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Wrapping for PE weights, Vac extender head

Wrapping for PE weights, Vac extender head

I’m having trouble wrapping for my PE weights which I think is because I’m uncut?

Mravg said Now when I use weights I use my vac extender head to keep the weights on, which works great because there is no compression or circulation loss in the glans.

I’m wondering if anyone does the same and does it work better and is the vac extender head the same as a vac hanger head?

Also is there any uncut guys that could give me any tips on wrapping for weights please.

This is great news. I was thinking about trying to use the head as a weight stop.

Do the weights slide over the rubber sheath and just rest up against where it is folded back over.

If they rest up against the fold back what do you do about skin pinch??

This would be ideal if there is no skin pinch :D

Sometime in 2005: Bpel 5.7, eg 4.3: 7/15/07 bpel=6.1, eg 4.6

Now bpel 6.50, eg 5.30 bpfsl 6.50

Goal bpel 7.0 - 7.5, eg 5.5

This is what I use to do with my PE weights and it worked like a charm. Push the weights to the base put on the vac extenders head. Slide the weights down over the sleeve and you are good to go.

Hey Gona,

Do the pe weights slide over the blue sleeve or do you fold the sleeve back over the cap?

If you leave it at full length on your penis does your penis get irritated from the sleeve?

You said this is what you used to do, do you no longer use pe weights?

Sometime in 2005: Bpel 5.7, eg 4.3: 7/15/07 bpel=6.1, eg 4.6

Now bpel 6.50, eg 5.30 bpfsl 6.50

Goal bpel 7.0 - 7.5, eg 5.5

I’ve tried this method of putting the weights on, then putting the vacextender 2 head on. It worked but I don’t know. I would get fluid build up and stinging after 2 hours and did not like that feeling so I didn’t stick with it. I invented other more comfy methods.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Now that I think about it, I guess it wasn’t so bad. Might go back to that method.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

That’s exactly how I did. I would slide them over the sleeve to the end part. I say use to because I haven’t used my PE Weights in a while. I have almost every PE thing there is it seems. I have been using my static stretcher lately so haven’t been using the weights.

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