What is my actual girth ??
My dick is the kind that’s kind of thin at the top and then gets thicker down the shaft. The girth at the smallest place (just under the head) is only 11 cm (4.4”). Then, about 3cm under that (the place where the “really sensitive skin” stops and the rest of the dick starts) my girth is about 12 cm (4.8”)
Right above the middle of the shaft my girth is about 12.5 cm (5”) and then at the lover part of the shaft, about 3-4 cm from the root, its about 13.5 cm (5.4”). The thickest place of my dick is just at the very bottom. Its about 14.5 cm there (5.8”)
So, according to allot of surveys you are supposed to use the thickest part of your dick to measure you girth, right? Does that mean that I have a 5.8” girth because most of it is far from that thick, and since it’s pretty long, (almost 8” BPEL), I never seem to use my thickest part anyways because allot of girls cant take it that deep.
Now, all of you know my measurements just a clear as I. What would you guys say that my girth is?