Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Open Call to Extender Users and Abusers

Anyone gained any lasting girth using traction? Even if it’s just base girth?

Well first I’d like to start with this is going to be an extensive story, so you’ve been warned. I’ll try to keep it as short as I can but there’s a lot I want to say.

I started my PE journey right at the beginning of January 2016. I though PE was a crock of shit, and that there was no way that you could ever have anything bigger than what you were born with in the cock department. Like a lot of the guys I know, I’ve never had a lady complain about my size, I was a whopping 5.5inches NBPEL and 5inches girth (I have never really cared about flaccid length or girth, just throwing that out there, I mean what are you really going to do with a limp dick). So one day I’m chit-chatting it up with a lady I was dating at the time and she informs me of the size of her last boyfriend. Talk about feeling embarrassed. She assured me she was fine with what I had and that “that’s all he had going for him”. Well that statement to me meant that she obviously cared that he was packin’ down stairs, otherwise he’d have nothing going for him.

Well for years that really bothered me, and then in January of 2016 I decided to give PE a try. I thought what do I have to lose. I saw an advertisement for the andropenis extender in an ad on some website, probably porn, I can’t remember. I ended up buying the andropenis extender. I had not found this forum at this particular point in my PE. I did not know of a newbie routine, or anything like that, but what I did know was that I was hell bent on dropping $300 for an extender.

The andropenis extender worked fantastic. Within one month of starting PE with the andropenis, I had gained 1/4 of an inch in erect length. I was in pure disbelief. I measured my dick over and over for at least a week. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, but I soon grew aggravated with the andropenis because it was painful. I had to go to the bathroom A LOT. It felt as if it was going to rip my dick head off at times. This is where I started researching and found this magnificent forum and a few others. This is where I found you guys who have sometimes very similar stories to mine. This is where I found the determination to make my dream a reality.

Since the andropenis worked so well for me right off the bat, I was set on using an extender. I researched extenders and ran across the X4 device and had to have it. The X4 blew the andropenis completely away as far as comfort goes. I mean from day one it was a night and day comparison. So I’ve stuck to a pretty strict regimen of 8-9 hours a day with it. Taking a month off here and there due to getting burnt out and my dick feeling like it needs a break, but for the most part I’ve been as consistent as possible.

I’ve recently added hanging to my routine back in March. I started out hanging 5lbs and have now gotten up to hanging 17.5lbs with a BIB style hanger (keep in mind I still extend 8-9 hours a day). I try to do two twenty minute sessions a day one in the morning and one in the evening. This has seemed to really get things growing again. Before I started hanging in March, I was a solid 6.5inches NBPEL and 5.5inches in erect girth. I measured about a month and a half ago and I’m up to 6.75inches NBPEL in length, no change in girth. I will measure again in about a week and a half.

I have found that logging your time that you spend in the extender really helps as far as keeping track of how much time you are actually putting in. I keep a pocket sized notebook on my person for this very reason. I log the exact time I put the extender on and the exact time I take it off. My time in and out varies. Sometimes I can wear it for over 2 hours in one interval and only 30 mins the next. I take it off for about 10 mins between intervals, and then reapply it. As long as I hit somewhere between 8-9 hours at then end of my day I’m satisfied. I stretch past NBPEL. I don’t believe in BPEL. I’m sorry, but that’s just my personal opinion on that. I believe in what can be seen, not what’s hidden, even if it’s there. When you pull your pants down to rail a chick for first time, she’s not concerned about whats hidden beneath your fat pad.

Anyways, I’m going to go ahead and wrap this up. But I’ve been lurking around these forums for quite a while now. I just wanted to share my experience. I’m no guru by any means, but I’d be more than happy to share my experiences and hopefully it may help one of you.

Shoutout to thoughtfulgold, you have been a massive inspiration to me man. Thank you, your story is great, and your 9 year dedication is amazing.

Hey Slugger, thanks for bringing this to the top again, just read all pages today. I’m recently broke up with my ex and have a bunch of free time so after a long hiatus of (minor) PE, I’m back at it with the vac extender x4 I purchased from monkeybar a few years back. Just been going for about three weeks now, up to two (2) hour sessions 6 days a week. I’ve already noticed good morning wood (before restarting PE had virtually no morning woods). I remember reading that to see gains with extenders you need to put in the hours (specifically I read at least 6 hrs/day) is this what you found gave you the gains? How long did it take to get up to your current regime? Anyone else with advice or tips on using the (vac) extender feel free to chime in.

Originally Posted by quest4size
Hey Slugger, thanks for bringing this to the top again, just read all pages today. I’m recently broke up with my ex and have a bunch of free time so after a long hiatus of (minor) PE, I’m back at it with the vac extender x4 I purchased from monkeybar a few years back. Just been going for about three weeks now, up to two (2) hour sessions 6 days a week. I’ve already noticed good morning wood (before restarting PE had virtually no morning woods). I remember reading that to see gains with extenders you need to put in the hours (specifically I read at least 6 hrs/day) is this what you found gave you the gains? How long did it take to get up to your current regime? Anyone else with advice or tips on using the (vac) extender feel free to chime in.

