Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Extender Basics


Extender Basics

I recently purchased an X4 Labs extender. After reading many posts on Thunders regarding extending, I am confused whether I should extend past my Flaccid Length or near my Bone Press Erect Length? There are many posts dedicated to the two but I rather ask than be confused and put in time towards one way w/o seeing myself progress.

Also, I know I read a hanging 101 posts before, but would someone know if there is an extending 101 thread?

Hi wannabe, try to read this post
Extender routine

Let me know.

Start: 25/03/2020 || NBPEL: 15.5cm - BPEL: 16.5cm || MEAN GIRTH: 13.87 - 227.37ml

1st Goal: 17/05/2020 || NBPEL: 15.7cm - BPEL: 16.7cm || MEAN GIRTH: 14cm - 234.43ml

Originally Posted by TryingFlaccid
Hi wannabe, try to read this post
Extender routine

Let me know.

Thank you TryingFlaccid for the link. I looked it over it is definitely some help to me. However, there are a few things different from that thread to what I have with my X4 extender. The tension springs is the main difference. The model I have comes with their three different springs. The lowest tension spring they sent was a 3600 spring, which almost doubles the 1500 tension amount that the person who wrote this, said should be the strongest you go.

Another thing I noticed is this “protection pad”, I don’t understand what a protection pad is but if someone can explain it to me, it would be of help. Thank you TryingFlaccid for your help


There is no meaning in “how far” to stretch the dick in the extender.

There is a meaning in “with how many grams” you are stretching the dick in the extender.

You should start with 400-600grams.

Originally Posted by Pe_is_an_art


There is no meaning in “how far” to stretch the dick in the extender.

There is a meaning in “with how many grams” you are stretching the dick in the extender.

You should start with 400-600grams.

Quote, you should do progressive overload, IMO 3500g are a lot if you are a beginner

Start: 25/03/2020 || NBPEL: 15.5cm - BPEL: 16.5cm || MEAN GIRTH: 13.87 - 227.37ml

1st Goal: 17/05/2020 || NBPEL: 15.7cm - BPEL: 16.7cm || MEAN GIRTH: 14cm - 234.43ml

Originally Posted by PrnStrWannabe
Thank you TryingFlaccid for the link. I looked it over it is definitely some help to me. However, there are a few things different from that thread to what I have with my X4 extender. The tension springs is the main difference. The model I have comes with their three different springs. The lowest tension spring they sent was a 3600 spring, which almost doubles the 1500 tension amount that the person who wrote this, said should be the strongest you go.

Another thing I noticed is this “protection pad”, I don’t understand what a protection pad is but if someone can explain it to me, it would be of help. Thank you TryingFlaccid for your help

You are welcome, I think (maybe I’m wrong) protection pad is something that you should apply at the base of the extender

Start: 25/03/2020 || NBPEL: 15.5cm - BPEL: 16.5cm || MEAN GIRTH: 13.87 - 227.37ml

1st Goal: 17/05/2020 || NBPEL: 15.7cm - BPEL: 16.7cm || MEAN GIRTH: 14cm - 234.43ml

Originally Posted by Pe_is_an_art
There is no meaning in “how far” to stretch the dick in the extender.
There is a meaning in “with how many grams” you are stretching the dick in the extender.
You should start with 400-600grams.

But if the company sells tension springs at 3600, how am I supposed to get 400 to 600 gram springs? Or are you referencing the line marks on the device?

Originally Posted by PrnStrWannabe
But if the company sells tension springs at 3600, how am I supposed to get 400 to 600 gram springs? Or are you referencing the line marks on the device?

600 grams is each spring, but they are in parallel. So 1200 grams is the 33% tension line of the lower spring set for X4, which is the 3600 gram spring set. They define their spring sets by force at 100% tension.

X4 currently provides three different spring sets, those being max loads of 3600, 3900, & 4200 grams.

The minimum loads (@ 33% tension, first line) of these springs as calculated in parallel (as a set) is 1200, 1300, & 1400 grams.

As PE_is_an_art mentions , this would be around 700 grams per spring at the 33% line if your unit came with the 4200 gram spring set.

However, X4 does not currently offer a solution lower than 1200 grams at 33% tension.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Originally Posted by LittleEngine
600 grams is each spring, but they are in parallel. So 1200 grams is the 33% tension line of the lower spring set for X4, which is the 3600 gram spring set. They define their spring sets by force at 100% tension.

X4 currently provides three different spring sets, those being max loads of 3600, 3900, & 4200 grams.

The minimum loads (@ 33% tension, first line) of these springs as calculated in parallel (as a set) is 1200, 1300, & 1400 grams.

As PE_is_an_art mentions , this would be around 700 grams per spring at the 33% line if your unit came with the 4200 gram spring set.

