Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

ADS question for the vets

ADS question for the vets

Hey guys, I seem to be having a problem with my wrap for my ADS. I currently use 2 of Monty’s PE weights and wrap with a 21 x .75 inch strip of ace bandage wrap. What I do is basically wrap all the bandage in one spot right behind my circumcision scar. So basically I’m not spiralling the wrap or anything, just making a thick wad of bandage that the weights can’t slip past.

My problem is that my heads gets cold after about 10 minutes. It doesn’t get icy cold but it still worries me. Does anyone else have this problem? I’ve tried loosening the wrap but too much and the weight slips off. If there is anyone out there who has excellent circulation in the glans while wearing their ADS, I would appreciate it if you gave me a few pointers on how to do just that.

Starting stats- 5.9 BP Current stats- 7.5 BP, 5.25 EG, 8.13 BPFSL

Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.

Hi Ocelot,

I use 2 or 3 of Monty’s PE weights. I don’t spiral wrap my penis underneath as that would give it extra support I don’t want. I want my penis to feel the full stretch. I dont wrap behind the circ scar. I wrap behind the glans because I want a full penis stretch. I found ace bandage inadequate cause the weights kept slipping off. Now I use ace bandage first then a strip of thera wrapped around about 3 times. Then I tuck the remaining thera under the weight closest to the head. The head certainly loses some circulation. It gets colder but not enough to worry me. I wear my weights until either they start bothering me (I feel a kind of burning from the stretch), or I have to pee. Usually peeing comes first. I’m sitting a lot at my job, so I have to kind of hang my ass half off the chair, which is a bit of a pain.


"If you build it, she will cum." --Growth of Dreams

I’m no vet at ADS yet but I do have expierence with using the little simple ADS which I’m using now. I have gotten a cold glans/head after about 10-15 mins but that was because I was wrapping too tight. After I got some finesse with the wrapping and I loosened just a little I could wear and did wear the ADS for hours straight and got no cold glans or deep purple discoloration or glans/head ballooning effect like you get sometimes when you trap blood in the head and the wrap is too tight near the upper shaft.

I suggest trying different ways to wrap and wrapping with different materials and different amounts of materials at different tightness levels. I imagine for your PE weights it would probaly be ok for you to just do what I do and cut up with some scissors about 20”x1” of cloth material from a old t-shirt and about 18”x1” of the elastic band around a pair of boxers, then wrap starting just behind the head sprialling downward for about 2” the first t-shirt cloth wrap and then apply the “stopper” (like a stopper knot in a rope) wrap about a quarter inch from the start of your cloth wrap on your shaft. lil12big1 says to use theraband material for the elastic like wrap I just mentioned but I find the elastic band of the boxers works just fine.

Hope this helps some…

self-adhesive foam for wrap, good idea slack :)

Coldness of your head is normal. It’s the swelling you want to avoid. I’ve had a cold head for hours with no consequence. Where you run into trouble is when your head turns a dark blue. Usually if you get this you’ll get head swelling with it. It stands to reason your going to be a little cold as your constricting the blood flow and stretching your shaft which is constricting in and of itself. Coldness is not a bad thing, blueness is. You can detect this condition also when you feel achy down there.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Intersting Monty. I’m going to have to place a order with you for some of the weights and Wench materials soon. :)

I appreciate the help guys, you have all helped me immensely.

Starting stats- 5.9 BP Current stats- 7.5 BP, 5.25 EG, 8.13 BPFSL

Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.

Ocelot,try the HTW.Believe me when I say it beats anything I’ve tried.I can’t figure out how to post the link.Sorry

Allow me 8, HTW.

Thanks for the help spreading the word.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

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