Bogomol’nyi Prasad Sommerfield bound
"The Bogomol’nyi-Prasad-Sommerfeld bound is a series of inequalities for solutions of partial differential equations depending on the homotopy class of the solution at infinity. This set of inequalities is very useful for solving soliton equations. Often, by insisting that the bound be satisfied (called "saturated"), one can come up with a simpler set of partial differential equations to solve. Solutions saturating the bound are called BPS states and play an important role in string theory."
Normally I am very good at arithmetic but have little math to speak of. Very rarely I can access the part(s) of iamaru that have math. The math they have is higher level fuzzy physics stuff, good for occasionally getting to play in Calabi-Yau manifolds and contemplate Super string dualities and such but little more. I so seldom have access to the math iamaru and even when I do a weird dyslexic affect kicks in when I use PDE’s so the whole thing is fun in a demented way but I can’t really use it for much or bridge the gap between normal people reality and the other side so to speak.
But still I enjoy playing with it when I can because the topography of Calabi-Yau manifolds is just about dead on for some of the uber high function ASC’s. But since I mostly live in hard core ASC’s , the other side, having even intermittent higher math access is not enlightening in any way.
Ahhh, you know what? I am digging myself into a hole on this and in no way can I truly explain how this was an in-joke for me. That by no way means that it was a joke, as in-jokes are actually touching on truth more than a little.
The thing that I found so funny had to do with my PDE dyslexia, certain aspects of multidimensionality as it applies to multiplicity in consciousness, and concepts concerning true parallel processing abilities as opposed to multitasking.
Lets just go back to iamaru = CrAzY MoDeRaToR!!!!! and stick with that. Yepyepyep, that’s the ticket. Nothing to see here, move along. Just a crazy mod, don’t pay any attention to his rantings and ramblings.