Thankfully the midshaft girth only increased 0.2” at most (I don’t want more girth). I have never experienced any discoloration, but I do have more visible veins from clamping.

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I’d would like to add that of last night I expanded .5” in length when in the clamp. It was ace. I can actually see gains in length from clamping, but not to much, I think this is all I need to achieve my length goal.

Starting stats: 7" EL x 5" EG Current stats: 7.1" EL x 5.125" EG Goal : 7.5" x 5.75"

I do not post here much but I have been reading for a while. I do not have my PE journal here with me so the dates are off but here it goes:

Started PE in May 2010. 6 3/4 BPEL 4 8/10 EG. I am now 7 1/2 BPEL and 5 1/4 inches EG (midshaft). Started beginners routing of jelqing. 5 min warm up, jelq until I get hard (usually I can get 300-600 strokes in), warm down in shower. I also wear and ADS between 3-8 hours a day except on the weekends. I do manual stretching on the weekends.

I started clamping about 3 months after I started PE. I noticed no girth increases (maybe 1/8 of an inch) from the above routine. It is now mid-October and I am 5 1/4 EG measured at the midshaft and close to 6 inches at the base.

I have noticed discoloring. No injuries thus far. My girth gains have been very good. I get up to 5 1/5 inches mid shaft and over 6 at the base after my clamping routing.

My routine M through Fri is now:
1) Warm-up with washcloth
2) jelq with lube until I am hard (some days it is 100 strokes, some days it is 300+)
3) pump between 5 and 10 (whatever the setting measurements are on the pump - it is a LA penis pump, very good quality) for 10-20 minutes, rest but massage, and repeat this for anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.
4) shower
5) watch some porn and immediately clamp after the shower for 3-6 10 minutes sessions. My breaks are not 5 minutes in between. I massage until I feel right.

6) do the clamping later in the evening for the same time period etc.

I am conditioned now to where I can clamp 5 days a week. I do adjust my schedule based on how I feel. One thing I learned from body building is to know your body. As with PE, know your cock. I suffered an injury the first day I did PE. Stupid me didn’t know my penis! Now I know it and go with the feeling. Some weeks I only get in two clamping/pump sessions, other weeks it is 5. No matter what I do manual stretches and jelq sever days a week. Even if it is a quick 100 jelqs in the shower or a 10 min manual stretch while watching TV.

I have found that supplements and other drugs have helped with EQ. I am a body builder and work out regularly. I am currently taking numerous nitrus oxide products. I have also found that Maca does very well for keeing blood flow to the penis.

I also got some Cialis off the net dirt cheap and I take that if I feel my EQ has gone down.

Furthermore, I have a prescription for testosterone (e.g. Steroids). When I am on cycle I get 10 star erections so I make sure I increase the intensity of my clamping sessions. I am literally waking up and going to bed with a hard-on so EQ is never an issue while on cycle.

Between the supplements (when not using testosterone) or being on testosterone I have no problems with EQ.

In addition to that I have been injecting 25mcg of LR3 IGF-1 and 100mcg of MGF (mechano growth factor) into my penis M/W/F. I have read that some people have seen no results but I have talked to some that state the LR3 IGF-1 increases vascularity. One person I know on a BB site said he has seen an increase of size but but he has been doing it off an on for a year. Also MGF has been proven to increase cell reproduction so I am experimenting with that. To date I do not know anyone who has used MGF on their penis.

When I reconstitute the IGF and MGF I make it very potent. I only need to inject 1/100th of a cc of each and I am good to go. It is virtually painless.

I have noticed my recovery times have increased drastically when using a combination of these substances.

I just got some cream I got off of eBay in today that has some good stuff in it so I am going to start that tomorrow. I don’t have it with me but I looked at the label and it has some supplements that are in standard penis enlargement pills.

My goal is 9 x 6 but I am not concerned with length at all. I want a thick cock, very thick, because that is what women want. I want them screaming when I penetrate them. I know most people don’t post stuff like what I just said but I think of that all the time when I am doing PE, because when I think of the pleasure a woman will feel when a 7 inch circumference penis slides in her I am totally pumped and I want to give it all I have. You have to stay motivated with this folks!

On another note, I was very skeptical when I started this. Now I am a true believer. I was ready to drop 10K on surgery. I may hit 6 inches in girth in a year and I won’t need surgery.

Thank you to everyone here. You have all given me hope.


Originally Posted by prefontaine1973
I just got some cream I got off of eBay in today that has some good stuff in it so I am going to start that tomorrow. I don’t have it with me but I looked at the label and it has some supplements that are in standard penis enlargement pills.

