How the heck was I able to hold my penis tightly at the 4th teeth during the first month ? It’s like I have lost a lot of circumference in just a few weeks and I cannot believe that. I promised myself to measure my gains only in 6 months so I don’t want to go back to my tape again and I know my penis is probably not smaller after a few weeks of use so it is useless to measure again. Even if it was smaller than before, I would still be able to hold it tightly if I increase the number of teeth.
Let’s be logical, the rods cannot be the reason. The strap is new. So I think maybe it could be the 2 rotating parts that holds the strap teeth that may be damaged. But they seem exactly like before. They did not fell on the ground or anything. Maybe the spring has loosen up. But I don’t really think it’s the reason either because the strap teeth are still in place and it would be a shame that after 100 hours the penimaster doesn’t do its job anymore. It’s just that my glans are sliding off for some mysterious reason.
Maybe my penis does not want PE anymore and decides to go home.
(By the way I tried the hard kegels, and yes it moves blood into my glans but after a dozen of seconds strapped, it starts sliding off anyway)
By the way², I am not circumsised, but as far as I know, I was not circumsised either during the first 100 hours and I was doing the exact same routine, skin position, etc.)