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Tension on the penimaster


Tension on the penimaster

So I wonder,

I have this thing at maximum tension, I can last about 2 hours (the first 2 hours) before really needing to reset it. From that point on its 1 hour, then 45 minutes.

Is it better to wear it at a lower tension and keep it for a greater period of uninterrupted time?

Is there a point of diminishing returns?

My thought is that if I put too much tension on it, my penis will actually not benefit and possibly react by shrinking back. But when I don’t feel that maximum stretch, I feel like I’m not doing my best.

I wear it for 3 hours (with those short reset breaks)

Take one hour break

Then another 3-4 hours.

Towards the last 2 hours, I have to back the tension down or I can’t keep it on for more than 30 minutes at a time.

So, all you Penimasters and hangers… any thoughts?

Do you need to reset it from numbness or skin discomfort or just being too tired from the stretch?

Do you traction wrap during breaks, too?

thepenismightier's data

thepenismightierthanthesword, butmyswordislongerthanyourpenis

Originally Posted by thepenismightier
Do you need to reset it from numbness or skin discomfort or just being too tired from the stretch?

Do you traction wrap during breaks, too?

It’s mostly the skin hurting too much. There is a good internal stretch and that doesn’t bother me too much.

I don’t know how to “wrap”.

Originally Posted by Rambone
So I wonder,
Is it better to wear it at a lower tension and keep it for a greater period of uninterrupted time?

Is there a point of diminishing returns?

My thought is that if I put too much tension on it, my penis will actually not benefit and possibly react by shrinking back. But when I don’t feel that maximum stretch, I feel like I’m not doing my best.

I don’t think we categorically know the answer to this yet. Here are my thoughts though fwiw:

1. The weak point is the grip method/area that is causing discomfort, so I don’t think you are adding too much tension to the rest of the penis unless you are going beyond the spring rate and directly extending with effectively fixed bars where the tension level is unknown.

2. More time should make up for less tension to a point. To take an extreme example, penis weight alone is not enough to make gains automatic, so there must be a lower limit, but I would have thought 1lb would be plenty to start seeing something if duration is long enough. The only downside with extremely low tension I would imagine is if it is not enough to overcome the elastic retraction level of the tissues, which would be very low indeed. More would be better provided it is sustainable and not up to a level where anything other than mild soreness develops.

3. If by reducing the tension you reach a point where you no longer hit discomfort at the grip point but are still extending the penis, then I would say for comfort alone (and therefore remaining under traction) it would be optimal for you.

4. Maybe doing fairly aggressive stretching for a few minutes followed by 8 hours of low traction would get you the best of both worlds.

Hey man, I wear mine set a high tension for two hours a day. But I believe from my experience that two hours at high tension is more beneficial than longer periods of time at lower tension. It is just like lifting weights your stressing tissue.The reason you probably can not go much longer with higher tension is because your penis tissue gets tired quicker than it otherwise would at lower tension settings. I have had good results this way so far.

I found my personal “optimal” tension level by trial and error, I tried the max tension on the penimaster over and over again, wanting to get fast results, but after an hour the numbness set in. I went down a notch and the same thing happened, So I reset the tension to 690g and found that this stopped any numbness, just base irritation after 3-4 hours of use.

I would suggest others use this method for finding their own optimal tension level, as long as its over 400g you should make gains after long term use.

I’d be Interested in hearing what other users optimal tension level turned out to be also.

Well I have the size genetics device with the new strap thing, and I find I can’t wear it at high tension, it just slips off or the comfort pad just really irritates my skin and it feels like rug burn after a while and really isnt so comfortable to wear.

I’ve tried athletic tape to wrap around my shaft just under my glans and it still dosnt work, after a while even at no tension at all I feel a burning sensation or a pinching sensation too. I’ve even cut the tape in half down the middle so it’s skinnier and dosnt bunch up so much from the strap and I still find it pinches and burns. So what gives? How does the penimaster get you the highest tension even for 2 hours?

I find my device is practically worthless man. Tape dosnt work, I’ve tried carpet tape, paper tape, adhesive gauze, duct tape, electricians tape, nothing man. Just pinches and burns. I got so frustrated I even considered comming up with a bogus home made contraption and crazy glue my penis onto something I can attach to the metal rods. Haha. What can I do to make my device more useful? I’m new to this website so I’m sorry if I can’t find anything I just came across this thread first. Any serious actual help will be much appreciated!

i hope this thread will never die.I wanna ask you few advices guys.I had 1inch gain from the newbie but after that but gains have been stopped.i am trying to get advices as much as possible.I think i am not a pe roster anymore would you suggest me any jelqs or manual stretch.Anyone can post a routine for my self!I noticed my unit is a bit dry and skin is growing up as well(is that a good sign???).

What’s the best way to use this device low or high tensions for long or short time??After how many hours i should see any gains if i should get any???thanks!!!

ps:i hope my english is enough clear because is not my first language!

Originally Posted by Rambone
So I wonder,

I have this thing at maximum tension, I can last about 2 hours (the first 2 hours) before really needing to reset it. From that point on its 1 hour, then 45 minutes.

Is it better to wear it at a lower tension and keep it for a greater period of uninterrupted time?

Is there a point of diminishing returns?

My thought is that if I put too much tension on it, my penis will actually not benefit and possibly react by shrinking back. But when I don’t feel that maximum stretch, I feel like I’m not doing my best.

I wear it for 3 hours (with those short reset breaks)

Take one hour break

Then another 3-4 hours.

Towards the last 2 hours, I have to back the tension down or I can’t keep it on for more than 30 minutes at a time.

So, all you Penimasters and hangers… any thoughts?

Are you using the American penimaster or the original german one from

Have you tried using basic plain ‘ol white medical gauze as a wrap?? It’s very good. Wrap it around the top of your knob LOTS of times. I have almost 3ft of it around me I’d say. So there’s absolutley no chance of the strap pinching or grabbing the skin in any way, it’s grabbing purely onto the thick layer of gauze.

I’m very suspicious to say anything about the high/low tension dilemma since I’m wearing it for about 5 weeks. I’ll wait for the 10th to take my measurements again.

I think you should do the same. Some methods apparently work well for some guys, however they may not work so well for you. It’s a shame but that happens : (

You must find a method that best suits you. If it didn’t work out well, then you try another one.

PE is a ‘self-art’. As such, it takes time and patience to master yourself.

By the way, I’m wear mine set at ‘medium’ tension. I also take several breaks for peeing and doing social things. My average wearing rate is 6h per day.

I wish you guys the best.

Does anyone here a proper routine to add at the using of the extender?

I’ve been trying to wear my static stretcher for at least 5 hours a day at high tension. I take breaks, but I try to wear it for 5 hours a day. It’s hard, but hopefully I’ll gain the length I want.

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

Originally Posted by akaakaaka
Does anyone here a proper routine to add at the using of the extender?

Didn’t your extender come with instructions?

If you want I can post the ones that came with my extender (andro medical).

Originally Posted by James1984
Didn’t your extender come with instructions?

If you want I can post the ones that came with my extender (andro medical).

i am using the extender because i am stuck with the newbie and i think using only the extender without any manual exercise nothing is going to moment i am streching for 5 minutes before to wesr the extender and at the end i jelq 100times plus kegels.just wondering if i have to take any days off from xtender use or not if i have to jelq everyday or not???any advices?in the manual instruction doesnt say if i have to add rods or if i have to increase the tension.after 1 month and 3 weeks i didnt gain anything and it’s been worth an average of 4 hours every day sometimes 10 hours sometimes 3hours per day.

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