Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penimaster anyone tried it?

Originally Posted by Endover
lol @ non label box. Insecurities are lame. Own your shit. When my mom asked me “what is in the box” I straight out said “penis extender” and she has never asked me shit again. Same at postal office. “Oh, what are you sending” “Dick extension device” and the lady goes red. So funny how people are ashamed of these things. I see no sense in being ashamed.

LMFAO awesome man. Screw what other people think!

I managed not to get foreskin stretching by using the green rubber that pulls in glans halfway. This does however leave a mark imprint across my glans when taken off and hurts after 1:30 hrs of use.

Is this ok? Any other solutions to prevent hurting after 1:30 hrs?

05.10.2018: NBEL 15.5cm (6.1 inch), NBEG 14cm (5.5 inches), BPEL 18.5 (7.28 inch).

Extending via penimaster 2h-4h a day.

Goal: NBEL 8x6 inches

Originally Posted by Endover
I managed not to get foreskin stretching by using the green rubber that pulls in glans halfway. This does however leave a mark imprint across my glans when taken off and hurts after 1:30 hrs of use.

Is this ok? Any other solutions to prevent hurting after 1:30 hrs?

Hey, brother.

What do you mean by foreskin stretching?

At medium tension (6-900 grams of force) I can wear my penimaster up towards 4-6 hours without taking a break. I used a kitchen scale to double-check the tension. On my device, 900 grams is at three visible lines, counting the one at the very bottom / base of the device.

Important! I don’t recommend going straight for such long sessions. Instead, do increases of 15-20 minutes per session over weeks to be sure you do not hurt yourself: 1.5 hours, 2 hours, 2h 15m and so forth. Remember: 3 hours is the recommended maximum session length by the supplier.

I did have pain in the beginning of my journey. My solution was to experiment with the different sluice and diaphragm sizes until I found the most comfortable combination for me. This took time for me (months, and I am still experimenting).

Turns out the medium sluice was too tight for me. After I started wearing blue (large) sluice and diaphragm my pain is almost completely gone.

In addition, the tension I used was also too high because the springs had more tension than the user manual indicated. I were using 11-1200 grams of tension, but I believed that I were using 900 grams.

I also recommend that you use as little vacuum as possible. Experiment to figure out how little vacuum you can use and still get a positive lock with the whole glans inside the chamber.

I still get pain sometimes, below the glans. I suspect it is when I use too much vacuum or enter the chamber at an awkward angle.

Two other tips:

1) If you have blistering problems (I had this), try wrapping the glans with micropore tape that breathes. I have not had a blister since I implemented this. I wrap the whole glans completely with one layer of this tape. Only area not covered is the urethra. I do this by engorging the glans, then applying the tape. Then I let the glans return to normal flaccid size before I enter the chamber. Rather than letting the vacuum draw me in, I gently push with it. This allows me to use less vacuum.

2) I also use soft medical pads below the base of the unit where it meets the scrotum to prevent contact burn during longer sessions. This has pretty much removed any contact pain for me.

Originally Posted by Superten
Hey, brother.

What do you mean by foreskin stretching?

I mean the foreskin gets pulled inside glans cap and when you take it off you have puffy stretched out foreskin. I corrected that by wearing green rubber, but now my glans get sucked in only halfway and it begins to seriously hurt after 1:30 hrs.

Originally Posted by Superten
At medium tension (6-900 grams of force) I can wear my penimaster up towards 4-6 hours without taking a break. I used a kitchen scale to double-check the tension. On my device, 900 grams is at three visible lines, counting the one at the very bottom / base of the device.

Do you have any glans protection? Are your glans sucked in perfectly or halfway?

Originally Posted by Superten
Turns out the medium sluice was too tight for me. After I started wearing blue (large) sluice and diaphragm my pain is almost completely gone.

For me yellow rubber is too loose as it sucks in foreskin, but green one is too tight as my glans can’t be sucked in fully and begin to hurt. Bummer!

Originally Posted by Superten
1) If you have blistering problems (I had this), try wrapping the glans with micropore tape that breathes. I have not had a blister since I implemented this. I wrap the whole glans completely with one layer of this tape. Only area not covered is the urethra. I do this by engorging the glans, then applying the tape. Then I let the glans return to normal flaccid size before I enter the chamber. Rather than letting the vacuum draw me in, I gently push with it. This allows me to use less vacuum.

