Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penimaster,questions and perhaps new discussion

I just purchased one, am not sure of how it will work… the statistics are good. Has anyone worn it more than 3 mos yet, and what are your gains?

I have had my PM two weeks today. There has been an adjustment period and at times I have notice a gain in length, but nothing tangible yet.

7.2 EL
7.3 EG at base

Well, I have the same one…the white one. I have had mine for about a month and just measured yesterday.

I only measure BP stretched flaccid(i think that is the right term).

Anyway. I measured almost a whole .25 inch longer.
I have been wearing mine from 6-8 hours a day.

I haven’t checked erect L or G yet but I do feel “heavier” and it does look thincker.

MR TIps:

Where can I get that DMSO lotion you were talking about????


Keep working, keep learning



The DMSO product I use is a gel comprised of 90% DMSO and 10% AloeVera with a touch of mint to mask any sulfur odor.

The Brand Name is “Nature’s Gift” and I have the 8 oz jar which should last
a loooonngggg time.

It’s distributed by American Marketing & Distributors, Inc
Rising Sun, IN 49040

You can no doubt find it on the Internet as that’s where I got mine but
I don’t recall which website - the info above is off of the label on the jar.

Damn glad I have it - irritated a tendon in my foot the other night power walking (wearing my 50# weighted vest) about 2 miles from home. I was
limping really badly by the time I got back. Next morning I could hardly get around. Two minutes after rubbing the gel into the heal area and the achilles tendon I could move around quite easily (still sore but bearable). I’ve been using the gel now about every 8-10 hrs and the recovery is just amazing. I’ve never seen anything work to relieve inflammation as fast as this stuff does.

Let me know if you have trouble getting it and good luck.


Then - BPEL 5.9, EG 5.2 - Now: BPEL 7.2, EG 5.6 Listen woman, "Don't bitch at me for burning the candle at both ends - just get me some more wax!"

Mr Tips:

I was wondering how you or anyone else has delt with the “burn” from the wrap around
where you attach the bracket? I have dealt with the “sac burn” fine just by pulling some of the skin
through the circle.

Also, I was wondering if you track your daily use. I am really lazy in that department and plan
to start tracking starting Monday. Up until now, I am sure I have been using it at least 6-8 hours
a day in 2-3 hour sessions.

Also, how do you use that lotion? Do you put it on before or after? I have some pretty good
vitamin E and Aloe lotion I usually use after each session.



Keep working, keep learning


Hey Kooky,

When did you notice a substantial gain. I also have been jelqing and pumping. I pump about once a day for 20 minutes.. I have notice some gain still, definitely in girth, but the length is more what I am seeking all around.. No pun intended :)

I just measured a few days ago. I have gained a full .25 inch in BPFSL. I wore it
so far for about a month at about 6-8 hours a day. My biggest problem as noted above
is that I have not kept good records on a daily basis. Some days I manual stretch, some days
I don’t. Starting Monday, I am going to keep a daily journal of everything I do PE related.
I also plan to do 2-3 sets of hanging before I strap on the PM. But I am really excited about the
new gains and look to cement them ASAP. My flacid stretch has been 6.5 and my Erect BP L has always
been between 6-6.25 and when I measured the other day was the FIRST time I have ever seen 6.75 on my
ruler!!!! I was really excited as my goal is 7.5 then I start on girth. I have been told to just keep doing what
I’m doing and the erect gains will follow the stretched gains. I really like the idea of constant pull at low levels.
Though I do try to wear the PM at max tension for at least half my time during the day.

What version of the PM do you have and how long have you been wearing it? What has been some of your


Keep working, keep learning


That’s pretty heavy stuff, Andro being accused by the other manufacturer of fraud… My own cursory look seems to indicate that the fastsize and andro are the same product, but not the same as PeniMaster. Of course I dont have either so I could be full of it.. :)

So: is the conclusion that the noose is a bad idea and that a bib-like grip is better?

My opinion would be yes that a noose is bad. But there are those who have posted
that have found ways around it. I like the PM’s bands. They are about an inch wide and
with a loose wrap, or the sock wrap supplied, they can fit rather comfortable as I have gone as long as
3 plus hours with mine.


Keep working, keep learning


What’s the average price on these?

Does it help correct curvature?

I got mine for about 140 some bucks. Including S&H. They claim to correct a curve but I
have yet to see any testimonys supporting that.

I do want to keep this thread going though. How is everyone? Maybe we should all
start measuring during the same week to keep closer track of our gains and I wish
some of the vets from the original LONG thread would post back and let us know how
things went for them and if any are still using this device.


Keep working, keep learning


Hey Kooky,

I have the newer white one. Mine cost the same as yours. I have noticed about a quarter inch in length when flaccid especially. It definitely hangs lower and feels bigger around. I know I have gained in girth in the last 3 months, I have had the Pmaster for 3 weeks, and have been jelqing for 3 months. I have gained close to a half inch in girth. I did not measure at first because I had little faith in the PE ability.. And I grew ‘out’ of the TP roll, I can no longer fit it over my shaft, when erect and before I could get it down almost an inch from the base bone press.. I would like to see more length. I am currently at 7.2 EL, and 7.5 almost in the EG at the base specifically. At mid shaft it’s 5.5 or more depending on a workout.

I have the newer white one as well. From the earlier thread, I think it is better made than the

original black one as I have not had any problems with anything breaking. I wear mine for about

6 hours a day and I am seeing some game in the BPFSL department but nothing else yet. I have only had

mine for a month and I try to wear it at max traction as much as possible.

Keep working, keep learning


Re the rubber straps of the PM breaking:

I have mentioned this on another thread, but can’t remember which,

But when fitting up the PM if you just put the corrugated part of the strap in your mouth and wet it, It will slip in the grooves very easily, due to the lubricating effect of saliva.

Once in place the bands are held without slipping, and when finished the session just appy some more saliva with your finger, (unless you are extraordinarily well endowed and can use the same method as before), and the bands can then be slipped out quite easily.

Should help to prevent them tearing and give a longer period of use.


Hi guys,
I have used my PM for a week now, and I am starting to see&feel some difference.
But I have some questions, and would be glad for answers…

1. What is this Theraband used for? Do you wrap around the top of the penis?
2. Is it correct that you can increase girth by wrapping the base of the penis?

I would be really glad if someone could explain both of these…

//Mr. Gain


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