Thunder's Place

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What did clamping do for you?

View Poll Results:

What did clamping do for you?

Increased erect length


Increased flaccid length


Increased erect girth


Increased flaccid girth


Increased erection quality


Decreased erection quality




Injury (please state how)


Affected curve (please state how)

Total Votes: 258. You may not vote on this poll

What did clamping do for you?

Please post your picks and a bit about your clamping experience (how long have you been doing it, what is/was your routine like, gains, did you gain mostly CC or CS girth etc.). :)

I did 2 sessions (3 x 5 min) so far and it does wonders for my EQ and flaccid hang. Time will tell what else it’ll bring. :)

Good idea a poll about. If there was the ‘increased both length and girth’ option, it was even better. :)

I’m really interested to see what data we get from this poll. But it would be much better if rather than just voting people could also take a moment to post a few details, such as amount they gained. And also I think it’s very important that if you tick injury, you should post what sort of injury (as requested by Upto7) it was. Some red dots or some swelling are very different to a potential venous leak etc.

I spent the majority of my PE career clamping. I’ve stated this all before but to summarize, the effects have been (in the following order):

1. Discoloration - the quickest.

2. Increase in visible vascularity.

3. Increase in EG other than base.

Additionally, I developed a slight upwards curve.

Also, EQ decreases due to fatigue but increases overall.

Originally Posted by marinera
If there was the ‘increased both length and girth’ option, it was even better. :)

This is interesting. I’ve read your posts about this and understand the theoretical reason for it, but I think it is extremely uncommon to have a length increase. For example, Big Girtha had no length increase despite gains of over 2 inches in EG. I had no length gains either, neither did kaan, or drilla. Only one guy claimed length increases, but I can’t remember where his thread was (it was on the picture forum I think, THICK COCK may have referred me to it originally).

My Eq is better than ever so far and I’ve only had 4 sessions

Starting stats: 7" EL x 5" EG Current stats: 7.1" EL x 5.125" EG Goal : 7.5" x 5.75"

Originally Posted by shiby916
My Eq is better than ever so far and I’ve only had 4 sessions

Once you build up fatigue (carrying it through the days) your EQ should decrease. Then when you take a break it should go back to higher than pre-clamping EQ due to better vascularity etc. (this better EQ happens over time, as your body adapts).

Add an option to the poll asking if it increased base girth please? I voted injury along with other things because I had like an ingrown hair randomly on the shaft brought on by clamping which made it way worse for over a month I had this big purple spot there made worse any time I clamped.

Increased girth and increased erection quality from the start. Majority of gains in the first 6-12 months but maintained routine for 3+ yrs. Now clamp exclusively for pleasure as gains are cemented.

When done correctly, clamping can be one of the most satisfying PE exercises. Find your sweet spot. :)

"Drilla Knows Ass" - Para-Goomba

Starter Pics/Clamping Pics

Clamping has increased my flaccid girth, turned my dick purple, and maybe beefed up my base girth a little. Not really sure of anything else, as it could’ve come from jelqing or o-bends. Of note, I think I’ve been over doing it.

Originally Posted by drilla9
Increased girth and increased erection quality from the start. Majority of gains in the first 6-12 months but maintained routine for 3+ yrs. Now clamp exclusively for pleasure as gains are cemented.

When done correctly, clamping can be one of the most satisfying PE exercises. Find your sweet spot. :)

3+ years? Did you continue to gain after your updated statistics on that thread (I think it was 0.6 in EG)? I never knew you continued. I remember reading your thread before I started.

Originally Posted by LongVehicle
3+ years? Did you continue to gain after your updated statistics on that thread (I think it was 0.6 in EG)? I never knew you continued. I remember reading your thread before I started.

I checked everything except erect length, loss of erection quality and the curve thing. Since 2003 I’ve enjoyed a 2” erect girth gain and about a 2-1/2 flaccid girth gain. More than doubled my total volume, giving me a fat heavy flaccid that hangs down rather than pointing straight out or turtling inside. Very dark discoloration, many injuries, scars and a very beatup looking dick, that works extremely well considering what its been through. Can’t say all the girth came from clamping, because I’ve done other things as well, everything actually with great gusto. But I feel that most of the girth came from clamping and pumping.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

I’ve been clamping somewhat seriously for the better part of this year but I must admit that I haven’t measured for girth gains yet. These are the effects I’ve noticed though.

1) Varying EQ because of fatigue. It’s easy to overdo clamping and going for more than 3 days at full tilt, which by my standards is a lot, causes a decline in EQ.

2) Increased girth by feel. I feel thicker and I have had comments from my girlfriend (“you feel big today”) but like I said I haven’t properly measured yet. I have been jelqing as well so it’s hard to say what has caused any gains.

3) Motivation. It’s hard not to get motivated when you get amazing expansion on a day-to-day basis. When I have my best sessions (2 sets of 10-15 min and 20-40 reps of high E% jelqing) I get so thick I can’t close my fingers around the shaft right under the head. The thought of possibly gaining and cementing that kind of girth is a very powerful motivator. Which unfortunately leads us to…

4) Bruising. If you clamp responsibly you can probably stay clear of minor injuries but I have an old pumping-related injury to some capillaries that has weakened them considerably. When I go all out clamping I can get some ugly purple spots but liberal use of the Firegoat Roll has helped me control things fairly well.

5) Discoloration. It’s been sneaking up on me but I have a slightly darker unit these days. It’s not bad by any means and my girlfriend hasn’t noticed (or at least she hasn’t mentioned it).

6) Length gains. Probably not due to clamping as such since I have been doing stretching as well. These are measured gains (no photo evidence yet, I have the before pic but I haven’t snapped an after yet) but I feel I need 2-3 confirmed readings before I can call it. It is a very respectable gain considering how long I’ve been at this and the relatively short time frame though.

Since I stealth PE I tend to take any chance I get to get a good session in, because I honestly don’t quite know when I can do it again, and I sometimes go too far into fatigue which might limit my gains some. I’m currently on a pretty good schedule where I can do a little every day and add a second session to push the volume should the opportunity arise. I stretch morning and night and I always manage some jelqing but some days I do one set of clamping, others I do four… it’s probably not optimal but it’s what I have to work with.

2010-01-09: BPEL: 19,7cm [7.75"] EG: 15,0 cm [5.9"]

2010-04-24: BPEL: 20,4cm [8.0"] EG: [???]

Great replies so far, keep ‘em going. :)

Makes my dick look really ugly before I get either better EQ or bigger size.

This because of a huge vein I have on the left side of my base that just gets even bigger when I clamp. After I’ve clamped for maybe a week it just looks really really ugly. I have tried to isolate by putting the clamp further up my shaft, but then I can’t get decent engorgement.

I like clamping, but I want a healthy looking dick at the same time.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

Last edited by Krowax : 04-25-2010 at .
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