Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A question to Bib

A question to Bib

My starting stats Oct 15th, 2001 were

Erect lenght: 14.5 cm bp (5.7”)
Erect girth: 13,97cm (5,5”)

Question to Bib:

My stats now Jan 15th, 2002

Erect lenght: 16.0 cm bp (6.299”)
Erect girth: 15.24 cm (6”)

Does the Bib starter (I would like it better because it´s smaller)
fit to me ?


>Erect girth: 15.24 cm (6”)

Does the Bib starter (I would like it better because it´s smaller)
fit to me ? <

The Starter may be easier to attach, but with a 6” girth, it might be a little small. You would have to wrap fairly tight at the point of attachment, while having the leading edge of the wrap a little loose. It would take some time to learn how to do it.

Depending on how tight your skin is, the regular might be best.


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