However, X4 does not currently offer a solution lower than 1200 grams at 33% tension.

First I want to say thank you Little Engine for explaining this to me. I also want to thank Pe_is_an_art for his contributions as well. I’m really excited about this but extender journey!

You are welcome. This is why we should all be here. To give our advices according our good and bad experiences.
Now let me give you a final advice.
Start very slow… and build up the volume. starting with 1h per day and add 1 more hour every 7 to 10 days.
Good and bad Pis are also applied in an extender therapy.
Extenders manufactures and some ppl think that the more hours the more gains… but the truth is a lot different.The dick can get overtrained with an extender as with any kind of PE exercise.
If your dick at a certain condition point can take 3h of extending and the Pis are great…but when you add 1 more h and the Pis are going shitty… then you will not gain much and you may not gain anything.(happened to me too)
You have to follow your good Pis and adjust accordingly.
Start with 2on/1off frequency and later on if u have good Pis go to 3on/1off-2on/1off . Stay there for some weeks and if you still have good Pis go to 3on/1on.
The 3on/1off frequency means that you are taking 1-2 rest days in the week. Yes extending also needs rest days.
Make sure ALL of your extending journey is super comfy… IF you find yourself at some point struggling from discomfort in order to reach your daily vol goal… then either you are using bigger intensity than u should…either bigger Vol than u should….either both. This is NOT good.
After every session your dick have to be longer-thicker-softer than your original size.
If your dick after the sessions is becoming turtled… back it up imediately!

Every dick is different in the matter of stress that is able to take and maintain good Pis.

Work your way to get conditioned first.
In the begining you may need to do 30 mins sets, in order for the glans to be conditioned under hypoxia (lack of oxygen from being strapped).
Latter on you will be able to do 90 mins sets… but you have to work slowly to get there.
Take at least 30 mins break between your sets.

Do not care to reach a certain total hour of wearing time (like 1000h).
Care everyday to be productive (good Pis) and not counter(bad Pis).

I did 260h in 400-600 grams 4/day 5days/week and I gained 0,5cm EL.
Then I upped the tension and the vol and for the next 1100h I gained nothing. I wasted 1 year without gains simply because I was not paying attention to my Pis.
At the 260h perfect Pis… Huge-soft flaccid with increadible libido and EQ and the gains happened in the EL.
At the next 1100h all of Pis went down and zero EL gains.

Well I did my part and posted you everything I learned from my extender journey. Now its up to you

Originally Posted by Pe_is_an_art
You are welcome. This is why we should all be here. To give our advices according our good and bad experiences.
Now let me give you a final advice.
Start very slow… and build up the volume. starting with 1h per day and add 1 more hour every 7 to 10 days.
Good and bad Pis are also applied in an extender therapy.
Extenders manufactures and some ppl think that the more hours the more gains… but the truth is a lot different.The dick can get overtrained with an extender as with any kind of PE exercise.
If your dick at a certain condition point can take 3h of extending and the Pis are great…but when you add 1 more h and the Pis are going shitty… then you will not gain much and you may not gain anything.(happened to me too)
You have to follow your good Pis and adjust accordingly.
Start with 2on/1off frequency and later on if u have good Pis go to 3on/1off-2on/1off . Stay there for some weeks and if you still have good Pis go to 3on/1on.
The 3on/1off frequency means that you are taking 1-2 rest days in the week. Yes extending also needs rest days.
Make sure ALL of your extending journey is super comfy… IF you find yourself at some point struggling from discomfort in order to reach your daily vol goal… then either you are using bigger intensity than u should…either bigger Vol than u should….either both. This is NOT good.
After every session your dick have to be longer-thicker-softer than your original size.
If your dick after the sessions is becoming turtled… back it up imediately!

Every dick is different in the matter of stress that is able to take and maintain good Pis.

Work your way to get conditioned first.
In the begining you may need to do 30 mins sets, in order for the glans to be conditioned under hypoxia (lack of oxygen from being strapped).
Latter on you will be able to do 90 mins sets… but you have to work slowly to get there.
Take at least 30 mins break between your sets.

Do not care to reach a certain total hour of wearing time (like 1000h).
Care everyday to be productive (good Pis) and not counter(bad Pis).

I did 260h in 400-600 grams 4/day 5days/week and I gained 0,5cm EL.
Then I upped the tension and the vol and for the next 1100h I gained nothing. I wasted 1 year without gains simply because I was not paying attention to my Pis.
At the 260h perfect Pis… Huge-soft flaccid with increadible libido and EQ and the gains happened in the EL.
At the next 1100h all of Pis went down and zero EL gains.

