Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penimaster anyone tried it?

Guys using the pmp are you wrapping the glans in anyway, I just can’t get it to my head that wrapping won’t be needed?

I find the “urology health store” is cheap.

Started 6.4" in the tube 2/18. Now 8" 6/10/19 in tube. 6/10/19 BPEL 7.7", BPFSL 8". Began extender 9/4/18, followed by pumping. Short term goal 8" in the tube.Long term goal. 8" x 6" outside of tube. Penimaster rods 11/6/18: UP: 2x.5cm, 2x2cm, 2x4cm, 2x8cm,2x6cm

Originally Posted by jazz13
So, what I assumed was right. The latex needs to be replaced quickly. I noticed that changing it (the latex) to the blue large ones are not causing that many tears. Also, what is this sluice that you speak of? (I’ve only had this for a while, so not totally sure of the part names here.) Also, I use the Comfort and Care lube that comes with the system now. It hasn’t caused any tears. But it’s running out. I assume everyone using the penismaster stocks both the comfort care lube and the latex connectors?

Sluice is the tunnel type latex that attaches the ring to the bulb. So yes it seems you need a supply of caps, sluices and lube - I just ordered a bunch from Germany, if you order it all in one go then just one parcel.

Start: 6" BPEL x 5" EG (mid)

Current: 7.5" BPEL x 5.98" EG (average distal/mid/base shaft)

Goal: 8" BPEL x 6.5" EG (whole shaft)

Originally Posted by Muckl3
Guys using the pmp are you wrapping the glans in anyway, I just can’t get it to my head that wrapping won’t be needed?

I think when you actually use the Penimaster, it will become clear. The wrapping is done via the device, where there is a latex diaphragm on the bulb which is sucked inwards (along with your glans) to the bulb - this latex protects the glans.

Start: 6" BPEL x 5" EG (mid)

Current: 7.5" BPEL x 5.98" EG (average distal/mid/base shaft)

Goal: 8" BPEL x 6.5" EG (whole shaft)

Here is a question for anyone on here who is using the Penimaster (and using their max traction setting or lighter), and who also knows they got results from using it:

Did you extend continually (i.e. week after week with only 1-2 days break in between), or did you do it in phases as we tend to do with other PE methods (e.g. 6 weeks on, 4 weeks off)? Penimaster advocate continual use over many months, but it would be good to get guys’ experience from here.

Start: 6" BPEL x 5" EG (mid)

Current: 7.5" BPEL x 5.98" EG (average distal/mid/base shaft)

Goal: 8" BPEL x 6.5" EG (whole shaft)

Originally Posted by waterman888
I think when you actually use the Penimaster, it will become clear. The wrapping is done via the device, where there is a latex diaphragm on the bulb which is sucked inwards (along with your glans) to the bulb - this latex protects the glans.

Yeah I understand how it works but theres guys getting blisters still so that’s what’s putting me off. When hanging and past vac extending I need to really get my wrapping right or I pop a blister in the same place every time. Though This appeals to me as it looks like a great design.

Is there no way to put a small amount of thin tape on or would it not work.

Originally Posted by Muckl3
Yeah I understand how it works but theres guys getting blisters still so that’s what’s putting me off. When hanging and past vac extending I need to really get my wrapping right or I pop a blister in the same place every time. Though This appeals to me as it looks like a great design.

Is there no way to put a small amount of thin tape on or would it not work.

I haven’t tried - I don’t see why it wouldn’t. With other vac extenders I blistered but with this one, because the diaphragm is tight and the force is low, it’s been the best for me.

Start: 6" BPEL x 5" EG (mid)

Current: 7.5" BPEL x 5.98" EG (average distal/mid/base shaft)

Goal: 8" BPEL x 6.5" EG (whole shaft)

Originally Posted by waterman888
I haven’t tried - I don’t see why it wouldn’t. With other vac extenders I blistered but with this one, because the diaphragm is tight and the force is low, it’s been the best for me.

Thanks for the info Waterman, I am really considering this. Even thinking about this and a noose extender and trying to master both so if issues occur then I can still carry on.

Anyone tried a fulcrum with pmp?

How about the box that it comes in? Does the one from the manufacturer come in a non labeled box? How about the ebay seller? Want to order today but a bit concerned my mail man will be noticing what I bought!

Originally Posted by NoXcuse
How about the box that it comes in? Does the one from the manufacturer come in a non labeled box? How about the ebay seller? Want to order today but a bit concerned my mail man will be noticing what I bought!

Comes in an inconspicuous box. Who cares what the post man or UPS guy thinks when he drops it off, even if it was labeled…it’s not like he’s going to google what it is and laugh at you every time he drops off a package for you :)

Originally Posted by TheHawkmaster

Comes in an inconspicuous box. Who cares what the post man or UPS guy thinks when he drops it off, even if it was’s not like he’s going to google what it is and laugh at you every time he drops off a package for you :)

Ha, true but I bet the majority of people on this site with insecurities have this particular one in mind.

Hi Waterman

Originally Posted by waterman888

So I had this problem too - but for me it was solved by changing the sluice size. I was on a blue cap as I have a large glans, and assumed I’d need a blue sluice. But I kept sliding out slowly as well, but once I changed to the brown sluice everything worked perfectly. You’ll have to experiment with different sizes I think. Or there are also the split adaptors that you can use to narrow the entrance to the bulb too.

Hi waterman,

I followed your suggestion and it works. Thanks for help.

Originally Posted by Growingmypenis
Hi waterman,
I followed your suggestion and it works. Thanks for help.


Start: 6" BPEL x 5" EG (mid)

Current: 7.5" BPEL x 5.98" EG (average distal/mid/base shaft)

Goal: 8" BPEL x 6.5" EG (whole shaft)

Originally Posted by NoXcuse

How about the box that it comes in? Does the one from the manufacturer come in a non labeled box? How about the ebay seller? Want to order today but a bit concerned my mail man will be noticing what I bought!

lol @ non label box. Insecurities are lame. Own your shit. When my mom asked me “what is in the box” I straight out said “penis extender” and she has never asked me shit again. Same at postal office. “Oh, what are you sending” “Dick extension device” and the lady goes red. So funny how people are ashamed of these things. I see no sense in being ashamed.

05.10.2018: NBEL 15.5cm (6.1 inch), NBEG 14cm (5.5 inches), BPEL 18.5 (7.28 inch).

Extending via penimaster 2h-4h a day.

Goal: NBEL 8x6 inches


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