Can you link to ebay site of tape you use?

Originally Posted by Superten
2) I also use soft medical pads below the base of the unit where it meets the scrotum to prevent contact burn during longer sessions. This has pretty much removed any contact pain for me.

Can you link to these pads where I can buy them online?

05.10.2018: NBEL 15.5cm (6.1 inch), NBEG 14cm (5.5 inches), BPEL 18.5 (7.28 inch).

Extending via penimaster 2h-4h a day.

Goal: NBEL 8x6 inches

Sorry for the slow reply.

If it hurts, something is not right. I would go back to the drawing board and experiment with other sluice/diaphragm combinations.

Originally Posted by Endover
Do you have any glans protection? Are your glans sucked in perfectly or halfway?

Yes, I tape the glans with micropore tape. Unfortunately, the tape I use is a local brand from a location pharmacy. I can’t find this online. However, I am sure most micropore tapes would do the job well. It might be other types of tape that does an even better job.

Originally Posted by Endover
For me yellow rubber is too loose as it sucks in foreskin, but green one is too tight as my glans can’t be sucked in fully and begin to hurt. Bummer!

The yellow sluice might be the right one. Perhaps you are using just a little bit too much vacuum and draw it too far in? I did this too, until I found the sweet spot. You will know it when you feel it. There is unfortunately no way to get there without experimenting to find what works for you.

Originally Posted by Endover
Can you link to these pads where I can buy them online?

Unfortunately, this is also a local brand. It is a 10x10cm soft compress where I cut an X in the middle and thread it on before applying the device. You will probably be able to find similar at your local pharmacy.

Busted Diaphragm

Hello everyone! I did scroll and search a tad bit before posting this, but I was unable to find anything. Hoping for a tip or some tricks to keep my Penimaster diaphragm from repeatedly busting after very short use. I use coconut oil and was suspecting maybe that’s the cause of it? And using the large one, so I don’t think it’s due to being too small. All help is appreciated. I am new here.

Originally Posted by Dukey Thief
Hello everyone! I did scroll and search a tad bit before posting this, but I was unable to find anything. Hoping for a tip or some tricks to keep my Penimaster diaphragm from repeatedly busting after very short use. I use coconut oil and was suspecting maybe that’s the cause of it? And using the large one, so I don’t think it’s due to being too small. All help is appreciated. I am new here.

Hey, Dukey.

Likely it is the oil, or too much vacuum. If you use too much vacuum the middle of the diaphragm starts to weaken since it is pulled into the small hole inside the chamber.

How long do they last you for? I can use mine around 2 weeks maximum.

Originally Posted by Dukey Thief
Hello everyone! I did scroll and search a tad bit before posting this, but I was unable to find anything. Hoping for a tip or some tricks to keep my Penimaster diaphragm from repeatedly busting after very short use. I use coconut oil and was suspecting maybe that’s the cause of it? And using the large one, so I don’t think it’s due to being too small. All help is appreciated. I am new here.

I’m sure there are some tricks to this, so hopefully others will provide ideas/methods. Keeping diaphragms on hand is just a recurring cost with the PMP, at least that was my conclusion while I was using it.

How many hours are you currently getting before it snaps?

I’m sure that there are lubricants that might attack the material. So possibly try a water based lubricant and see if that extends the use.

Regardless of the diaphragms having a short life cycle, I love the design of the PMP.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Originally Posted by Superten
Hey, Dukey.

Likely it is the oil, or too much vacuum. If you use too much vacuum the middle of the diaphragm starts to weaken since it is pulled into the small hole inside the chamber.

How long do they last you for? I can use mine around 2 weeks maximum.

I’m literally only getting about two day out of one for about 4-5 hours each day, so I figured something was definitely wrong.

Originally Posted by LittleEngine
I’m sure there are some tricks to this, so hopefully others will provide ideas/methods. Keeping diaphragms on hand is just a recurring cost with the PMP, at least that was my conclusion while I was using it.

How many hours are you currently getting before it snaps?

I’m sure that there are lubricants that might attack the material. So possibly try a water based lubricant and see if that extends the use.

Regardless of the diaphragms having a short life cycle, I love the design of the PMP.

