Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Big Girtha's routine for girth and flaccid hang

Vkn1, I believe his routine was twenty minutes in the hanger, followed by ten minutes clamped. Three sets in the morning, and three at night. That is a total of two hours hang time , and one hour clamped.

Yeah that’s my reading too. Ok thanks, as long as someone else interpreted it that way too I’m comfortable I’ve got it then

Hi big girtha, have looked at ways to stop turtling overnight but so far only fowfer seems possible without causing injury. I’ve tried them but I move around a lot in my sleep, I think my legs come apart within minutes of going to sleep and stopping the fowfer, am I doing something wrong or have you found a way to keep fowfer going throughout the night. Thanks for any replies


I did the fowfer thing that girtha replied to. It’s only value to me was a better flaccid hang. I’m getting that now anyway just from my routine. I personally am not interested in it enough to spend 24/7 working on some kind of PE.

Yeah, I want it bigger because she wants it bigger. But a better flaccid? Why? To me, improved erections and bigger erections are most important anyway.

I don’t hang around in locker rooms to impress folks and if I catch someone paying serious attention to my dick in one, I’ll be in jail pretty soon anyway.

To be perfectly honest I have to agree that not overtraining to “never make it turtle” is probably a better idea.

Big Girtha

I want to follow your suggestion and NEVER LET IT TURTLE.

The Homedic’s Therapeutic Magnetic Wrist Wrap seems not to be available any where. I have checked out WalMart, KMart, medical supply stores and most of the drug store in my area of NY.

The only thing I have found was at Walgreens,(online - the local stores do not have it and say they can’t order it) but it is Thera-P Magnetic Wrist Wrap WITH Hot/Cold feature at $14.99. Is this the same thing that you spoke of in your posting (above) of 4-13-2004? Or, is this a different product?

I tried the Homedic website, but it is not listed as a product available. I sent an email, but never received a reply from them.

Does anyone know where it might be obtained?

Thanks, Panos

Does anyone know what happened to Big Girtha?

His penis got so big he can’t get close enough to the keyboard to type anymore.

Well, that’s helpful!

Originally Posted by Panos
Well, that’s helpful!

It is at least encouraging for one to keep up with their routine though isn’t it?

Originally Posted by littlehobo
It is at least encouraging for one to keep up with their routine though isn’t it?

I was asking for help from fellow PE’ers, so no, the answers I received were not in any way encouraging, nor did they help at all!

I was answering ManhattanXL’s question with a joke. Not making light of yours. Your post was directly to BG, so no one answered it.

Personally, I think the “never let it turtle” idea is a bit extreme. I don’t give it any thought. Spend my time on my routine, take my time off, and let what happens happen. So far, I’m up by 2” in length and almost 1/2” in girth. I’m not going to spend my whole life stretching or pulling my cod every minute of every day.

There is a wrist wrap at walmart with velcro which might serve your needs, but it’s not the homemedics brand. Make sure you get the right size one though.

If you want general suggestions from whoever, don’t address one person only. He’s not been around since I’ve been here. May be back someday…I don’t know.

Originally Posted by littlehobo
I was answering ManhattanXL’s question with a joke. Not making light of yours. Your post was directly to BG, so no one answered it.

Personally, I think the “never let it turtle” idea is a bit extreme. I don’t give it any thought. Spend my time on my routine, take my time off, and let what happens happen. So far, I’m up by 2” in length and almost 1/2” in girth. I’m not going to spend my whole life stretching or pulling my cod every minute of every day.

There is a wrist wrap at walmart with velcro which might serve your needs, but it’s not the homemedics brand. Make sure you get the right size one though.

If you want general suggestions from whoever, don’t address one person only. He’s not been around since I’ve been here. May be back someday.I don’t know.

Sorry littlehobo:

I didn’t mean to be testy, but you did quote my reply and not quote from Manhattan XL.

I am a newbie and only joined mid APR2007. BG is still shown as a member, so I had no way of knowing if he was still around or not.

Being new, I am reading as much as I can. Most of it is new to me and much of it is over my head. Since I do experience turtling after PE, and I saw his article, I decided to look into it.

The wrist wrap that he mentions is no where to be found. I did find one that includes Hot/cold features. But since I will be cutting it to a smaller width (I’m small and that is why I am here :Littleguy !

I was somewhat take back when I only got sarcastic replies rather than help. Sorry, today wasn’t a good day. I will check out Walmart on-line since there isn’t one in NYC.

What do you mean “make sure you get the right size?” Are they not all the same, with velcro closings?

Thank again

Originally Posted by Panos
Sorry littlehobo:

I didn’t mean to be testy, but you did quote my reply and not quote from Manhattan XL.

I am a newbie and only joined mid APR2007. BG is still shown as a member, so I had no way of knowing if he was still around or not.

Being new, I am reading as much as I can. Most of it is new to me and much of it is over my head. Since I do experience turtling after PE, and I saw his article, I decided to look into it.

The wrist wrap that he mentions is no where to be found. I did find one that includes Hot/cold features. But since I will be cutting it to a smaller width (I’m small and that is why I am here :Littleguy !

I was somewhat take back when I only got sarcastic replies rather than help. Sorry, today wasn’t a good day. I will check out Walmart on-line since there isn’t one in NYC.

What do you mean “make sure you get the right size?” Are they not all the same, with velcro closings?

Thank again

Sorry about that. I did think you were also replying to the jokes about where girtha was. I didn’t see your first post. I don’t know about online, I’m in the south and we are covered with Walmarts. Back where the massagers are at, behind the vitamins, next to the canes…in all of them are wrist wraps. They come in small and large. Yeah, they do have velcro closings, but do fit different wrists. The large is not the one for a penis, unless it’s the size of my wrist, I actually bought mine for my wrists and that’s how I knew about the two sizes. The one for my wrist isn’t going to fit many guys down below I don’t think.

I can’t remember the brand though, they don’t carry a lot of homemedics stuff anymore. When I was experimenting with the “non turtling” stuff, I just used an ace wrap for the best fit. I decided it wasn’t worth the effort and it did seem to work against my girth work.

I honestly think that allowing it a break to rest and heal is likely to give the best results for most of us. Maybe the occasional wrapping is fine, but it’s just not something I’d want to do all the time.


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