Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penimaster,questions and perhaps new discussion

Hey guys,

I tried wearing the PM upside down. I wouldn’t recommend it. The glans felt more numb and it was not very comfortable. The veins to the glans get squeezed that’s why. I know wearing the PM the “right” way squeezes the dorsal nerve but it still is more comfortable to me. The best would be to construct a Bib-like penis attachment as someone recommended in another thread to avoid that either the dorsal nerve or the veins to the glans get squeezed.

I just wanted to chime in and let you guys know that I have a PM and will be doing my best to wear it consitently and for extended periods of time.

I think that it can easily be worn for three hours a day. I want to aim for about 6-8 hours.

You guys are correct about the rubber bands breaking. I sent a message to the guy where I bought my PM and within a week I had three new bands in the mail. Lately I have been attaching the band to the support tray at about a 1/2 inch below the glans and that has seemed to help keep me snuggly in the PM and the bands from breaking. I also read somewhere that a fellow that was using a JES Extender and had made gains would put it on with about 40-50% erection so I have been doing that lately too and it is more comfortable.

Have any of you guys experimented with modifying the PM to make it more comfortable or to secure the glans without putting too much pressure on it?

I also tried to wear it upside down today and I found the same result. Do you guys use the black wrap or any wrap at all? I use the wrap that came with it with no problems. Today is my third day and have no problems wearing it 4-5 hours or more. I don’t cicnch it all the way down because I don’t force it out to max stretch.

I noticed on another thread that someone did manage a modification that allowed one to attach by the sides like
a Bib. I will be looking into that as well.


Keep working, keep learning


Originally Posted by PaloMalo
I just wanted to chime in and let you guys know that I have a PM and will be doing my best to wear it consitently and for extended periods of time.

I think that it can easily be worn for three hours a day. I want to aim for about 6-8 hours.

You guys are correct about the rubber bands breaking. I sent a message to the guy where I bought my PM and within a week I had three new bands in the mail. Lately I have been attaching the band to the support tray at about a 1/2 inch below the glans and that has seemed to help keep me snuggly in the PM and the bands from breaking. I also read somewhere that a fellow that was using a JES Extender and had made gains would put it on with about 40-50% erection so I have been doing that lately too and it is more comfortable.

Have any of you guys experimented with modifying the PM to make it more comfortable or to secure the glans without putting too much pressure on it?

I got mine from and they would not send me replacement rubber bands unless I paid for them. He said they were not under warranty. Can you tell me if you got yours from the same place I did?

Bummer! Today the basering of my PM broke. The chrome arm joint to the ring snapped and it’s unusable now. I hope they’ll honor their warranty because they said only the basering was warranted.

I’m going to run out of rubberbands soon and don’t want to keep buying them.

Rambone check your PM.

Yes I bought it from a-mans-world and they did send me the replacements free of charge.

Originally Posted by koooky
I also tried to wear it upside down today and I found the same result. Do you guys use the black wrap or any wrap at all? I use the wrap that came with it with no problems. Today is my third day and have no problems wearing it 4-5 hours or more. I don’t cicnch it all the way down because I don’t force it out to max stretch.

I noticed on another thread that someone did manage a modification that allowed one to attach by the sides like
a Bib. I will be looking into that as well.


Yes the black wrap is great. I wouldn’t use the PM without it.

I’m not too handy as far as building things goes but I did see the aaa modification. It seems great for use in the house when you have privacy. I think that having a mod like that which is ok for use while you have privacy is great. I am willing to experiment with mods so long as I can also switch it back and use the PM the way it comes originally because any mods that make it bigger will be unusable to wear under clothing when you are out in public.

Good point Palo and I agree. I also think any permanant would void your warranty. The Bib-like mod seems to
be an add on that would allow you not to permanantly alter the PM and still use it as is. I will be experimenting with it next week as I will be going out of town over the weekend.


Keep working, keep learning



Yeah a damn hot babe indeed ;)

I know that a lot of people are against wearing the PM at night. I already felt some pain when waking up… several times. But when it starts to hurt, I wake up and take it off so there’s no problem.I didn’t have the time to try that wrap out, I’m gon’ do it this night.

Girth gains for better sex, length gains for a worthless ego boost.



I still say don’t do it, but it’s your dick and you choice, I’ll pray for you!

Thanks for praying for me :)

I don’t see any problem wearing it at night. Last night I put it on before going to sleep, I think I woke up after sleeping an hour. Doing this, I got a better flaccid for the whole next day. It’s rather impossible losing my dick while being asleep wearing the PM, after a little pain occurs I wake up and take it off.

Girth gains for better sex, length gains for a worthless ego boost.


