My feedback posted above was with just a few hours of use. I said I’d get back with a 1 month update, and here it is.
1) If you have hung in the past, is the comfort level substantially greater than what you have experienced before? If you have not hung before, what is your opinion of the comfort level?
I haven’t hung in the past.
When lifting 8# with my hand, I can’t believe I hang it from my penis shaft as comfortable as I do with the bib.
2) If you have hung before, what type of hanger did you use?
3) How long did it take you to learn to use the BibHanger?
The learning process has been a matter of paying sensible attention and I have not encountered any problems with settings, that I wasn’t able to quickly resolve.
I’ve made the acquiantances of mr trial and error and from the 2nd-3rd week I’ve been getting along very fine with the bib.
4) What is your estimate of the useful life of the hanger? Durability.
A long long time. I’ll pass it on to my son if I ever have one; or daughter, if I have one of those and should she hook up with a lesser hung gentleman.
5) How many pounds (max), and for what amount of time are you hanging?
8# (BTC) for 66 minutes. 9# for 76 minutes is the preliminary schedule for next week.
6) Estimate the maximum you think you could hang if you were properly conditioned.
I don’t know… I just hope I can go on for a long time before I need more than 15-20# BTC.
7) What gains have you had so far, and in what amount of time?
I got .25" EL, and that gain came right away within the first 10 days of hanging 4# BTC for 3x15 minutes. I had my first limiting factor located in my left side lig bundle; I think it may have been just one lig taking this easy load and releasing this very nice first gain.
After this lig was stretched out I have reached equilibrium, and working up to 8# is still not enough for any fatigue. I’m adding approximately a pound each week; sooner or later I’ll break through again. I’m contemplating the possibility of a UTL approach but I also think that another pound or two will give me the next BTC break through.
8) Do you think you will be able to reach your goals using the hanger?
My LOT is ~8:30 and I have no real idea of how much gain I can squeeze out of BTC. My base is already quite girthy (7"), so respectable efforts on OTS is expceted if I am to gain that way later on. I can’t guess how long it will take before I reach my preliminary gain goal of 1.25", but since my first limiting lig stretched so quickly it seems reasonable to expect at least a worthwile gain rate with BTC.
I’m just careful not to push it and even if 9" still seems like a semi utopia (1" out of 1.25" to go), I’m now confident I’ll get there someday.
9) About how many hours have you logged using it so far?
10) Describe any problems encountered.
Wrapping (see #11). No persistent problems with the hanger itself (see #3); just matters of finding the optimal settings.
11) What type of wrap have you found most comfortable?
Inner sleeve of stretchy lycra (swimwear fabric) with a strip of Theraband or thick firm nylon along the top center. Outer sleeve of bandaid. The idea with the strip is that the teeth grip the bandaid and slides over the strip, thus keeping the skin safe from pinching. I had to take a break due to blisters from the teeth digging into the skin, but the way I wrap now has been very good to my unit, plus it’s easy to apply/remove and brings no variables to the attachment.
When I get hold of a digital camera, I’ll take pictures for the wrapping thread I posted a few weeks ago:
Happy wrapping
12) Would the inclusion of wrap with the hanger make a substantial difference in value, ease of use, etc.?
13) Does the product guide on the website and not in the box with the hanger make any difference to you?
I prefer it on the website.
14) Do you feel the hanger is worth the $65 (or $120) plus shipping paid for it?
15) Would you have bought the hanger for $100 before actually seeing it? How about after using it?
16) Would you have bought the hanger for $125 before actually seeing it? How about after using it?
17) Would you have bought the hanger for $150 before actually seeing it? How about after using it?
I paid $130 and yes to all above.
18) Was the hanger shipped internationally or within the US?
19) Any additional comments not covered above?
I’m happy with my bib. Thank you very much Bigger, for all the efforts that went into this hanger!
20) Would you please give your current bone pressed length and girth measurements.
5.5" EG top; 6.25" mid; 7" base.