Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Why Heat?!

Why Heat?!

Hi PE’rs,

Here are the results of a recent experiment I ran to evaluate the benefits (if any) of using heat applied in a slightly unorthidox way.

The experiment is fairly simple:

A - first thing in the early morning put on my PeniMaster and tighten the tension so the bars are at 90 percent tension.

Wear it an hour and then see what, if any, stretching has occured that has lowered the effective tension. Results - generally a 30% drop in tension (1.5 divisions based on the bars indicator).

B - repeat the above sequence except cover the PeniMaster with a special, tubular, double sock filled with flaxseed and heated 40 seconds in the microwave (creates an initial, internal temperature of 120 deg F).

Results - after 1 hour generally a 70% drop in tension (3+ divisions based on the bars indicator).

Action: If this morning is not a scheduled pumping session, take a short break and then increase the tension on the Penimaster and keep the stretch but no heat sock - let the unit cool down.

Otherwise, massage and then get into the pump tube.

Conclusion: A simple, yet somewhat quantitative illustration of why heat and why heat works for me.

All the Best,


I think I will address you as the Mr Wizard of PE. Nice experiment. Don’t forget to heat the pump tube while pumping.

Last edited by gprent101 : 11-20-2004 at .

Originally Posted by gprent101
I think I will address you as the Mr Wizard of PE. Nice experiment. Don’t forget to heat the pump tube while pumping.

Thanks GP,

No, I don’t forget to heat the tube but, like you and several others, I’m sure keen to find a better way. The threads going on pump tube heating and others are great and I think we’ll get some breakthru’s on this issue.

All the Best,


Last edited by gprent101 : 11-20-2004 at .

I find it easy to use a heating pad for heating the pump tube. Works great.

Weanie roast, anyone? :D

Try a infrared heating lamp for deep tissue heating while wearing your stretcher…:)

You’ll like the results.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

Hi Uncut,

Yeah man, IR rocks . . . I’m just starting some new experiments with alternative IR heating techniques - waiting on delivery of materials on order. When I get results I’ll be sure to post.

All the Best,


Originally Posted by gprent101
I think I will address you as the Mr Wizard of PE. Nice experiment.

Or when he grows a big piece of meat we could call him “Sir Loin Tips” ( quadruple entendre )

Touche’ Kamel . . . well said . . . I’ll look forward to that happy day.



Then - BPEL 5.9, EG 5.2 - Now: BPEL 7.2, EG 5.6 Listen woman, "Don't bitch at me for burning the candle at both ends - just get me some more wax!"

Good experiment! You sold me. I’ll take heat for $1000 please, Alex.

Great experiment. I love that PE seems to be moving in more of a scientific direction lately. It would be interesting to repeat what you have done for 10 or more days. I say 10 days because Shiver stretched for 10 days with a Thermotex Platinum IR pad and saw that his rapid gains stopped at 10 days. I don’t know what then happened, it could be that he simply stretched the tissue to its maximal extended state or that his collagen reinforcement prevented further stretching. If I am relaying this correctly, he lost most but not all of his gains from those 10 days, so some sort of cementing is necessary. It would be interesting to see what would have happened had Shiver continued to stretch past the 10 days.

I think the opposite side should be investigated as well. Think of it this way if heat allows the ligs to stretch easily. Does that mean that they don’t micro fracture but just kind of give? If they were cold..ah then they would surely fracture and wouldn’t that be good?

These are just questions to think about. I’m currently doing full session heating and getting a good stretch but I’m keeping track of gains. Let you know in a few weeks if results are worthwhile or not.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

What I lost I was able to get back, and usually a little more too but not much. I read today (and posted in another IR post) that there is some thinking that IR stimulates elastin. If this is true then there might be more merit to the IR than is given credit. In my ‘10 day’ experiments I only stretched for 3 or 4 stretches for as long as I could grasp it, and it was as hard as I could stretch.

I’m thinking of deconditioning then going right back to the newbie routine (I mean right back to the start!) This won’t be for a while though as I have to clear up some clamping questions first.

One thing that should be borne in mind is that I have a PE attention deficit disorder, so if I stop seeing results I stop. This may be stopping just at the point where cementing is required and could have capped my potential gains over the years.

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