Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penimaster,questions and perhaps new discussion


I would do just the opposite if you can tolerate it - that is, use the tensioning mechanism to straighten your unit but do it very, very gradually. The original Denmark version of the PM was specifically designed for, among other things, straightening but it will take time. What I strongly recommend is to use heat when you stretch especially if you are trying to straighten. It will take time and patience but it can be done. Also, a topical application of DMSO/AloeVera gel will help, too but use it very sparingly if you do as this stuff can get hot and too much will burn sensitive skin - that said, DMSO is a powerful penetrant and will improve circulation and healing. It will soften scarring and allow the relative gentle forces of the PM to work against the plastin tissues and leave the elastin tissues alone.

Sysiphus - the study data on the AndroPenis web site shows an average of 0.001 inch per hour of traction over a 4 month data collection period for ~38 men of varying ages. That study did not use heat. I have found heat (like from a rice sock) to be a huge benefit with the PM.

Hope this helps,


Originally Posted by koooky
I have an interesting observation. When I put my PM on, I notice that I have to adjust the right side more than
the left to get them to equal marks. I have a mild/moderate lean to the left side of my cock. Should I not adjust
more on the right to allow it to also straighten my cock as advertised?

BTW, Glad to see folks getting involved in the discussion again because as a new PM
user I believe that this thing can/will work if you can manage to wear it for meaningful time frames
during the day.


Same for me. When you say adjust, do you mean lengthen or shorten? Since I have a slight lean to the left, I make the left rod longer than the right to stretch it more. My thinking is that my left side is a bit shorter or tighter so it requires more of a stretch than the right side. Not sure this is working since I’ve only been using it since the middle of June this year.

For straightening, today I started trying to do erect bends (carefully) in the opposite direction of my lean/curve

Since I lean left and curve up, I bend right and down (separately).

That’s about all I do in addition to wearing my PM for 6-8 hours a day.


HOw much tension should you use on the PM? I can keep it all the way to the point where there are no lines showing (no more spring action) but I don’t think that’s reccomended. I’ve heard that there’s a point of diminishing returns so it’s possible to overdo it and get less results?

Should I back down the tension? I feel a lot less stretch, but on the other hand, it seems like I can leave it on longer that way.

Hi Rambone,

I guess it depends on how long you have been using PM traction and how tough (plastic-dominant) your tissues are. In my case, I just finished the breakin period as outlined in the user’s manual (I have an AndroPenis, somewhat similar to the PM you have). So far, I have logged just about 150 Hours and, in combination with pumping and heat I am starting to get some gains. Here’s what I have observed as far as tension is concerned:

Right up to the end of the breakin period, I was compressing the springs about 50-60%. The breakin period was structured to gradually increase the spring compression over time so as a person ‘toughened’ up, more and more tension was applied. Initially, I was able to use the noose-like grip of the Andro without too much problem by wrapping the corona with J&J gauze and Therawrap.

That said, when I added the next set of extender bars after the breakin period the spring tension became enough for the silicon rubber noose to irritate the glans - so, I modified the Andro connection mechanism by replacing the noose with a miniature Captain’s Wench and it is working just fine.

Right now I have compressed the tension springs about 75% and I feel a good stretch on my unit using the Captain’s Wench. However, the wench clamps down on the shaft about 1 inch in back of the glans (on the sides of the shaft) so there is a bit less tissue to distribute the stress over than with the noose but the overall arrangement is more comfortable at the higher tensions I am now facing. However, there are two factors (for me) that affect tension beyond just the length of the extender bars: 1) Pumping and 2) Heat.

I just started pumping after the breakin period on the Andro unit. The idea is to use stretching and heat to help seal in any gains from pumping plus pick up additional gains from traction. The wild card in all of this is heat - it helps significantly both during pumping and in traction. I notice that especially right after pumping when I am ‘bulked’ up, when i get into traction the stretch is really very strong (significant tugback). Using a heated ‘rice’ sock drops the stress and makes it (the stretch) quite doable. The same is true right after adding an extension to the bars - heat helps.

In your case, if you have been using the PM a long time say 500 hrs or so, then maybe you should be close to 90% compression. I think the springs are set such that 20% compression is 300 grams and full compression at 100% is 1500 grams. At 453.6 grams/lb 1500 grams is ~3.3 lbs force. Compared to what hangers use, that is a moderate force.

Here’s one caveat - I personally would not want to be ‘locked down’ at 100% on the springs with no give what-so-ever. You need a little bit of shock absorber (spring action) to soften any sudden moves during your normal course of moving around so as not to bruise at the base of the PM. Also, having a bit of spring left allows you to perform ‘Kegels’ against the springs which is terrific all the way around for building strength.

