Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Big Girtha's routine for girth and flaccid hang

Big Girtha, how do you think a neomidium magnet taped to the top of my unit with medical tape will work? Could it be too strong or just right ? What if i place it on my dorsal vein right at the base? please reply .

I forgot to mention the supplements that I currently take: Arginine, NO2 , hawthorne/cayenne/garlic, maca , niacin, yohimbie(when it doesn’t stress me out), terribulus.

I currently dry jelq and wet pump in the AM and stretch/jelq when I have to pee during the day. I try to get it as much as she will let me at night.

I will increase my water intake because I believe it will help as much as anything else has so far. From what I understand the only way to increase ones blood volume in the body is to hydrate it.

Waxx. I’ll have to get back with you on the magnet. Sounds interesting. Don’t how it could hurt. I know nothing of neomidium mags. How much power, what is the source?


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

It is a self contained magnet about the size of the end of a AA battery and thick as a penny. It is very strong compared to the common fridge paper holder. You have to slide it to the edge to remove it from a flat surface. I have increased my water but find it hard to hold more than a gallon a day. Did you work up to 2-3 gallons or was it just will power over pain?


You are one amazing guy! I think what you accomplished in the weight loss department far exceeds the challenge of creating a bigger dick. My hat is off to you.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Can someone please explain what the significance of taking those supplements is? BG, do you think that taking those really helped in your PE? Please let me know so I can add those to my routine :) ! Thanks!

PS: Great thread you got going here, simply amazing.

Nov '04 EL: 6 7/8" EG: 5 3/8" Dec '04 EL: 7 1/16" EG: 5 5/8" Feb '05 EL: 7 3/16" EG: 5 7/8" Short term goal: 8x6 by this June Long term goal: 8.5x6-6.5

FYI to all

BG wrote a review on golf weights and clamping in the review forum. Wraps, Clamps And Golf Weights

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Thanks for the info big girtha.very interesting read and also very kind of you to share the info.I’ve been pe ing off and on for about a year but only gotten serious with it the last two months.I’m showing some real good girth gains but like you am a turtler(is that a word ) and my flaccic length has always been a source of shame in public pools and showers etc.any way I’m gonna to try a mild form of your routine no clamping for now , and see if if I can get a jump on my length for my girth gains stymie my efforts.I’ve built a cptns wench and am very pleased with it’s performance and will use it to hang for now. As soon as cash flow permits I intend to buy a bib though. Thanks again. Awesome post !

8 is enough:
This thread is over a year old and we’ve learned a lot since then. You might want to take a look here:

Don’t Measure it, Weigh it.

Read the last two paragraphs about staying extended while Sleeping. The Bed Fowfers are a must for flaccid hang. And I no longer recommend sleeping in the mag-wrap, tucking works better and is much safer.

Good Luck

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Thanks bg for the attention to such an old thread. I also read the post on fowfers andi thank you kindly for the info.that sounds alot safer and more agreeable than traction wrapping while asleep.since I’ve noticed a modest girth gain I’ve become almost obsessed with pe ing is that normal?

I’m chasing down the various links about the PE weights for ADS use. One thing that I’m not sure about, it appears that they seem to be worn at the base of the penis, not on the end. Do I understand this correctly or have I misread?

Originally Posted by Big Girtha

Get golf weights at Wal-Mart’s in Sporting goods with the golf stuff. I think they are about $8.00 for a pack of four. They are like super cockrings, about ½” wide 1 & half inch inside diameter made of led coated in soft red rubber. They are actually pretty comfortable, I jog in three, three weigh 2 lbs. Only way I can get them on is in the shower with soap. Best place to put them on or take them off. Just lather up, slip on one, two or three. On me three stay on, but four won’t. Pull all that foreskin up through the rings so it bunches up around the glands like a squash. This pad of skin protects the glands like a soft bumper and prevents your dick from turtling out of the weights. Gees I’m starting to hate that word already. But it’s a good word.

I slide 8 golf weights on my penis shaft for a all day hang and found them very comfortble to wear. I use a under wrap first, called What-A- Grip then the weights go on. After the last on goes I stretch the under wrap up over the last weight and this helps the pad of skin at the gland.

Starting Stats 7/15/05 -- Flaccid L 3.375"x Flaccid G 2.125", BPEL 5.250" x EG 3.750"

Stats as of 11/17/07-- Flaccid L 6.000"x Flaccid G 5.6875", BPEL 8.000" x EG 6.125"

Long Term Goal: BPEL 9.000"x EG 6.500" Dusty

OK thanks. I don’t think I’ll be wearing 8 anytime soon though. So once they are on and being worn, are they closer to the head or the base?

I suppose considering the need to stretch the suspensory ligament, it really wouldn’t matter, but seeing that we want the penis to get longer with this - perhaps being worn closer to the end would be better? Now that I’ve re-read your quote from Big Girtha, I see that they are worn closer to the head. I missed that in my reading originally. Thanks again.

Last edited by littlehobo : 11-16-2006 at .

I didn’t see length gains until I stopped girth work. That actually says that if you stop girth work, maybe you would get length gains. But maybe not since I was only at about fifteen pounds hanging weight when I stopped girth work, hadn’t used up the range of weight.

I would like to verify exactly what the clamping component of Girtha’s routine was. My reading of his discription was that his clamping occurred entirely during breaks between sets of hanging. My impression is that he would hang for 20m, clamp for 10m, hang for 20m, clamp for 10, etc. For a total of six rounds. Is my interpretation correct? He clamped six sets of ten minutes, for a total of an hour per day?


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