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Wrist Wrap Issues (clamp)


Wrist Wrap Issues (clamp)

So I couldn’t find the very sought after therap magnetic wrap, but i did get a good neoprene wrist wrap. It basically looks like my mouse pad but in a wrap form :) . I’m going to cut off the loop hole from thump and I belive I could use it as a wrap w/out anything underneath, but if so I’ll use some type of ace bandage or cloth. So my issue is I’ve been using a portion of a sock for clamping, but I heard that using this wrist wrap works great. My concern is how large it is. The portion of the sock I use is probably only 2” or so, but the wrist wrap is about 4 or so. Do you guys cut this in half length wise when you want to clamp? It seems like wrapping with this before clamping would cover half my shaft. I’ve searched a lot but haven’t found anything related to this. Any input guys?

I have the same thing. I haven’t used it yet but I was wondering the same thing but I think I am going to cut it in half when I start clamping.

Start nov05 6.313" BPEL x 5.250" EG

Current 7.5" BPEL(goal reached!) x 5.375" EG

Goal 7.5" BPEL x 6.25" EG

It looks like you could clamp it in half length ways and width ways.

The peice of theraP wrist wrap I use is about 8 inches long. And I have split it lengthwise so its not much wider than the clamp. The big advantage to the theraP is the velcro which makes attachment a “snap”. You might be able to add a piece of velco to what you have.

If the wrap is too thick its difficult to clamp tight enough. Too thin and pinch! I have found 1.5 to 1.75 loops of theraP to be right for me. I place the closing part of the clamp over the part that only has 1 cover of theraP and that allows it to clamp down easier.

another theraP tip is rather than cut slits to remove the magnets, simply cut the stitches of the cloth holding it on.

Originally Posted by bigwuggie
Is this the right wrap??

http://www.sunp … wmagwrissu.html

Yes, it is, and you can also find it $2.00 cheaper here:

Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Originally Posted by footeddie
My concern is how large it is. The portion of the sock I use is probably only 2” or so, but the wrist wrap is about 4 or so. Do you guys cut this in half length wise when you want to clamp?..Any input guys?


I’ve always used the TheraP wrist wrap as is. It’s only about 2” wide, so you’ll still have most of your shaft unwrapped while erect or semi-erect. I also use the TheraP wrap around the base of my dick as my cushion when clamping.

Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

I found a non magnetic ACE wrist wrap at walgreens. It is about 10 or 11 inchs long. It also has velcro so it stay in place after I put it on.

I have found that using the whole length of the wrap helps to increases the total amount of pressure when I put the white cblclmp over it. It is a tight fit but it works great.

Thumb-Loop Wrist Wrap is better than Mag-Wrap


The neoprene wrist wrap you have with the thumb loop is actually better than the Mag-Wrap because it is more stretchy and more rubbery on the back side. But like removing the magnets from the Mag-Wrap you still have to make a few alterations to the thumb loop wrap. First off, you’re right, it is much too wide for clamping, but instead of cutting it lengthwise down the middle which will leave the Velcro so the the teeth will chaff your dick, take a ruler and mark a 2” strip down the center centering the Velcro fastener, then cut the excess material off both sides leaving you with a 2” stretchy wrap with the Velcro ends lined up so you don’t get the rough Velcro teeth on you tender skin. All in all this is the best wrap for clamping. I also like it because it is hot tub and washer/dryer friendly. You have to wash them, they get really stinky after a while. Best to buy two of them so you can rotate the clean for the dirty.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

where can I get these?

edit: I live in sweden..

Hmmm: Looks like this may be one more thing for Monty to add to his site.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Okay: I found the box. It is called the FUTRO Sport wrist wrap, so we don’t have to keep calling it the Thumb-Loop thingy. Get it on the same isle as ACE bandages. This wrap is much better than the Mag-Wrap. Almost any grocery store carries them and of course WalMarts. I just PMed Monty recommending he add it to his site for those who can’t find it.

However, you guys may not even need this at all. I’m testing a new clamp right now from Monty that may eliminate the need for CableClamps and the wrap. Review is pending. This will be an inexpensive somewhat safer item to use while we are waiting on Monkeybar to finish the GirthClamp or All Purpose PE device or whatever he decides to call it. There are a few of us working hard on finding an alternative to the dreaded Ratchet Jawed Monster that my doctor is so convinced is dangerous. But as of now the “Insane CableClamp” with this FUTURA wrap seems to be the best way to clamp. Sorry if this is a bit off topic probably should be on the clamping thread, however I think I have mentioned the Futro there already. I will post more on it there later.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Last edited by Big Girtha : 02-05-2006 at .

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
Hmmm: Looks like this may be one more thing for Monty to add to his site.

That would be a GREAT idea. I’m in Canada and haven’t been able to find one around here, and the few US online stores don’t ship to Canada :-(

a picture of this in use? might find something simular in sweden..

Originally Posted by peforeal
Yes, it is, and you can also find it $2.00 cheaper here:

Thanks…ordering now.

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