Thunder's Place

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Almost two months into hanging... got any advice?

Almost two months into hanging... got any advice?

Well it’s been almost two months into my hanging journey and I’ve decided on giving an update. Here is a bit about my routine:

It was difficult at first to get settled into the whole feeling of hanging, but in about a week, I was fine and was able to hang 5lbs at three 15 minute sets. Some late nights I would just do two sets of 15 minutes and maybe light jelqing after (100-250 jelqs or about 10 minutes). Hanging was done BTC sitting on the edge of my bed with my legs straight out and supported on my clothing hamper.

After 5lbs I went to 8lbs for about two weeks and then finally upped the weight to 10lbs as of yesterday. I would feel a tugging sensation on my ligs directly (right over the pubic bone) and a very intense stretching feeling- it almost felt as if it were even stretching my intestines! So yeah, the sensation could be felt throughout my body’s inside. To intensify the stretch, I would lean my torso back a bit and feel a nice solid pull.

As for glans coldness/numbness. I would periodically check my glans by rubbing it with my fingertip- if I had feeling then I would keep hanging for the duration of 15 minutes (sometimes I’d let it hang to a full 20 min). * After each set I would unwrap and massage my dick, give it a quick hot wrap too, then jelq for 10 min and hang another set *

Now for the pro’s and cons:

+ My foreskin has stretched a bit and has adapted to the hanger.
- Glans gets somewhat inflated and tight when I hang 10lbs, but does NOT when I hang 8 or less. Yes I squeeze as much blood out of the glans/upper shaft as possible while tightening the hanger.
+ My LOT has gone from 10:00 to almost 9:00 tugback!
- No gains. Not even one tenth of an inch! In fact I have LOST some stretched length! This could possibly be due to a foreskin restoration device I am using also (which pushes my penis corpus cavernosa tissue up into my body! so I am not going to use that device anymore).
- Hanger twists towards my right knee a little bit. I still feel the tug down the middle of my ligs though.

So I am glad that I am finally learning hanging, but very disappointed in my lack of gains.

Any help/advice is welcome!

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003


>Well it’s been almost two months into my hanging journey and I’ve decided on giving an update. Here is a bit about my routine:<

Cool, getting regular advice when you’re starting a new routine is important so you can make sure you’re on the right track.

>It was difficult at first to get settled into the whole feeling of hanging, but in about a week, I was fine and was able to hang 5lbs at three 15 minute sets.<

That’s normal you might experience similar things when you try different angles or higher weights.

>Some late nights I would just do two sets of 15 minutes and maybe light jelqing after (100-250 jelqs or about 10 minutes).<


>After 5lbs I went to 8lbs for about two weeks and then finally upped the weight to 10lbs as of yesterday.<

Good, make small increases to allow the weaker tissues to build up their strength.

>I would feel a tugging sensation on my ligs directly (right over the pubic bone) and a very intense stretching feeling- it almost felt as if it were even stretching my intestines!<

Yes that happens sometimes and is an intense stretch.

>So yeah, the sensation could be felt throughout my body’s inside. To intensify the stretch, I would lean my torso back a bit and feel a nice solid pull.<

Crunching your abs is another good one, as are reverse kegels.

>As for glans coldness/numbness. I would periodically check my glans by rubbing it with my fingertip- if I had feeling then I would keep hanging for the duration of 15 minutes (sometimes I’d let it hang to a full 20 min). * After each set I would unwrap and massage my dick, give it a quick hot wrap too, then jelq for 10 min and hang another set *<

Unwrapping is not really necessary unless you are comfortable with doing it. It took me a long time to get the wrapping how I needed to get the most comfort, and if I got a really good set up on the first set it seemed like a bad idea to unwrap. I’d reduce your jelqing to 1 minute between sets - all that is needed is to get some fresh blood flowing, excessive jelqing could give you more shaft soreness (especially at higher weights).

>+ My foreskin has stretched a bit and has adapted to the hanger.

Good, that means the skin was tight and needed to be stretched to allow internal growth.

>- Glans gets somewhat inflated and tight when I hang 10lbs, but does NOT when I hang 8 or less. Yes I squeeze as much blood out of the glans/upper shaft as possible while tightening the hanger.<

Some blood in the head is ok. If the head starts out how you want it to be and inflates during the set then the hanger is not tight enough.

>+ My LOT has gone from 10:00 to almost 9:00 tugback!<

OK so something is happening, for this to change something has stretched, even if it isn’t showing up on the ruler yet.

>- No gains. Not even one tenth of an inch! In fact I have LOST some stretched length! This could possibly be due to a foreskin restoration device I am using also (which pushes my penis corpus cavernosa tissue up into my body! so I am not going to use that device anymore).<

I think this may be because of a reflex contraction of the BC muscle, and also that device sounds counter productive to the stretching you are doing. You want the shaft to be extended after a hanging routine not squashed back up.

>- Hanger twists towards my right knee a little bit. I still feel the tug down the middle of my ligs though.<

A little bit is ok as long as the head is not twisted within the hanger. Try to keep it straight or do an equal amount for each side.

>So I am glad that I am finally learning hanging, but very disappointed in my lack of gains.<

The gains will come, you are still early in your hanging career and from what you say here you are on the right track.

Good Luck


I looked at your past progress reports and it looks like you prefer to heat after exercises instead of before?

Any advice? Jelq.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg



Yes, in these past tow months I would try to use heat as much as possible. Here is my normal 3 set hanging routine broken down with heat included:

1. Shower (heat)
1a. Hang 15 min
1b. Unwrap + heated washcloth on glans that has become a bit cool to the touch.
1c. Jelq about 10 min

2. Heated washcloth to soften tissue and lose any erection that was built from jelq.
2a. Hang 15 min
2b. Unwrap + heated washcloth on glans that has become a bit cool to the touch.
2c. Jelq about 10 min ( I jelq longer than 10 min after last set (usually 3rd set)).

3. Heated washcloth to soften tissue and lose any erection that was built from jelq.
3a. Hang 15 min
3b. Unwrap + heated washcloth on glans that has become a bit cool to the touch.
3c. Jelq about 20-25 min

I jelq only 10 min for Set 3 instead of 20+ min to accommodate for this last set.

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003

First off this is Sheneedsmore. I am on my girlfriends computer.

Like you I have been only hanging for a little over a month now. I have had gains in length of 1/8”. I do a couple of things different and maybe it will help you. First I heat with a rice sock because I found it stays heated longer. I only heat the first half of each set. Heating each set for 10 min. helps the ligs stretch then they cool the last half of the set. I do 3-20 min sets hanging 8 1/2 lbs. BTC. I also don’t un-wrap between sets. From what I have read from Bigger, less weight and more time is better. I can do 10 lbs. but not as long. I’m no expert but this might help.

Happy Hanging

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