Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Your Erection after days of not ejaculating?

If I don’t cum after 3 or 4 days I wake up with very hard erection, but if I try later in the day the EQ is not as good and also my balls feel uncomfortable and I think about sex all the time. Sometimes I will then just masturbate to get relief from the build up and then that night I find if I have sex with my wife the erection is much stronger even though I emptied my sac.

Originally Posted by BPTony

If I don’t cum after 3 or 4 days I wake up with very hard erection, but if I try later in the day the EQ is not as good and also my balls feel uncomfortable and I think about sex all the time. Sometimes I will then just masturbate to get relief from the build up and then that night I find if I have sex with my wife the erection is much stronger even though I emptied my sac.

Same…We can never be kids again.

BPEL: 8.35"/ NBPEL:7.0" /EG: Apprx. 5.5"

Originally Posted by xLusT

Same…We can never be kids again.

Yeah, a pity we can’t. But we can still play… lol

I find like several have said here if I do not ejaculate for several days then my erections get very hard. I last ejaculated a week ago last Friday. I have been edging everyday except Saturdays since then. I have clamped, jelqed, and Kegeled as well. My erections the past several days are so hard as to border on being painful. My thoughts are also dealing with things sexual nearly all of my waking hours. My libido is very high too.

I am glad to see this thread. It gives an opportunity to see what other men are experiencing in somewhat similar situations.

My flaccid hang under these circumstances is 7 inches long and a girth of 6 inches. The coronal ridge on my glans is quite firm and flared. This is the longest that I have gone without ejaculating for a long time.


08-12-2014 BPEL 8.875, EGMS 6.6, EGB 7.25, EW 2.101, EV 30.331, FL 6.75, FG 5.6, Glans Girth 6.5p

It seems that when an erection is so hard it’s slightly painful that this is when the expansion it the cells expand and growth can result. Restored what do you think about this concerning your size and growth experienced?

Originally Posted by BPTony
It seems that when an erection is so hard it’s slightly painful that this is when the expansion it the cells expand and growth can result. Restored what do you think about this concerning your size and growth experienced?

I think that’s precisely why my 20 second kegels work. I’m purposely getting over 100% erect and the clear effect I saw is an increase in length (1cm in 2 weeks). What I find weird is that sometimes, it’s actually more painful when I lose my erection than when I get it. As if I managed to overfill it long enough for it to repair expanded somewhat and it teared when returning flaccid.

I really believe a really intense erection is mostly beneficial if you can keep it long enough right after your training. Someone else did an exercise really similar to mine and came to the same conclusion Amazing Isometrics - expand gain potential and cut down PE duration

start stats :7.7x5.8 (2014-06-02 ) / Short term goal : 8x6 (achieved on 2014-06-14 and 2014-04-23 respectively)

Mid term goal : 8.5x6.5 (achieved on 2020-06-21 after 6 years break.)

Long term goal : 9x7

I find that through not ejaculating being complimented with jelqs, my CC is rock solid until I my mind starts to wander and penis size keeps playing in my head. Why cant I just enjoy it!!! Haha.

Only problem that I find is that I do not have that wanted CS blood flow which will increase the other half of the penis giving me my wanted glans size for further stimulation :(

3/02/2019 - BPEL 6.5", MSEG 5.5"

BPEL 6.5” to 9.0" 8% Progress 6.7”

MSEG 5.5” to 6.5" 19.7% Progress 5.71”

Am I the only one that gets more erections the more I ejaculate? If I masturbate more than once per day I seem to be constantly hard. Maybe I shouldn’t be abstaining for 3 days at a time, as I am right now.

Originally Posted by Belli Devs
I think that’s precisely why my 20 second kegels work. I’m purposely getting over 100% erect and the clear effect I saw is an increase in length (1cm in 2 weeks). What I find weird is that sometimes, it’s actually more painful when I lose my erection than when I get it. As if I managed to overfill it long enough for it to repair expanded somewhat and it teared when returning flaccid.

I really believe a really intense erection is mostly beneficial if you can keep it long enough right after your training. Someone else did an exercise really similar to mine and came to the same conclusion Amazing Isometrics - expand gain potential and cut down PE duration

Very interesting. I must try the 20 second kegals. How many do you do at a time and per day?

Originally Posted by BPTony
Very interesting. I must try the 20 second kegals. How many do you do at a time and per day?

20 six days a week, but that felt very intense in the beginning. Bird2 recommended 5 instead.

start stats :7.7x5.8 (2014-06-02 ) / Short term goal : 8x6 (achieved on 2014-06-14 and 2014-04-23 respectively)

Mid term goal : 8.5x6.5 (achieved on 2020-06-21 after 6 years break.)

Long term goal : 9x7

Originally Posted by BPTony
It seems that when an erection is so hard it’s slightly painful that this is when the expansion it the cells expand and growth can result. Restored what do you think about this concerning your size and growth experienced?

That is precisely why I am clamping these days. I have not measured since I did and entered it in my signature. I am not going to measure
again until the beginning of August. I am currently trying some new moves in my routine.

I jelq 25 times then do a very tight manual squeeze for 1 minute forcing the glans to become very firm and distended. It becomes very dark purplish when I do this.

I also stroke to full erection, clamp very firmly then edge for 15 minutes. This is when the erection gets rock hard. It seems like to more often I do this the easier it is to get
my cock very hard the next time. I am now up time-wise to doing 40 minute sessions. After completing one of these sessions my cock remains very plump for quite a while. It also feels very good.


08-12-2014 BPEL 8.875, EGMS 6.6, EGB 7.25, EW 2.101, EV 30.331, FL 6.75, FG 5.6, Glans Girth 6.5p


I’m very similar to you as well. I’m 30 yrs old if it matters any. Erections are softer especially if I have been doing PE and jelqing for 3-4 days straight without ejaculating. To keep my best erections I think every other day is probably optimal.

BPtony, I’m the same way if I haven’t ejaculated in 3-4 days then I do so, and the following erection is usually harder.

Originally Posted by Damien84

BPtony, I’m the same way if I haven’t ejaculated in 3-4 days then I do so, and the following erection is usually harder.

That real cool hey bud.

I usually do it the end of ballooning sessions every three or four days. But my erections would be powerful for sex

My balls used to ache like a mofo if I didn’t let it rip every day. PE has made that a thing of the past. I think it’s from PE anyway. I used to think about sex and have to let one rip. Now I can edge for upwards of 30 minutes and not have an issue.


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