Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penimaster anyone tried it?

Anybody in the uk interested in my penimaster pro, selling cheap. Pm me if interested can provide pics. Can send over seas but would need to discuss.

I’ve used the Penimaster pro 3 weeks. Easy to apply. Like on in under 20 seconds. No issues with pain, injuries. Easy 4 hours without discomfort. Adding length to the rods and micro adjustments with a twist. Looking good so far.

I think this thing is going to work for me. I plan on 2-6 hours a day, 5-7 days a week with no other workouts.

Do you take a break in 4 hours?

Yes. For going pee. Otherwise I probably wouldn’t. I don’t seem to have any discomfort.
Also I am using about half the max stretch. The full amount seems to be a bit much and others here seem
To suggest not going to the full extension right away. I often wake up to pee at 4 am and put it on. Then wake at 7 am or 8 so
That gives me a 3 or so hour head start on the day with no ill effects. I I usually add length/pressure as the session goes on.
Some say use it while sleeping some say don’t. Not sure which way to go. But I can’t see any downside for a couple of hours
In a relaxed stretched state.

This Penimaster works great. You have to find a medium between not sucking in too much head vs sucking in head and dick.
Keep your boy lubed up with recommended gel.

Originally Posted by red6636
Yes. For going pee. Otherwise I probably wouldn’t. I don’t seem to have any discomfort.
Also I am using about half the max stretch. The full amount seems to be a bit much and others here seem
To suggest not going to the full extension right away. I often wake up to pee at 4 am and put it on. Then wake at 7 am or 8 so
That gives me a 3 or so hour head start on the day with no ill effects. I I usually add length/pressure as the session goes on.
Some say use it while sleeping some say don’t. Not sure which way to go. But I can’t see any downside for a couple of hours
In a relaxed stretched state.

This Penimaster works great. You have to find a medium between not sucking in too much head vs sucking in head and dick.
Keep your boy lubed up with recommended gel.

What gains have you had with penimaster?

05.10.2018: NBEL 15.5cm (6.1 inch), NBEG 14cm (5.5 inches), BPEL 18.5 (7.28 inch).

Extending via penimaster 2h-4h a day.

Goal: NBEL 8x6 inches

Its only been 3 weeks. I’ll report back when appropriate.

Hi all

Been using the PM Pro for nearly 2 weeks now.

Anyone have issues with head getting white? It goes away after I take vacuum head off.

I also seem to get sore behind Glans.

Apart from that, I think it is really comfortable and at half tension I am able to wear 3-4 hrs non stop.

Full tension I can only handle 1- 1 and a half hours

Cheers guys

I ordered mine back on December the 9th and finally received it about 6 weeks later here in the US. At this point I’ve only been able to use it for less than two weeks. I read about people using it for several hours daily so I figured a good first try was about two hours, big mistake. I was sore to the point of not being able to wear it again for about 3 days but not to the point of serious injury, and that was just wearing it for only two hours.

The next time I wore it I only applied the unit for one hour and was fine to wear it again the next day. After about a week I was able to add two of the smallest extension spacers to each side with the same comfort level but still only wearing an hour at the most.

I will say that it is designed and constructed remarkably well. When wearing the device it feels as though it’s not doing anything at all and offers no discomfort whatsoever, however the next day you certainly notice that some stretching has taken place. Similar to going to the gym and hitting legs real hard and getting DOMS the day after. I felt like adding the third and last smallest spacer to each side today but think I’ll wait a few more days just to be on the safe side.

The device is definitely unnoticeable under loose clothing and wearable while doing light work.

Two hours in one stretch, without conditioning, is too much.

I’ve been doing this, with various devices, for one year and the Penimaster for six months.

I won’t go over 1:15 in a single session. Else, I fear blistering.

As much as I find it more comfortable than the noose based systems, I don’t think I will ever be able to wear it for the hours I could wear a noose based system, which I could do for 12+ hours per day.

Originally Posted by Robert James
Two hours in one stretch, without conditioning, is too much.

I’ve been doing this, with various devices, for one year and the Penimaster for six months.

I won’t go over 1:15 in a single session. Else, I fear blistering.

Agreed. I’ve found that any longer than 1:15-1:30 is over doing it. Just curious do you rotate in any off days?

Also that’s quite impressive to have achieved your gains in just one year!

Originally Posted by houseshooz
Agreed. I’ve found that any longer than 1:15-1:30 is over doing it. Just curious do you rotate in any off days?

Also that’s quite impressive to have achieved your gains in just one year!

I didn’t do off days when I was going hard.

I’m sporadic now. Too much going on with wife, children, work, coaching.

Fitting in a couple hours here, a couple hours there with more when I can.

Now, I’m looking to get back to where I maxed out and maintain it. I’m close.

Will ramp up a bit, but not too hard. Breaking 8” decreased the overwhelming urge that I “wasn’t big enough”.

Originally Posted by Robert James
I didn’t do off days when I was going hard.

I’m sporadic now. Too much going on with wife, children, work, coaching.

Fitting in a couple hours here, a couple hours there with more when I can.

Now, I’m looking to get back to where I maxed out and maintain it. I’m close.

Will ramp up a bit, but not too hard. Breaking 8” decreased the overwhelming urge that I “wasn’t big enough”.

How often did you add spacers while using it every day?

Anyone who can provide tips on using the suction tube instead of the pump ball? I can use the pump ball easily but the tube is too hard. Either I am not sucking too much air in or air escapes when I try to take off the tube and inserting the pin.

Have you tried pinching (bending) the tube connected to the chamber before taking off the suction tube? Then while it’s pinched inserting the cork?

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Originally Posted by agonza38
Anyone who can provide tips on using the suction tube instead of the pump ball? I can use the pump ball easily but the tube is too hard. Either I am not sucking too much air in or air escapes when I try to take off the tube and inserting the pin.

I’d stay with the suction ball, a lot easier..
Just squeeze it, connect me t to the chamber, let the glans be sucked in, disconnect it from the chamber, squeeze it and connect it again to be sure to get the whole glans in there..
Even shows on the instruction vid


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