Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penimaster,questions and perhaps new discussion

Originally Posted by koooky
Mr Tips:

I was wondering how you or anyone else has delt with the “burn” from the wrap around
where you attach the bracket? I have dealt with the “sac burn” fine just by pulling some of the skin
through the circle.

Also, I was wondering if you track your daily use. I am really lazy in that department and plan
to start tracking starting Monday. Up until now, I am sure I have been using it at least 6-8 hours
a day in 2-3 hour sessions.

Also, how do you use that lotion? Do you put it on before or after? I have some pretty good
vitamin E and Aloe lotion I usually use after each session.



Hi Koooky,

I deal with “attachment irritation” three ways: 1) every so often I apply neosiporin to the glans & corona area including the circumcision scar; 2) I use DMSO/AloeVera gel about once/day to go after general irritation and tissue soreness; 3) I wrap the attachment area around the glans with 2-inch wide J&J surgical gauze (and, I am dang careful when I unwrap to unwind the opposite way I wrapped slow and easy so as not to pull the skin). These work fine for me.

I keep accurate records using a computer spread sheet. Every individual exercise that is part of my routine has a column on the spread sheet and the rows represent consecutive days. I log every minute I spend in traction, every kegel, every jelq, and every minute I pump. I also have a comments column to enter general information and observations for each day. The point is - if you don’t measure it how do you expect to control it? Maybe your memory is a lot better than mine but I find that a daily journal is essential.

I typically apply one coating of DMSO/aloe vera gel in the mid afternoon as by that time I have been stretching quite a while and my unit is starting to get a bit beat up. The gel really helps.

I hope this helps - all the best,


Koooky - I neglected to mention that as part of my wrapping technique I cover the J&J surgical gause with a “jelly tip” - the JT is an elastic sleeve that is coated on the inside with a layer of silicon jelly. Dancers use them to cushion their toes. I buy the biggest “large toe” jelly tip I can and then stretch the hell out of it. It works just great to cushion and protect the glans when I attach the stretcher.



Then - BPEL 5.9, EG 5.2 - Now: BPEL 7.2, EG 5.6 Listen woman, "Don't bitch at me for burning the candle at both ends - just get me some more wax!"

After serious investigation I´ve now decided to go with PeniMaster and base/ball-wraping for my PE.

I will check in, in about a month to present my progress.

Now: Erect 20cm, Flaccid 12 cm

I’ve had my Penimaster for about 4 days and I’m finding it really fustrating. If I tighten the band enough to keep from sliding out my glans becomes cold and sometimes turns purple. I’ve tried wrapping with gauze, using the black wrap that comes with the PM, and “ouchless” bandage tape. What happens is that my skin and whatever wrap I use bunches up over the edge of my glans. The tension is set at the 3/4 notch.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


Patience . . . Go really easy and try to condition your unit slowly. I know from personal experience that it’s tough. Take frequent breaks (yeah, I know it’s cumbersome getting in and out - but, your hands will learn the proper procedures for wrapping - with lots of practice). Based on what you describe about the skin bunching forward, I have the same problem and the only way I could deal with it is I learned how to stretch out flacid and wrap at the same time. I learned how to use 2-inch wide J&J gauze to wrap with and it is far superior to the “black shroud” that comes with the PM. And, it doesn’t constrict back down a cut circulation like a lot of other wraps do.

Don’t beat up on yourself - you bought a quality stretcher for all of the right reasons JMHO. You’re early in the game of learning how your body responds. It will adapt and so must you listen to what it says and adapt, too.

BTW - get yourself a flax or rice sock and use lots of heat when you stretch (especially early in the AM or when you first start out your day. Heat is your friend.

All the Best,


Then - BPEL 5.9, EG 5.2 - Now: BPEL 7.2, EG 5.6 Listen woman, "Don't bitch at me for burning the candle at both ends - just get me some more wax!"

Thanks for the advise MrTips.

I’ve been wrapping just the area behind the glans with 2” J&J gauze. Should I wrap the whole shaft? Will a thicker layer of gauze help with circulation? Being a “grower not a shower”, I have a lot of skin play even when I stretch out as far as my suspensory ligament will allow. Although I’m cut, I sometimes look uncut when I’m flaccid.

Actually, my main reason for stretching is to increase flaccid size. I’m happy with my erect size and am hoping that I won’t get much thicker.

I’ll watch the wrapping video again and pay closer attention.

Thanks again.