In terms of tolerance, at 75% compression I typically go at least an hour without heat and up to 2 hours with heat before I bail out and unwrap. Any constriction on circulation I experience now using the wench is caused by wrapping too tight, not by the wench. If I wrap just right, at the end of a 2 hr heated session there is no major discomfort or discoloration. Without heat, the end of my unit is many times just slightly cool to the touch as I unwrap and full heat is nearly instantaneous as I take a break and lightly massage.

Using a schedule like 1 hr in, 1/2 hr out or so, I am averaging 6-7 hrs a day in traction spaced around my pumping sessions. By the time I get up to 500 hrs or so, I expect to be 90% on the springs but I do not expect to go over that.

If you get to the point that your unit is toughened up to where maximum tension produces no gains, you might want to consider heat if you are not already using it. I have measured the inner temperature of my ‘rice’ sock so i know exactly how long I need to nuke it in the microwave to get the right temperature. I estimate that a sock temperature of 120 deg F gives me an inner tissue temperature of about 112 deg F and the sock holds enough heat to last about an hour.

Heat is giving me much faster initial gains than the average rate of gain published on the Andro website. If I can keep up my current pace, I expect to reach my goals in less time and at less overall tension (and discomfort) because of using heat. Of course, each of us is unique in our physiology. What works for one may not work for another - yet again . . .

I hope this helps,


Then - BPEL 5.9, EG 5.2 - Now: BPEL 7.2, EG 5.6 Listen woman, "Don't bitch at me for burning the candle at both ends - just get me some more wax!"

Hey guy. I just noticed something today during my PM time.

I usually wear mine straight down and do about two hours before I take it off and massage and
add heat. I do this about 2-4 times a day.

Well, today for the heack of it I wore it straight up and went well over 3 hours and every time I check,
the head was warm and pink and very sensitive as usual. I have changed nothing else! I feel a much better
overall stretch all up and down my shaft as well. I still plan to take it off after the 3 hour mark but I was wondering if anyone else has seen the same sort of thing and why this is happening?


Keep working, keep learning


Hi Koooky,

Based on the info in the instruction manual of the Andro unit that I have, I have always kept my stretcher at the 11:00 position as contrasted to the say 7:00 position. I think that recommendation in the Andro manual might have to do with making sure you pull a little of the scrotal sac through the base when you hook up the unit. This gives you the slack to end up in the 11:00 position and (I think) helps the overall circulation. That said, I still do not run as long with my Ando as you are. I do use a lot of heat applied directly WHILE I am in traction. I have about 180 cumulative hours so far and I average about 6 hrs per day in traction. At least the first 1-2 hrs is with heat after my early morning pumping session. I have tried the 7:00 position too and the tension distribution is a bit different. Part of that is controlled by the relative angle of the hinge formed between the base and the extension rods.

I am seeing some gains - I hope you are too.

All the Best,


Then - BPEL 5.9, EG 5.2 - Now: BPEL 7.2, EG 5.6 Listen woman, "Don't bitch at me for burning the candle at both ends - just get me some more wax!"

Only using the Penimaster

I just ordered my penimaster today after reading for a while. I started with the Chicken Choker. But, I did not like hanging weights from my member. Plus, it was not easy to walk around with weights dangling. With this device I can see myself walking around with no problems. I will also do some manual jelqing as well.

Start: 5/31/2004 EBP: 5.75 EG: 4.5 ENBP: 5.25 FL: 4 Using Penimaster and Jelq. 12/12/2004 EBP: 6 EG: 5.5 Midshaft; 6 Base ENBP: 5.5 Now using Penimaster, Jelq and pumping. 7/16/2006 Now adding vacu-hanger and removing penimaster. Goal: EBP: 7.25 ENBP: 6.75

I’m using the Jes Extender and am assuming its pretty much like the Penimaster. I’ve learnt two important lessons regarding comfort/injury avoidance;

1. Uncut guys like myself must retract the foreskin and fasten the loop behind the glans with the foreskin in this position. To fasten the loop over the top of the foreskin will compress blood vessels and lead to serious supply problems to the glans.

2. The Jes Extender has soft sponge pads in barrel shapes that can be fitted over the penis behind the glans and the loop can be fastened over these thus easing pressure on the organ

Having learnt these lessons after much pain & suffering I have been able to secure solid gains with device (over a period of 16 months and using a wide variety of stretch periods). Hopefully similar strategies can be adopted with the penimaster.

Mr Tips:

How long before you started seeing gains? Did you see gains in both erect and flacid?
I have been using mine for at least 6 hours a day. The wife will be gone for 4 months
and will have plenty of time to use it. I won’t be measuring for at least 2 more weeks.

Also, if you have good circ with no coldness or numbness, what how long does your book say to wear?
Mine says to take off after 3 hrs for at least 15 min.