I’m hoping tricks before I try a different PE. I really don’t like the idea of a recurring cost. I’m getting no more than 8 hours before it snaps.

Hi guys

I am developing an allergy.
I am not sure if it´s an allergy from the penimaster lubricant but my foreskin has become itchy, swollen, and the glans peels.

Anyone knows if this lubricant is prone to producing allergies?
Or is it possible it is irritation without allergy

Any alternative lubricants known to work well with penimaster? vaseline maybe?

Well I think for me personally I’ve made the pmp perfect. I’ve attached a LG sleeve only and I can now wrap like I would hang and my god what a difference, I can post pics in the members pics if anyone wants to see?

Pudd1ng: please attach a picture I be interested.

Looking at the last few posts.
The diagram longevity for me can be a hit or miss, I have 2-3 occasions a new one after first using it for 10mins to within the day, it just popped. Was it a QC thing?
I figured out might be due to using to much vaccuum, that means compressing and releasing the pump more than once or twice. I didn’t get any helpful answer when I emailed the manufacturers.

I am uncut, still gets very sore and swollen, tried both the green and yellow sluice. I can make the attachment part more proximally which means more contact with the foreskin but more vacuum, or just below the glans (with less vacuum)
Difference is only which part is sore and swollen, attachment with more foreskin makes it more painful to pull out the whole thing through the orifice due to more swelling.
I tried micropore tape as mentioned, I couldn’t get a good suction.
Also I used castor oil as a substitute after googling this forum.

I was thinking of using something called an opsite spray to reduce the soreness, it’s a spray on dressing but it’s not cheap. I was wondering if anybody tried it before or think it would work, I tried searching the forum no results.

Originally Posted by ash234
Pudd1ng: please attach a picture I be interested.

Looking at the last few posts.
The diagram longevity for me can be a hit or miss, I have 2-3 occasions a new one after first using it for 10mins to within the day, it just popped. Was it a QC thing?
I figured out might be due to using to much vaccuum, that means compressing and releasing the pump more than once or twice. I didn’t get any helpful answer when I emailed the manufacturers.

I am uncut, still gets very sore and swollen, tried both the green and yellow sluice. I can make the attachment part more proximally which means more contact with the foreskin but more vacuum, or just below the glans (with less vacuum)
Difference is only which part is sore and swollen, attachment with more foreskin makes it more painful to pull out the whole thing through the orifice due to more swelling.
I tried micropore tape as mentioned, I couldn’t get a good suction.
Also I used castor oil as a substitute after googling this forum.

I was thinking of using something called an opsite spray to reduce the soreness, it’s a spray on dressing but it’s not cheap. I was wondering if anybody tried it before or think it would work, I tried searching the forum no results.

I promise I’ll get a bunch of pictures up soon.

I really don’t like the diaphragm and such for the pmp but love everything else about it, I have numerous vac models from autoextender from over the years and the LG hanger (and new extender) and while they are comfortable for hanging they far to bulky for my liking when extending and this is were the pmp shines, its design is superior to everything in my opinion except It just needs the current parts exchanged for a silicone sleeve. I was worried about the shape of vac head for the pmp but my god it’s like it was made for my head, I love it.

I can wear the pmp when lounging in the house in my dressing gown and it can’t be seen (I have 3 women roaming the house) but the LG extender gets caught and is massive and this is impossible (but to be fair to LG it’s not meant for hiding it’s for a stronger pull)

1. I get 3 longish pieces of micro foam tape (not micro pore), basically starting below head right up until covered, just leaving the tip exposed.
2. I use 2 smaller pieces, 1 going over tip from front to back and 1 from side to side.
3. For me I can just push into the head piece like this and roll down sleeve, I’m finding this is a tight pull without sucking air out but I still do.

Originally Posted by Dukey Thief
I’m hoping tricks before I try a different PE. I really don’t like the idea of a recurring cost. I’m getting no more than 8 hours before it snaps.

I reckon it’s definitely the oil which will degrade the latex material. Better to use their own lube which is thick and somehow sticky which allows some attachment as well, else a water based lube of some kind. They should last a couple of weeks at least in my experience.

Start: 6" BPEL x 5" EG (mid)

Current: 7.5" BPEL x 5.98" EG (average distal/mid/base shaft)

Goal: 8" BPEL x 6.5" EG (whole shaft)


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