Greetings Guys:

I’m a newbie to the forum. I have a penis extender from AndroMedical and I am about two weeks into the initial breakin period and I am having no problems with the device. Since the Andro unit has the silicon rubber loop that grabs just in back of the glans on the corona, I solved all slippage and pinching problems by wrapping 5-6 wraps of J&J 2-inch wide gauze around my unit and was careful to lift the head as I cinched down on the rubber. This eliminated any pinching as a bit of the gauze fills the pinch point to give a nice, firm yet comfortable and secure grip. I also am careful when I unwrap as the gauze will bite into the skin so if you jerk off the gauze you could be in for a painful surprise. Easy does it. I also keep a little tube of Neosiporin ointment on hand. I use about an eight inch of the ointment every day around the glans/corono just to make sure no irritation develops and this also soothes any minor irritation from the grip. Probably the most irritation I have had is from the burn of the skin stretching. I will end this post as I have some other topics on this thread that might prove quite interesting. Stay tuned.

Greetings Gentlemen:

Here’s a warmup and warming tip for your penimaster or penis extender device that I think could make a huge difference in accelerating gains with the stretcher.

I made myself a special ‘rice sock’ as follows: I took two unmatched dress socks, inverted on of them inside out, and then stitched the toes together. Then I pushed my hand through the un-inverted sock all the way through the inverted sock (re-inverting it) such that I now had one sock inside the other with the toes stitched together. I filled the annular space between the socks about 1/3 to 1/2 full of flaxseed (I use ground flaxseed in my diet for health reasons so I had a supply on hand). Then I stitched the tops of the socks together thus sealing the flax seeds into the annular cavity. This form of ‘rice sock’, once heated in the microwave, will fit right over the penis stretcher mounted on your unit and thus give one heck of a nice ‘roast’ for about 30 minutes to an hour. It feels just terrific! I can pull the band of my jockey shorts up over the whole bulge to hold it into place and let it cook while I work on my computer (I am wearing it right now as I type this). There are some caveats: Be darn sure you check out the temperture in the inner cavity with your hand to make sure it is not too hot! If it is too hot for your hand to stand it you can bet your poor dick will scream in protest! One technique I am investigating is to use the digital temperature indicator (like a Radio Shack themister/digital readout) to measure the inner temperture of my ‘rice sock’ as a function of microwave heating time so I can learn to target heating time versus temperature response. That way, I can learn what time it takes to get an inner sock temperture of 112-120 deg F which should be the target temperture to best help the stretching of the plastic portion of the tunica with the stretcher. When I have some more data, I will report back. I hope this helps - it sure is working for me.



PS - WARNING! - Just because this feels so nice and comfy do not get lulled into danger and not give your unit a break every hour or so - that is, take it out of the stretcher and massage to get the blood flow going. The warm temperature from the ‘sock’ is no guarantee that you have full circulation in the head of your dick. This combination would be LETHAL at night! I do NOT recommend that anyone use the stretcher at night - too dangerous in terms of cutting circulation, in my opinion.

Greetings from MrTiPS:

As a follow on to the previous two posts, I thought I would share a little bit more about my plans for the stretcher and my custom ‘rice sock’ now that I have it in operation: 1) Kegels or, more accurately BC/PC flexes - these are great to do while you are in the stretcher under heat. The tug-back I get works against the springs in the stretcher to further loosen the longitudinal Tunica and the compression of blood in the Cavernosa works the Cavernosa and the radial portion of the Tunica. Right now, I have built up to nominally 400 flexes a day or 50 or so every hour as my time in traction now is targeted 8 hours per day. 2) Pumping - I have my vacuum pump on order and I plan to combine pumping with the stretcher and with the heated sock. I think pumping really targets the Cavernosa and the Radial Tunica with some targeting on the longitudinal portion of the Tunica depending on the diameter of your vacuum tube. My goal is to work both plastic portions of the Tunica with the pump followed by racking my unit on the stretcher together with the heated sock so as to try and accelerate the adaptation and sealing in process. I will keep the forum posted on developments.



Realistic Expectations ref Penis Stretcher(s)

from - MrTiPS

Greetings - I went onto the AndroPenis website and analyzed the data from their clinical trial (run in Spain as I recall). My analysis showed that, on average, a person could expect a nominal increase in Erect Length of .001 inch/hr of traction - that’s one mil/hr of traction - so, all things being equal for all men (which they are not), at normal body temperature it would take 1000 hours of traction to realize a gain in Erect Length of 1 inch. I believe the penis stretcher really targets the Tunica and leaves the ligaments pretty much alone. Since the rate of plastic deformation at a given level of stress increases with temperature, I thought it would be interesting to see if I could accelerate the gains by applying heat to the stretcher - that’s why the heated sock. We’ll see as I keep detailed records on a spread sheet on my computer. If I need to increase the length of rods on my stretcher more often than the profile in the Andro manual suggests, then I will have early confirmation that applied heat is having a big impact. It surely feels great!

All the Best,


Originally Posted by MrTips
I believe the penis stretcher really targets the Tunica and leaves the ligaments pretty much alone.

Welcome to the forums.

This may be true, but the Andro-Penis (an inferior product in my opinion and more than twice the price of the PM) and other “noose” grip devices grip only the coronal ridge of the glans which is beyond the ends of the corpora cavernosa (CC). This puts most of the traction on the connective tissues and skin. The Penimaster, with its wide strap, is more likely to actually grip the ends of the CC and do a better job of putting traction directly on those tissues.


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