It took me about 4 months to be able to wear the extender for more than 6 hours a day. I’ve been extending for 8-9 hours a day now for well over a year. I have a job where I work away from home for a month at a time. This is where the majority of all my PE is done. I’m very fortunate because I work the majority of the day unsupervised, so it’s easy to make multiple quick bathroom trips if I need too. It’s hard to do it while I’m home. I still manage about 4-6 hours a day while at home, but I usually have a lot going on and a lot to catch up on.

After my first inch I kind of hit a plateau and I was looking for something else to add to break it. I tried pumping, jelqing a lot, and the Phallosan Forte (waste of money in my opinion), none of this seemed to get me out of the rut. So I was reading a post from another PE forum from a medical student who had said that he broke his plateau with hanging. So I decided to give it a shot. Once I hit 15lbs of weight with hanging (twice a day, 20 minute sessions, once in the morning and once at night) I grew about a quarter of an inch within about 2 months all while keeping up my extending routine. You can’t jump straight into that weight. You have to be really careful with hanging because you can really mess yourself up if you try to jump the gun on it. I started out with 5lbs and then moved up in 2.5lb increments until I reached 17.5lbs. Thats where I’m at right now.

If anyone could give me tips or help It would be much appreciated. Not sure if anyone has had experience with what I’m experiencing. I have been using the X4 for almost a month now. I used it a couple years ago before but had to stop. I gained about .25 I in summer ‘16 with it. I am using the Vac extender head with the X4 now . I started extending again on Dec. 22, I’m doing 2 days on, 1 day off about 4 hours a day. I apply heat 5 min via infra red lamp for warm up, a couple windmill and side to side stretches. I take time to tape the glans for the vac head. 1 piece of tape from top to underside of glans, 1 piece from side to side and of glans one to wrap around circumference wise right below the frenulum. I slowly increase the tension on the springs through out my sessions under heat. My penis seemed fine and adjusted well. I will take it off if I get any pains etc. But haven’t had any cause of concern so far. Had good PI’s for the first 3 weeks until 1 of 2 things happened. I wouldn’t say I have negative PI’s at this point but the positive ones are disappearing fast. First question. I had surgery on Fri the 11th. I was prescribed prednisone and Cephalexin. I started putting the extender back on the day after the surgery. My penis is not hanging as large in flaccid state as it was before surgery. It also does not want to seem to tolerate the Vac head for anymore than an 1 hour. I used to be able to go up to 2 hours with it before the surgery. The surgery was not penis related. I’m wondering if this could be because of the medications? I’ve read prednisone can have adverse effects either way, but not sure if it would effect the tolerance time frame of the vac extender. Second question, I did add the smallest extension rod to what I was doing right before the surgery. My penis seemed to tolerate it just fine. I have since removed the extension rod and have gone back to the original length I was using, but my penis still doesn’t like the the Vac head for more than an hour. It also seems a little more fatigued. In your opinions, did I add too much too soon, or should I wait until I’m done with medication to procede? I appreciate any input if you have experienced this as well. Thank you.

Any steroid plays Hell with your entire body. Unless it was steroid eye drops I would wait. Cuz your recovery is what the meds are for. Tolerating uncomfortable pain type stimuli with those meds would likely get a new reaction. I wouldn’t predict it but I take cause and effect seriously here.

You started meds after surgery. No other incidents or negative PIs prior. Bad reactions now. Means get off the meds before more PE to me.

Originally Posted by todzilla
If anyone could give me tips or help It would be much appreciated. Not sure if anyone has had experience with what I’m experiencing. I have been using the X4 for almost a month now. I used it a couple years ago before but had to stop. I gained about .25 I in summer ‘16 with it. I am using the Vac extender head with the X4 now . I started extending again on Dec. 22, I’m doing 2 days on, 1 day off about 4 hours a day. I apply heat 5 min via infra red lamp for warm up, a couple windmill and side to side stretches. I take time to tape the glans for the vac head. 1 piece of tape from top to underside of glans, 1 piece from side to side and of glans one to wrap around circumference wise right below the frenulum. I slowly increase the tension on the springs through out my sessions under heat. My penis seemed fine and adjusted well. I will take it off if I get any pains etc. But haven’t had any cause of concern so far. Had good PI’s for the first 3 weeks until 1 of 2 things happened. I wouldn’t say I have negative PI’s at this point but the positive ones are disappearing fast. First question. I had surgery on Fri the 11th. I was prescribed prednisone and Cephalexin. I started putting the extender back on the day after the surgery. My penis is not hanging as large in flaccid state as it was before surgery. It also does not want to seem to tolerate the Vac head for anymore than an 1 hour. I used to be able to go up to 2 hours with it before the surgery. The surgery was not penis related. I’m wondering if this could be because of the medications? I’ve read prednisone can have adverse effects either way, but not sure if it would effect the tolerance time frame of the vac extender. Second question, I did add the smallest extension rod to what I was doing right before the surgery. My penis seemed to tolerate it just fine. I have since removed the extension rod and have gone back to the original length I was using, but my penis still doesn’t like the the Vac head for more than an hour. It also seems a little more fatigued. In your opinions, did I add too much too soon, or should I wait until I’m done with medication to procede? I appreciate any input if you have experienced this as well. Thank you.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Originally Posted by LittleEngine
I should have gotten the set that comes with the two band system, quad system I think it’s called. I believe this helps distribute the pressure more. I am also maxing out my stretch, which might be too aggressive.