Keep working, keep learning


koooky asked:

How long before you started seeing gains? Did you see gains in both erect and flacid?

Well, the Andro website data suggests (after some number crunching) that one could on average expect 0.001 inch/hr - so I set up a spreadsheet to log all of my hours in traction, day by day. After about 120 hrs I was able to measure statistically significant gains in both flacid and erect length and girth.
So far, my rate is about 0.003 inch/hr and I attribute that to a combination of heat and the stretcher. Recently, I have started pumping, too so from now on the data will be scewed, most likely, by the pumping. It’s too early to say exactly what that will be.

Koooky said: I have been using mine for at least 6 hours a day. The wife will be gone for 4 months and will have plenty of time to use it. I won’t be measuring for at least 2 more weeks.

Also, if you have good circ with no coldness or numbness, what how long does your book say to wear?
Mine says to take off after 3 hrs for at least 15 min.

I typically take a break every hour. In my experience, it depends on how your stretcher connection mechanism is set up. My Andro unit uses/used a noose to grab behind the glans. That worked okay until the forces increased as I added length to the rods. With the noose I generally went an hour or so then backed of to massage and restore circulation - tedious, needless to say - but that is what my book suggested, short breaks each hour or so.

So, I made a miniature Captain’s Wench as a connection mechanism for my Andro unit to help deal with the higher forces. The Captains wench grabs at the sides of the penis, about 1 inch in back of the glans. There are no critical functions at that location like nerves and blood vessels. Even so, the Captains wench is sensitive to how well you wrap which is affected by how engorged your unit is. If I wrap too tight I still end up taking a short break every hour or so just to make sure circulation is OK. The most I go under tension at these higher forces is 2 hours when I am wrapped correctly and use my heat sock. The Captains wench works fine and it does promote better overall circulation provided I wrap correctly. I am still learning and adapting.

Be advised, heat helps tremendously especially as you go up in force.

I hope all of this helps and not confuses. I’m happy to share as much as I can.

All the Best,


Then - BPEL 5.9, EG 5.2 - Now: BPEL 7.2, EG 5.6 Listen woman, "Don't bitch at me for burning the candle at both ends - just get me some more wax!"

Originally Posted by irishjim
I’m using the Jes Extender and am assuming its pretty much like the Penimaster. I’ve learnt two important lessons regarding comfort/injury avoidance;

1. Uncut guys like myself must retract the foreskin and fasten the loop behind the glans with the foreskin in this position. To fasten the loop over the top of the foreskin will compress blood vessels and lead to serious supply problems to the glans.

2. The Jes Extender has soft sponge pads in barrel shapes that can be fitted over the penis behind the glans and the loop can be fastened over these thus easing pressure on the organ

Having learnt these lessons after much pain & suffering I have been able to secure solid gains with device (over a period of 16 months and using a wide variety of stretch periods). Hopefully similar strategies can be adopted with the penimaster.


Thanks for your post. My Andro unit is pretty much identical to your Jes unit. I have a couple of questions:

1) Can you describe in more detail your cushions? On my Andro unit the foam cushions have a hole through the center that accepts the noose threaded through the cushion. The cushion has a strip of ridged rubber that is supposed to make contact with the glans. I found these to be almost impossible to make a secure grasp in back of the glans and the rubber irritated the skin.

2) Can you be more specific as to your measured gains?

3) Did you apply heat and/or combine stretching with any other form of PE?

Thanks for your inputs,


Then - BPEL 5.9, EG 5.2 - Now: BPEL 7.2, EG 5.6 Listen woman, "Don't bitch at me for burning the candle at both ends - just get me some more wax!"

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner MrTips, and thanks for your interest.

1.The foam pads are like those chiropody pads you place over toes (the toe inserted through the hollow centre) providing a protective covering around the circumference of the toe. You can find them on the Jes website as spare parts. They allow the latex or rubber loop to be fastened over the penis by providing a secure cushion to lessen irritation when tightened. The noose simply sits over the surface of the foam.
2. I’m typical of many on-off PE’rs in that accurate measurement has not been kept. In addition I’ve used various methods in my 5 (inconsistent) years at this including pumping. In the 5 years I’ve gone from 6" to 7.9" (bpl) and 5" to 6" girth (mostly down to pumping). I have used the Jes on and off for 18 months and can only guess that it has contributed 0.5" in that time. To add further confusion I’ve started jelqing in the past 3 weeks since discovering this god-send of a site and I think that some slight gains are already evident.
3. No I don’t use any heat or stretching (outside the Jes) but as mentioned I now do 3 X 250 jelqs (using baby oil) spread over the day.

Having discovered this marvellous site I have been inspired to re-apply myself to PE and keep accurate measurements. I don’t know how much potential I have for gains, but I would love to think I could get to 8.5 or (dream on) maybe 9". I’m very happy with the girth. Maybe I’ll try to organise some pics, but as a new forum member I’m not sure how long I have to wait before posting them.
Hope this helps.

