Originally Posted by dlm4
I have been thinking about incorporating stretches as well. I am thinking about using the golf weight stretches to help speed up the fatigue process, and thus hang for less time. Same (or better) results in less time? Maybe, maybe not. I have also been thinking about adding a girth exercise like O’bends. There was a guy on here that had a theory that our penis fibers cris crossed like a chinese finger trap. He said that it could be that if we are going for length, that our girth fibers could actually be holding us back. And vice verse, if your going for girth your length fibers may be holding you back. So you may get better results by stretching both. I don’t know…figure its worth a try.
The consensus seems to be that first you gain length and then girth.
However, there are many guys that seems to have had good gains in both simultaneously. For example Y-Guy.
Personally I will focus exclusively on length for now. If I can add three more sets of hanging with the time otherwise spent on girth, that might be exactly the amount of hanging I need to gain well.
If however a person has really good time and is able to both hang for long hours and do girth work as well I would go for it.