Lol, and the worst is when I accidentally pull some foreskin in with the band slot, ouch!

As you said, it’s tedious work!

I am happy to see you started this thread, I’m with you in extenderland.

The dual strap system feels like a gimmick. It’s hard enough to get my unit in the single strap, when I try the back strap, it pinches me absolutely horribly. I’ve not been able to even use the second one yet.

I’m on the quick extender pro for about three weeks now averaging ~ 12 hours per day with generally two to three hour stints before I pee, adjust, and go.

I’ve been doing PE for just under one month and it appears I’ve gained close to 0.5 inches in length.

Originally Posted by Cdawggy
The dual strap system feels like a gimmick. It’s hard enough to get my unit in the single strap, when I try the back strap, it pinches me absolutely horribly. I’ve not been able to even use the second one yet.

I’m on the quick extender pro for about three weeks now averaging ~ 12 hours per day with generally two to three hour stints before I pee, adjust, and go.

I’ve been doing PE for just under one month and it appears I’ve gained close to 0.5 inches in length.

Wow, you are able to strap in for two hours before requiring a break, that’s awesome. I could only go 30 minutes at my current tension levels. Also congrats on the 0.50” in length in just under a month. I believe you were asking about a vac head assembly on my thread.

My advice, given both your currently stated “in tension cycle times” and growth response, I would not change anything.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Thanks little engine

While able to do that time, I think some of its just willingness to put up with pain. It doesn’t always feel good, for sure!

There has been a periodic stretch where it was nice for up to four hours, but not many.

While I said no to the double strap, I tried it again after I said it last night and got it to kind of work. Will trial it today at work and post back. It was for sure less pressure.

Originally Posted by Cdawggy
While able to do that time, I think some of its just willingness to put up with pain. It doesn’t always feel good, for sure!

There has been a periodic stretch where it was nice for up to four hours, but not many.

While I said no to the double strap, I tried it again after I said it last night and got it to kind of work. Will trial it today at work and post back. It was for sure less pressure.

I’ve never used the double strap. I just know the idea is that it is supposed to distribute the load.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
Any steroid plays Hell with your entire body. Unless it was steroid eye drops I would wait. Because your recovery is what the meds are for. Tolerating uncomfortable pain type stimuli with those meds would likely get a new reaction. I wouldn’t predict it but I take cause and effect seriously here.

You started meds after surgery. No other incidents or negative PIs prior. Bad reactions now. Means get off the meds before more PE to me.

Thank you. I will definitely take your advise and wait. Appreciate your time

Originally Posted by LittleEngine
I’ve never used the double strap. I just know the idea is that it is supposed to distribute the load.

Trying it today at work, not super pleasant.

I had to take it off at lunch to have a “break”.

Generally, I only take it off throughout the day to go to the washroom and back on it goes, unless super irritated and then I may take a break for a 1/2 hour to an hour.

The problem with two straps is trying to get them around the girth without pinching. It gets quite tight.

I’ve frequently found that I’ll be making great progress and my adjustments are maxed out, so I’ll add half inch rod and then in a few days have to remove them again.
It’s only why I CONSISTENTLY have to adjust the rods all the way out that I can go up in rod size and not fall back, and even then it’s initially more difficult to get strapped in well for a while, so discomfort issues pop up more often. It especially goes south if I have to take a day or two off for whatever reason.

Try going back to your previous rod length.

Originally Posted by Cdawggy
Trying it today at work, not super pleasant.

I had to take it off at lunch to have a “break”.

Generally, I only take it off throughout the day to go to the washroom and back on it goes, unless super irritated and then I may take a break for a 1/2 hour to an hour.

The problem with two straps is trying to get them around the girth without pinching. It gets quite tight.

I stick my thumb and pointer finger on each side of the strap between my shaft and the strap. I pull up slightly and push my glans/shaft away as I crank the strap down with the other hand. This technique typically eliminates any pinching from occurring, because that shit hurts!

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Head Going Cold And How Far

Hey guys im just starting my extending journey… i bought the x4 labs… how far exactly ahould i be extending? And also ive noticed after about 30min in the extender my glans are cold, do i have to take off the extender and push blood into my member every so often or this is fine?


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