I’m new to extending. I am using a Male Edge. I have been wearing it for 9 weeks and have logged 360 hours. I’ve seen some increase in my flaccid length, and my tolerance to wearing the device has increased a lot, but I have seen no changes to erect length at all. I had been hoping to see something by now, but after reading this post I guess I shouldn’t expect to see any changes until I’ve logged at least 1000 hours. Is that the consensus?
I haven’t seen much discussion about the amount of tension that is optimal and how that relates to the number of hours. With the Male Edge you don’t add bars. You extend the rods forward until it snaps into the next notch. Then you can read the tension on the gauge near the base. It’s a little hard to explain, but here is the manual:
When I have the rods in the first position and wear the device, it puts about 600-800 grams of tension on the springs. When I have it in the second position, it puts about 800-1000 grams of tension on the springs. It’s hard to read the gauge exactly, but those ranges seem to be pretty accurate and I tested it out with a mini scale and the results verified the accuracy of the gauge.
9 weeks ago, I was mostly wearing it in the first position. More recently, I’m mostly wearing it in the second position. If I wear it in the first position, I can leave it on for 2 or sometimes 3 hours without taking it off. If I wear it in the second position, I can wear it for 1.5 hours before taking it off. Sometimes, when I have to go into a meeting where I know it will be awkward for me to get up and go to the bathroom in the middle, I will wear it in the first position.
What I’m wondering is, does anyone have a sense of the relationship between the necessary amount of tension vs the duration required to achieve results? I could wear it in the first position for 10 hours a day without much trouble. There is still tension, it just doesn’t ever get sore. Is that better than wearing it for 5 or 6 hours a day in the second position, which is about my max without feeling like it’s starting to get sore?