Thunder's Place

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Anyone ever use a extender like this

Anyone ever use a extender like this

Anyone ever use a extender like this

I found this a couple weeks back and looks like it would be more comfortable then the others I seen, but was wondering if anyone ever used or heard anything good about them.


Not really a signature but a link to a great guide Newbie Routine Steady Progress Chart.

Originally Posted by ilovetacos
Anyone ever use a extender like this
I found this a couple weeks back and looks like it would be more comfortable then the others I seen, but was wondering if anyone ever used or heard anything good about them.

that’s a link to something on ebay that has been taken off the site

Live long and prosper.

Originally Posted by ErnieBanks
that’s a link to something on ebay that has been taken off the site

Same here.

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

Originally Posted by ilovetacos

The one I’m using is from zenhanger. It gives it a nice light stretch. It’s very similar to that one you posted, been using it the past 6 months. No pain and wear it for 8 to 10 hours a day. Can’t say I’ve gained from it solo since I’ve been hanging along with it. But definitely can say it prevents the turtling effect and keeps it in a stretch mode. Id say its a plus to incorporate in your routine!

That would be considered an ADS device. (All day stretcher). Won’t provide as much force as an extender. But would work wonders for flaccid hang, possibly some erect length.

Started 11/2014 6" BPEL x 4" MEG (Ballpark #'s)

As of 01/2017 7 1/2" BPEL x 4 7/8" MEG

18 Month Comparison Pic

I use the AB Silicone version but I really like the clamp of the one you found.

As other have said, very light force as you can see by the skinny elastic but a good way to prevent turtling for ‘growers.’

It is very easy to wear during work etc. When you can’t use another extender.

It’s cheap enough, it can’t hurt to just try it.

Ok, so I actually bought this thing. I figured it was only $12, why not? So first off, it holds your dick in place with some coarse straps that are made from the same material as the leg belt. It is very rough. You would absolutely need some kind of padding or a sleeve in order to wear this. It may also chaff your leg. I wouldn’t try wearing it if your leg may sweat, because then I’m 100% sure it would.

Setting tension is pretty intuitive, and I do believe it can work ok as a very mild ADS. However, the tension cord is not very durable and if you tried to make it very taught at all, I’m very certain it would snap.

Overall, it’s not bad at all for a $12 ADS. I think it would only be useful to prevent turtling while you do other types of manual stretches, hanging, extenders, etc. I don’t think this can be used to stretch, but could be useful to keep you at full length all day. Not sure if it’s comfortable enough to wear all day or not. I bought a Phallosan like literally a week after this arrived, so I’ve never really used it.

Originally Posted by Kaotic

The one I’m using is from zenhanger. It gives it a nice light stretch. It’s very similar to that one you posted, been using it the past 6 months. No pain and wear it for 8 to 10 hours a day. Can’t say I’ve gained from it solo since I’ve been hanging along with it. But definitely can say it prevents the turtling effect and keeps it in a stretch mode. Id say its a plus to incorporate in your routine!

Thank you for the positive words, and yes it is very effective in preventing retraction and ideal for in-between sessions

Originally Posted by ZenHangerTeam
Thank you for the positive words, and yes it is very effective in preventing retraction and ideal for in-between sessions

You are talking to a guy that hasn’t been around for about a year.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

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