My goal is 9 x 6 but I am not concerned with length at all. I want a thick cock, very thick, because that is what women want. I want them screaming when I penetrate them. I know most people don’t post stuff like what I just said but I think of that all the time when I am doing PE, because when I think of the pleasure a woman will feel when a 7 inch circumference penis slides in her I am totally pumped and I want to give it all I have. You have to stay motivated with this folks!

On another note, I was very skeptical when I started this. Now I am a true believer. I was ready to drop 10K on surgery. I may hit 6 inches in girth in a year and I won’t need surgery.

Thank you to everyone here. You have all given me hope.

What cream was it?

I started clamping 2 weeks ago and I’ve also noticed some length gains while clamped.

I read about this theory, http://www.pegy … -explained.html , and it mentioned that clamping may increase length for some.

Currently at 6 3/4 NBPEL and 5 1/8 EG

Goal: 7.5 NBPEL and 5.5 EG

Originally Posted by macktruck909
What cream was it?

X Cream (search for X - Cream penis on eBay)

It contains: arginine, lysine, tyrosine and a bunch of other substances.

I started using it as night before I go to bed and also right before clamping.

I have to say clamping/edging (with no cumming) increased my erect and flaccid girth tremendously. In addition, I did manual stretches over my forearm and jelqs at nearly full erection. These days I still clamp/edge with no cumming and edge with no cumming. I didn’t use any padding for the clamp nor did I do warm ups or warm downs. Never had any type of injury. I never let my cock get dark in the clamp. Just a slight purple hue with veins popping. My veinage has become permanent, too, which I love. Looks really masculine.


Beginning stats 3/2010: BPEL: 6" Flaccid: 3.5" Erect Girth: 5.25

Stats as of 9/2022: BPEL: 8" Flaccid: 7" Flaccid Girth: 5.25 Erect Girth: 6 5/8"

I agree with Houston. I’m finding similar effects. I can’t definitely state that it affected my length but I can’t say it hurt my length either.

Ive clamped for over a month after.about 3 months of peing.

Slightly darker (doesnt bother me if it were to get dark)
Awesome eq
Thicker…plumper (havent measured…will do at 6 month mark)

Only clamping injury was jelqing in between sets….slightly too hard at the base on 1 side….tender.little.sore…either minor nerve or lig soreness

Some.small red.spots…gpes.away next day

Had 1 2cm spot that stayed for about 1 week

I use an IR wand to help with recovery. 3 min all over…total of 6 min.

I think when anyone does this….minor twinges will happen….just note to rest a few.days to allow it to heal…..then start back easy

Clamping seems safer to me than people make it out to be.

I think people get injured trying to crank down the clamps fully erect.

I also advocate the coaster clamp.

Goal 7.5 x 6.5

Start 4/22 6 x 5.25 BG

Current 11/22 6 x 5.5 BG 4-7/8" MG

Last edited by : 06-02-2022 at .

Originally Posted by
Ive clamped for over a month after.about 3 months of peing.

Slightly darker (doesnt bother me if it were to get dark)
Awesome eq
Thicker…plumper (havent measured…will do at 6 month mark)

Only clamping injury was jelqing in between sets….slightly too hard at the base on 1 side….tender.little.sore…either minor nerve or lig soreness

Some.small red.spots…gpes.away next day

Had 1 2cm spot that stayed for about 1 week

I use an IR wand to help with recovery. 3 min all over…total of 6 min.

I think when anyone does this….minor twinges will happen….just note to rest a few.days to allow it to heal…..then start back easy

Clamping seems safer to me than people make it out to be.

I think people get injured trying to crank down the clamps fully erect.

I also advocate the coaster clamp.

Good job man! Keep it up. Consistency and a positive attitude are key. I would advise to newbies to never allow your cock to get dark purple. Just a slight purple hue. Nothing more. Also, PE may give some soreness now and then from working your tool but should never hurt.


Beginning stats 3/2010: BPEL: 6" Flaccid: 3.5" Erect Girth: 5.25

Stats as of 9/2022: BPEL: 8" Flaccid: 7" Flaccid Girth: 5.25 Erect Girth: 6 5/8"

