Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What is the biggest girth

What is the biggest girth

What is the biggest girth gain you have ever heard of in PE. Either first hand second hand etc…………?

And also, wonder what the biggest girth every reported and verified?

Biggest girth...

Was supposedly of a guy who went by the nick “Ulistretch” back on the old ezboard forum. Back when I first started PE and went by the name Wantmore. You can find his archived post in the archives on the main page here. Was from Australia I believe. He claimed something like a 8” girth with a over 9” “meatus” or glans. Still not sure if I totally believe it…but, then again you never know! I’ve seen pics here and elsewhere of men with natural (the rarest) and PE’d girths of 7-8”. My goals’ 6 3/4”. I may end up wanting an even 7” girth just so I can say my length and girth match. or maybe it’s Anyway dont know if the place still exists but, thats the club of a former client of Big Al’s who went from my former size (6x5) to something like 9x6.75…although he claims to have 10x7….I remember reading a post where he confessed that he “rounds up” his measurements rather than have “odd measurements” like 9.75x6.75 or whatever. LOL anyway, I know what MY goals are do you?

I was always very suspicious of Uli’s girth claims. No one in several surveys of penis size had a girth like that. And I think no (human) woman would enjoy that.

a guy named mako from the penile fitness site was supossed to have 12x8 and he started at 7.5-by around 6 girth


There is another guy on penilefitness whose girth was about 9”. He said that he couldnt get his hand around it. Infact, this guy was so thick that his length stopped at 7.75” and he coulnt get it going again. Permanent plateau. His girth routine was very similar to uli. I think that this is possible. Infact, the owners of pf was trying to help him get his length going again with no success. So I diagree with you guys who dont believe mr uli. Ive tried his routine and gained 0.5” girth at a very quick pace, so imagine doing it for 2 years. Very possible.


ULI was thick to begin with. I believe his 8” midshaft girth. He had one of those large heads
and measured around the edge of the mateus, as the poster said.

According to Kinsey, M&J, and countless other scientific surveys, less than one tenth of one percent
of men have a girth 6.5 or more. Over seven is almost zero. Remember, girth measurement doesn’t suffer from variances due
to placement of ruler and bone pressing, etc. It is what it is, usually mid shaft.

I saw a pic of a guy in Sweden who looked to be over nine around, maybe more. The biggest “non-computer-enchanced”
natural girth I have ever seen. I got it off an old swinger board. It was just unbelievable, but not
fake either. I could send the pic but I don’t send pics for security reasons, sorry.
You see a lot of huge thick ones on the net but they are “enchancements”, believe me.

The statisical distribution of girth is almost symmetrically normal, unlike the skewed length
distribution. Like I said, there is some measurement variation in length that is not a problem
with girth, so you guys over six thick are at the 99th percentile. Of course, this is a sort of
mid shaft measurement, so you must check data for where the string was attached.


Saw the bump.

I don’t know, tt. Maybe we just got exhausted considering all those girth stats. :-) I’ve been working my unit for months trying to get to my goal of 6.5 at which point I’ve sworn to myself that I’ll quit, but I can’t seem to squeeze another millimeter into it more than I’ve got.

However, I have taken a lot of solace in phat9’s comment that anything over 6 girth is in the 99th percentile. 6.50 is maybe a pipedream and I’ll keep doing Horses, etc. in search of that maybe mythical stat.

But shit, man, you should see my forearms after a year and a half of this!




Your last comment sounds like a joke, but when I used to jelq, I would usually stop on a given day when my hands or wrists hurt.

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