Well I did my part and posted you everything I learned from my extender journey. Now its up to you

Pe_is_an_art thank you for taking the time out of your day to write me this; I appreciate it immensely. I do have some questions if you don’t mind me asking.

1.) What does Psi mean?

2.) Starting out with 30 mins and working my way up is ok, but, how many days should I take when I make my way up to 1 hr? Is it 7 to 10 days? ( do I count just the days “on my workout” or do I also count the days when I’m off?)

3.) You said you did 260h at the 400-600 tension and gained 0.5 but than once you went up with tension and vol you stopped gaining. If you could go back and tell yourself to not do that and continue at 400-600 tension with the same days on, how long of time would you give yourself before prolonging into the next level of tension and adding another day to your schedule (3 months, 6 months, a year)?

4.) When you say I will be able to do 90 min sets are you talking about a full straight 90 mins without a break? Because all I keep reading is to take a break every hour.

5.) I heard that turtling happens after every exercise no matter if it’s hanging or extending, and many individuals use an ADS device to keep them extended for periods of time after their workouts. Do I need to consider purchasing an ADS to keep me in a prolonged state?

6.) When will I know, that it is time for me to add new rods? Is my penis supposed to be fully over the area or am I supposed to not feel a stretch anymore?

7.) I know this is a marathon and not a race but how many hours in a day am I looking to overall get in a day?

Last edited by PrnStrWannabe : 05-10-2020 at . Reason: Added an extra question

Originally Posted by PrnStrWannabe
Pe_is_an_art thank you for taking the time out of your day to write me this; I appreciate it immensely. I do have some questions if you don’t mind me asking.

1.) What does Psi mean?

2.) Starting out with 30 mins and working my way up is ok, but, how many days should I take when I make my way up to 1 hr? Is it 7 to 10 days? ( do I count just the days “on my workout” or do I also count the days when I’m off?)

3.) You said you did 260h at the 400-600 tension and gained 0.5 but than once you went up with tension and vol you stopped gaining. If you could go back and tell yourself to not do that and continue at 400-600 tension with the same days on, how long of time would you give yourself before prolonging into the next level of tension and adding another day to your schedule (3 months, 6 months, a year)?

4.) When you say I will be able to do 90 min sets are you talking about a full straight 90 mins without a break? Because all I keep reading is to take a break every hour.

5.) I heard that turtling happens after every exercise no matter if it’s hanging or extending, and many individuals use an ADS device to keep them extended for periods of time after their workouts. Do I need to consider purchasing an ADS to keep me in a prolonged state?

6.) When will I know, that it is time for me to add new rods? Is my penis supposed to be fully over the area or am I supposed to not feel a stretch anymore?

7.) I know this is a marathon and not a race but how many hours in a day am I looking to overall get in a day?

Most of your questions will be answered automatically when you will understand what Good and Bad Pis are.

1)Good Pis = Longer-thicker-softer flaccid almost all day long, High libido , hight EQ , spontaneous erections during the day , Night and morning wood
Bad Pis = All the opposite of the good Pis.

2)When you are strapping and doing your sessions , in the begining your glans will be getting blue fast… this is because of the lack of blood due to strapping.
After some days-weeks your glans will be able to becoming less and less blue so you will be upping the session timings by 10 mins until u reach 60 to 90 mins.

3) This would be up to my Pis indications. So when I upped the tension of 400-600 (that was giving me gains and having the best Pis) to 750 and my Pis was going bad , I should have back it up again to the 400-600.Instead of that I upped even more to 1000 and then to 1200 and no only I didn t gain but I lost some size too.

4) The MAX vol of 1 session with a strap extender can be 1 to 1,5h. This is completely up to how your glans responds. So if you see at some point that after 1h the glans are not so blue… you can go for more. BUT I would never advice anyone to go more than 1,5h at once.

5) NO . IMO the ADS is just blinding the bad Pis. There is no point in having a sick dick(bad Pis) and forcing it to not get any rest(by using the ADS) in order to not get turtled.
Your dick should be always healthy(Good Pis) during your PE journey … otherwise your gains will be minimum(if any)and you are risking an injury too.

6) You will have to add more Rods when the screws of your extender can not go any further because you have gained so much mfsl .

7)Again this is up to your Pis.

Read this
Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!

Last edited by Pe_is_an_art : 05-10-2020 at .

Thanks from a newbie

Originally Posted by Pe_is_an_art
Most of your questions will be answered automatically when you will understand what Good and Bad Pis are.

1)Good Pis = Longer-thicker-softer flaccid almost all day long, High libido , hight EQ , spontaneous erections during the day , Night and morning wood
Bad Pis = All the opposite of the good Pis.

2)When you are strapping and doing your sessions , in the begining your glans will be getting blue fast.. This is because of the lack of blood due to strapping.
After some days-weeks your glans will be able to becoming less and less blue so you will be upping the session timings by 10 mins until you reach 60 to 90 mins.