Had been using an extender ads on and off for a few years, grew 2+ inches in that time. Then lost some of it due to time off. Then I came back and started extending last year somewhere around august, at first soft, then harder and many hours. Now I started clamping around march, I call it soft clamping because it’s not actually clamping hard, but more like edging with a sort of solid cock ring which only causes mild constriction when I’m fully aroused (for security reasons a.k.a not getting trapped with a ring on my cock), The sessions under this method are long (minimum of 10 minutes per session, max 30 minutes). Always stop if I’m getting any numbness, which only comes after a long time with this method. So far, my glans had changed shape and size the most. It is now, at full erection, around 0,4 inches thicker and at least same length gain (of the glans only). I did have at least 0.7 lenght growth flaccid, even now that’s freezing, so summer might bring big flaccid surprises. Have grown EL too, around 0,1 inch per week or so on a good week (involving minimum 6 hours extender a day). I believe clamping boosted my length gains as my glans is bigger it slips less and helps extend at maximum tension. So it’s prolly not clamping alone, but I did see serious gains compared to my past extending. I now stand at 8,25+ inches BPEL and my erections are super hard after 1 or 2 days off clamping. I love the new xxl shape of my glans and it makes for very nice feeling when penetrating her. Will continue with this as well as high tension extending (this is around 2 to 2,5kg, which would be 4 to 5 lb) as it’s becoming more bearable without the ole slippage issue.

inicial 1996: BPEL 15cm (Margin of error +/- 0.5cm) MSEG: 14.1 cm

inicio extender (sept2012): 15,5cm BPEL /14,1cm MSEG --- Hanging: inicio: Ago 21 2022 21.0cm --- Ultima medicion: Sept 1 2022: 21.6cm BPEL x 15,1cm MSEG

Meta: 28cm BPEL x 21cm MSEG -- si, quiero tenerla mas gorda que tu vieja. jaja

Originally Posted by joey999
It’s frustrating that people are voting, but not commenting. We’ve had 8 people with injuries, but what sort of injuries are they? With 65% reporting erect girth gains it would be worth the risk if most injuries are things like blisters. But if these are the more serious ED based injuries, then I’d have to reconsider. I won’t jelq at the moment as I believe it’s the main cause of the ED based injuries posters have reported. My suspision is that clamping might simply be a better a better excercise, in terms of effectiveness and avoiding serious injury. If we get enough repsonses to this thread it could be enough to kick start a rethink into how we approach PE.

Guilty, so I will comment. I clamp at full erection fwiw.

Injuries? One time I was experimenting with double clamping at the base and clamped too tight, causing a very painful stinging sensation that took a couple of weeks to go away. I did not do any PE work during that time. And yes, it hurt during sex. But, no lasting effects. That’s about it for injuries.

A couple of thoughts before I bow out. As far as girth does, your penis will NOT “grow”, but it will deform. For our purposes, the definition doesn’t matter because the end result is the same.

People who are serious about clamping need to know that the penis you end up with may not look like a bigger version of the one you started with. Your girth may increase irregularly, meaning one side may increase more, or you might get “lumps” or ridges that expand. I personally developed prominent horizontal ridges at 2 locations - one around 3/4 inch up from the base, and another 2 inches higher. They circle all the way around. Also, I have more girth expansion on the right side than on the left, although I admit that I only check by looking straight down. I’m unaware of girth changes on the underside, but something else to mention is that the underside, bottom half of my penis is very discolored.

My penis is not ugly. It doesn’t look deformed. But, it’s also not the same shape it was before either. All of the things I listed above are positives in my book. I don’t think Danny D looks at his penis and says, “Man, my baseball bat shaped penis is fugly!”, nor do I look at mine and think that way.

Numbers.. I hung for 3-4 years, 20 minute sets, three times a day, but only 3 days a week. I have hung for the past 3 years as well, but it’s more to.. I don’t know.. In my head, it makes since that while working girth, to continue to stretch things out with hanging will have a beneficial effect, BUT, I don’t think it’s very productive to do both girth and length work at the same time, so the weight I use now is much lower.. In the 2lb area, and with weight that low, I can do 30-45 minute sessions with no issues. If you can pee while the hanger is on, your blood flow is fine imo. So now, my hanging is more about long term cementing length gains while keeping everything stretched out while working on girth.

I have been working girth (clamping) for the last 3-4 years and I can confidently say that it’s much harder to gain girth than length. I’ve gained about 1.5 inches in length, but only 1/2 inch in upper mid shaft girth. Around 1/8-1/4” increase in the corona girth.

Having said that, my base girth (possibly from so much previous hanging) increased 1”. And, the horizontal ridges I mentioned above show a 3/4” girth increase, but since my increases are not uniform, I only recognize the smallest increase.

I started with 6x5 in early 2015 and am currently at 7.5 (my best measurement - 7 3/8 at any random time) length and.. My girth is base 6”, mid shaft 5.5”, with a few bulges that are around 5.75.

I wish I had taken pictures at the beginning just for myself to see the difference, and I can remember thinking it was a waste of time because there’s no way this penis enlargement crap would work. I was wrong.


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