Hi JohnZ,

I feel I left you a bit in the lurch on an issue as follows . . . not only do I have a bit of a problem with the extra skin, I’m quite a bit thicker girthwise just above the circ scar than forward towards the Glans. This makes it very difficult to get a proper grip with the PM rubber strap - so, I made my own strap for the PM still using the PM frontal piece. My strap works much better because it addresses the circ scar taper and it is far more comfortable for me. I used 3/4-inch wide strips of paper-backed velcro stuck back-to-back with a JellyTip toe guard threaded through the velcro strap that contacts the wrap on the shaft in back of the glans and also contacts the coronal ridge of the glans. This strap has made a great difference for me. PM me for the construction details if you are interested. One other forum member has tried it and has given me positive feedback. If you have a similar situation as to shaft girth versus glans size and shape, this change in strap could help a lot based on my experience. This is one way I “adapted” my own approach.

Best of Luck to You,


John Z - here’s another suggestion reference flacid size - check out the threads and posts of Peforeal (mostly on the pumper’s forum) about his and Avocet8’s use of a TheraP magnetic wrist band as a cock ring wrapped behind both cock & balls. It works just as well in combination with stretching as it does with pumping as I use one all the time when I’m out of the stretcher or the pump tube. It has a terrific impact on flacid size and hang.


In the past 6 weeks I have changed my routine to mostly stretching and PM use, eliminating the jelqing for now. I have been spending between 6-10 hours using PM 5 days a week and have not had any down days. Am using against LOT (pointing up) and also pointing down (LOT is 6:00). This way, both tunica and ligs get stretched.

I’ve added another 3/4” bar to the PM as a starting point and am able to stretch another 3/4” by the end of each session. Most sessions, I stretch until I reach the full screw length (3/4”). Some sessions, I add another 3/4” bar and am able to stretch to the end of the screw without pain but feel a pretty good pull (total stretch of 1.5”). I do not exert force greater than the 2nd line from the end; I don’t want to pull it off!

I recommend that if you wear this under your pants that you decrease the tension because if you start to feel pain from walking or sitting, it can be difficult and embarrassing to rip off your pants in the middle of a meeting to make an adjustment (HAHAHA). I also agree with the many other people who have posted that the device should not be used while sleeping OR as the manual says, under the influence of alcohol, drugs or pain meds.

I found that keeping the heat source (bed buddy/rice sock) applied during PM use helps keep circulation flowing and allows for longer stretches and longer, more comfortable sessions by keeping everything nice and warm.

I did take a week off and I have gained 1/8” in length and a slightly noticeable but not measureable gain in girth.

Good luck and happy growing.

PE for length: so her heart stops when she sees it. PE for girth: to get her heart started again!

One need only leave the surface of the planet to realize we are all one people.

I’ve seen 2 types of extenders on ebay now. THe Jes and the PenisMaster. I’m attaching pics of what I’ve seen there. The Jes has the latex band that looks a little flimsy. The Penis Master looks like a different setup to keep the glans in place. I’m wondering how the different types rate? Which do you think would work better?

(6.5 KB, 92 views)
(2.6 KB, 103 views)

I have an andro penis device so many of the things MrTips has mentioned I can relate to..i.e the noose being comfortable initially but getting too tight as more resistance is added. After reading some of the posts, a few questions have risen. First, what does it mean when you say spring compression??…I can push the two rods inwards and feel the springs retracting by the force I’m applying but as soon as I let go pushing dowards, the two rods will pop back out. Secondly, I’d like to know how I could incorporate the “heat” wrap into my stretching regime?? Is this something I apply during my breaks from using the andropenis or is it done at the same time and if so then how does the wrap coexist with the andro penis device at the same time?? Thank you in advance

I have a question. What if you had a different clamping head instead of noose or strap. I have a very long story that I could tell (and amazing amounts of money I’ve spent), but short version is that I too am a penismaster customer (and many others) and out of frustration, I’ve developed my own stretching device and one that I market on the net (just trying to recoup my investment and time spent). From the hindsight, I can’t imagine why penismaster/jes extender users can’t use my product - although I would have to modify the rod-attachment gizmo to fit my head clamp to these products, it still could be easily accomplished.

I apology if this type of posting is not allowed (hence I didn’t mention my product or website or any marketing related items in any of my posts).

I really do want to help people as I was suicidal at one point and now I feel good enough to be average… Thanks BIB as I used him as my imaginary mentor.

With that, let me know if you want to see the picture of my clamping head and I’ll post it (still without mentioning my business).

Also, if you want to try a new wrapping material, let me know as I am still looking for 2 more volunteer - I think it will help both penismaster or BIB users. I had a one volunteer and he seemed to like it - but thats all I could go by.



I’ve sent you a PM.

Originally Posted by monkeybar

With that, let me know if you want to see the picture of my clamping head and I’ll post it (still without mentioning my business).

I would be interested in seeing what it looks like. I don’t think it’s a violation of any rules as long as you’re not selling the product.


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