Anyone mod an extender to make it quicker to take short "breaks"
I am trying to find what is going to work best for me and so far all I know for sure is that I can’t put on this extender and wear it for more than a couple hours before getting really sore because of how unevenly the noose applies pressure to my glans. My current “fix” for this is to unscrew the extension rods and then slide the cradle off and rest for a few minutes before putting the cradle back on and re-extending the rods. I did this every hour yesterday so basically it was 50 minutes of extending followed by about 8 minutes of rest (1-1/2 minutes wasted taking the crade off and putting it back on).
If I didn’t have to use the screws so much it would literally shave about 1 minute 15 seconds off the time it takes me to take a short break. My first thought brings to mind a post I read a loooong time ago about someone who basically cutoff part of the cradle so it only takes about 1/8” of movement to take it off or on thus no screwing needs to be done. I dont recall whos post it was…
Anyone know a better way? Infact anyone know a good way to remove plastic off the “back” of the extender cradle?