The people over at AndroPenis are using scientific studies and news articles that don’t exist (atleast I cannot find them).

Penile enlargement without surgery with the Andro-Penis®

Scientific Research presented in the 1st Virtual Sexology and Hispanoamerican Sexual Education Congress (February -2001)
Dr. Eduardo A. Gomez de Diego „ 1998 Andrology Services ,Andromedical Clinic, Madrid (Spain)

Men’s Health devices - Penis, ED, Peyronie

You see that they used ‘presented’ because there was no such publication in 2001.


abstract of oral communication at Congress of the European Society for Sexual and Impotence Research ESSIR Congress, in Hamburg, published in International Journal For Impotance Research. Hamburg, 1 – 4 December 2002

Well, I went to their site and looked at the published studies for it…Nada. Nothing! Also, "abstract of oral communication"?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

They also claim Time Mag. published an article in 1998 about traction devices causing enlargement. Well, Time’s research database doesn’t have it. Maybe Time International, ooooohhhh, I know, they took out an ad and called it an article???

Men’s Health devices - Penis, ED, Peyronie

Last edited by Cya at 8 : 09-20-2004 at . Reason: quotes

Originally Posted by Cya at 8
The people over at AndroPenis are using scientific studies and news articles that don’t exist (atleast I cannot find them).

Men’s Health devices - Penis, ED, Peyronie

You see that they used ‘presented’ because there was no such publication in 2001.

Well, I went to their site and looked at the published studies for it…Nada. Nothing! Also, "abstract of oral communication"?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

They also claim Time Mag. published an article in 1998 about traction devices causing enlargement. Well, Time’s research database doesn’t have it. Maybe Time International, ooooohhhh, I know, they took out an ad and called it an article???

Men’s Health devices - Penis, ED, Peyronie

Cya at 8,

I now think you are correct about the potential for fraudulent marketing practices by AndroMedical. On closer inspection, I could not validate the stuff on their (Andro) website either. Furthermore, after further research, some of it looked like it was copied (including the study data) from the JesExtender website. The stretcher I bought is marketed by FastSize by agreement with AndroMedical. I got it several weeks ago before joining Thunders or even hearing about JesExtender. mia culpa.

That said, I now have an ongoing dialog with the JesExtender Company. I have been awaiting formal permission from JesExtender to share that correspondence. I received permission from Jes Mueller this morning to post the eMails (see below).

Bottom Line: This is terrible! - Don’t anyone else buy a FastSize/Andro unit as it seriously encroaches on Jes Extender. It’s one thing to re-engineer a widget and compete in the marketplace - it’s quite another to plagiarize and then falsify marketing and sales information.

Cya at 8, thanks for the heads up,


============== eMails to/from Jes Extender ===================

Thanks for writing to us - you have described the situation very accurately
- Andromedical has copied our product, used some of our test results, and
fastsize is in fact selling their counterfeit product, using some of our

Best regards

Jes Bech Müller

DanaMedic ApS.

Bostamose Oestre Straede 1A

DK-2930 Klampenborg, Denmark

Tel.: +45 7020 0724

Fax: +45 7020 0725



——-Original Message——-
From: MrTiPS
Sent: 20. september 2004 17:08
Subject: Copycat Promotions?


I see a lot of ads reference a product
called "FastSize" - it looks like a copy
of the Jes-Extender and seems to be a
remarketed product from a Company called
AndroMedical. I’ve tried to verify the
claims made reference "studies published" on
the AndroMedical website but I get suspicious

Is this really a re-marketed Jes-Extender or
is it plagiarized from your original product?

Just Thought You’d Like to Know, so would I!

All the Best,

================================================== ====

Then - BPEL 5.9, EG 5.2 - Now: BPEL 7.2, EG 5.6 Listen woman, "Don't bitch at me for burning the candle at both ends - just get me some more wax!"

I just got my Penimaster today. So far I am happy. It is white and they gave me 3 rubber straps and 2 of the plastic end brackets. So I have plenty of spare parts.

If you put it on right, it is very comfortable. They also include 2 cloth wraps, but I did not use them. I get a better grip just using the band. The most important thing is that you must put your finger between the bracket and your penis while strapping it in.

I like this much better then hanging weights.

Start: 5/31/2004 EBP: 5.75 EG: 4.5 ENBP: 5.25 FL: 4 Using Penimaster and Jelq. 12/12/2004 EBP: 6 EG: 5.5 Midshaft; 6 Base ENBP: 5.5 Now using Penimaster, Jelq and pumping. 7/16/2006 Now adding vacu-hanger and removing penimaster. Goal: EBP: 7.25 ENBP: 6.75


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