3) This would be up to my Pis indications. So when I upped the tension of 400-600 (that was giving me gains and having the best Pis) to 750 and my Pis was going bad , I should have back it up again to the 400-600.Instead of that I upped even more to 1000 and then to 1200 and no only I didn t gain but I lost some size too.

4) The MAX vol of 1 session with a strap extender can be 1 to 1,5h. This is completely up to how your glans responds. So if you see at some point that after 1h the glans are not so blue.. You can go for more. BUT I would never advice anyone to go more than 1,5h at once.

5) NO . IMO the ADS is just blinding the bad Pis. There is no point in having a sick dick(bad Pis) and forcing it to not get any rest(by using the ADS) in order to not get turtled.
Your dick should be always healthy(Good Pis) during your PE journey .. Otherwise your gains will be minimum(if any)and you are risking an injury too.

6) You will have to add more Rods when the screws of your extender can not go any further because you have gained so much mfsl .

7)Again this is up to your Pis.

Read this
Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!

I’d like to support what Pe_is_an_art says here. I am a newbie to Thunder’s Place and starting PE for the second time after a failed attempt at the beginning of this year.

In order to avoid making the same mistakes as last time, I’d like to seek comments from Pe_is_an_art or other experienced members as to what I am currently doing and how I might proceed in line with the advice given above by Pe_is_an_art.

In January, I started PE for the first time and spent nearly three months following blindly the program set out by the manufacturer of my new Quick Pro Extender device. Despite sensing that I was adding hours per day plus length rods before my penis was ready or growing, I simply followed the program instructions in the belief that I was doing the right thing.
The result was that I lost about half an inch in length.

That’s when I decided to stop, take a rest and let my penis recover. During this time, I did some research and found Thunder’s Place. I spent a lot of time reading posts then joined.
I have restarted PE but this time, I am going to be led by the responses of my own penis. At the age of 59, I may also expect things to take a little longer given that my body may require longer to recover from micro-tears, etc.

My current routine is 2 days on, 1 day off. Each ‘on’ day is as follows:

A. The newbie stretching/jelqing program, with a reduction to 100 jelqs rather than 200 per session;
B. 4 hours per day, divided into 3 sessions (I.e with two rest intervals) of using the Quick Extender Pro at the setting suggested for my penis length by the manufacturer. I have already completed an adaptation period of 3 hours per day totalling 30 hours with no negative Pis.

In terms of Pis, I am getting a slightly fuller flaccid state throughout the day, with no change in length or wood. In these first two-three weeks, I have experienced no other positive or negative Pis.

I was thinking of continuing with my program for about another week or two to complete a full month.

If there is no change in my penis, am I right in thinking that this suggests I may increase the program a little? If so, would adding 20 jelqs and an hour per day to my extender routine be a sensible response?

I am very conscious that experienced members may feel they have answered these kinds of newbie questions so many times before and just hope they will let me know if my approach seems to be in line with their experience and understanding.



So do you see now people that extender manufactures is just that… they just make an extender and that s all.
They do not know how to advice their customers to use it…
Everyone is so different that there can not be a set of rules that applies to everyone.

The correct-productive training is where the Pis are in 100% best state.
You have to experiment with your method(whatever method that is at the time) and find out the LIMITS of your dick by watching your Pis.
The optimum gains are happening when you are close to making your Pis becoming a little negative but after 2-3 hours they are becoming super good again.
If you are following a very light intensity and short vol program you will gain positive Pis for sure… but this doesn t mean that the real gains will be sparked.
This is why you have to be upping the intensity and/or the volume slowly and watching when your Pis are going down…
Then you found your dick limits and you have to back down a little until you are having good Pis.

Good Pis(1)..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..Bad Pis(10)

Imagine the above graph(1-10) as intensity+vol.
When you reach 10 the Pis are going bad… so you have to be working at least at the 7 in order to have optimum growth.
When we are going at 10 or grater all we do is we are making our tissues and smooth muscle ( any shit is in there) more stiff because the dick is being attacked with more work than it can handle and it is becoming stiff in order to survive( u see our bodies is the best survival machine).

So all we have to do is to work with the dick and not against it.

After my experience and after ALL the posts I have read in both forums of unlimited posts of people…. this is the picture I get.

I have read lots of posts of extender users doing 9-12h per day and feeling discomfort and gaining nothing in 1000+ hours.
And I have read tons of extender gainers with just 3h per day.

The how many hours per day and at which intensity you have to extend(or hang or jelq or any kind of PE) is NOT something that a manufacture can tell you neither an other member in here can tell you.

The only person that is certified to tell you how much and how many is YOUR OWN DICK.

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