Thunder's Place

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The Best Hanging Routine Ever


The Best Hanging Routine Ever

Now that I’ve got your attention…

I want to devise the best hanging routine possible. I’m still so new to hanging (3 weeks in) that I often find myself questioning my routine (I do believe it is the route to significant length gains).
I have a LOT of 9:00 and hope to achieve 3/4” EL gain in a decent amount of time and then focus on girth – I think my LOT allows for lig gains.
I’d love to get some feedback from vets and anyone else about my approach:

In the AM
Hot wrap w/ rice sock (this I do for first 5 min of every set)
1. 5 lbs straight down sitting - 10 min
2. 10 lbs BTC - 15 min
3. 10 lbs BTC - 15 min (my limit)
4. 7.5 lbs BTC -20 min
5. 5 lbs BTC -20 min
Repeat #5 as much as possible BTC or straight down as an ADS
(I have a job that allows great privacy and time)
I rest 10 mins between sets and encourage circulation.
The routine is 5 days on 2 days off.

My questions include:
1. I “think” I reach fatigue at about the end of #3 (10 lbs/15 min). Whether it’s fatigue I don’t know – I just know I have a sense that I can’t take it anymore and want to stop.
Does this sound right?
2. Although I could probably handle more than 5lbs in the “ADS” sets, I like it because I hardly know I’m hanging and can concentrate on work (sometimes I even forget). Should I consider more weight here, or do I risk “toughening” the ligs?
3. Given that I have ample time to hang – would it be a wiser approach to split the difference of the entire routine and hang: 6-7 lbs for very long and very many sets?

I should note that I have been injury free and want to keep it that way. The 10-lb sets come closest to a sense that I could hurt myself – so I wouldn’t mind keeping weight lower and sets longer – what do you guys think about lower weight/longer sets, anyway?

Skin has stretched but no gains yet. Anything you good people can add would be very much appreciated.


BTW- I just want to add that I think Thunder’s Place is the greatest forum I have ever experienced - PE or otherwise.


>In the AM
Hot wrap w/ rice sock (this I do for first 5 min of every set)
1. 5 lbs straight down sitting - 10 min
2. 10 lbs BTC - 15 min
3. 10 lbs BTC - 15 min (my limit)
4. 7.5 lbs BTC -20 min
5. 5 lbs BTC -20 min
Repeat #5 as much as possible BTC or straight down as an ADS<

These look like big drops to me here, when you lower the weight after set 3, is 7.5 all you can handle? Not a bad thing just curious.

> (I have a job that allows great privacy and time) <


>I rest 10 mins between sets and encourage circulation.
The routine is 5 days on 2 days off. <

That is fine, you might want to do a little on your off days, a set or two or some manual pulls. I always find that after a few days off the soft tissues seem to be weaker, and I have more problems with soreness for the first few sets.

>1. I “think” I reach fatigue at about the end of #3 (10 lbs/15 min). Whether it’s fatigue I don’t know – I just know I have a sense that I can’t take it anymore and want to stop.
Does this sound right? <

Yeh, if you can no longer hang 10 pounds because the soreness in the ligs is too much, that is great. When you find yourself sweating, gritting your teeth and shifting uncomfortably in your seat, it is time to lower the weight.

>2. Although I could probably handle more than 5lbs in the “ADS” sets, I like it because I hardly know I’m hanging and can concentrate on work (sometimes I even forget). Should I consider more weight here, or do I risk “toughening” the ligs? <

I wouldn’t worry about toughening the ligs here. As you are hanging extended times in the fatigued state, that is not really an issue. Just hang the most that you safely can.

>3. Given that I have ample time to hang – would it be a wiser approach to split the difference of the entire routine and hang: 6-7 lbs for very long and very many sets? <

No, use the tried and tested formula. What you suggest here IS a good way to strengthen the ligs - hanging less than max, they will adapt to this weight will less chance of deformation.

>I should note that I have been injury free and want to keep it that way. The 10-lb sets come closest to a sense that I could hurt myself <

Make safety your first priority. The soft tissues will toughen and your whole dick will adapt to make hanging easier for you, you just need to do as much as you can within your saftey limits and your body will do the rest.

>– so I wouldn’t mind keeping weight lower and sets longer – what do you guys think about lower weight/longer sets, anyway? <

No set should last longer than 20min, although ADS is something different, extended times at low tension (such as the theraband stretcher) would be great.

>Skin has stretched but no gains yet. Anything you good people can add would be very much appreciated. <

OK, if the skin is too tight it will be the first limiting factor, when you have some ‘slack’ you will be putting more stress on the ligs than you are now. Be sure to pull skin out from the back of the wrap - just slip your finger under and slide it back - before putting the hanger on.

>BTW- I just want to add that I think Thunder’s Place is the greatest forum I have ever experienced - PE or otherwise.<

Ain’t it the truth.

Good Luck

Thanks so much for the great reply. It means a lot to me.
To respond:

>These look like big drops to me here, when you lower the weight after set 3, is 7.5 all you can handle? Not a bad thing just curious.<

It feels right. Smaller increments will require a few new weight plates and to tell the truth I never thought about it. I see where you’re going with this, and it’s not a bad idea at all.


I know. I know….

>you might want to do a little on your off days, a set or two or some manual pulls. I always find that after a few days off the soft tissues seem to be weaker, and I have more problems with soreness for the first few sets.<

Another good idea. When getting back to work on Mondays the last thing in the world I want is to hang. And it takes a while to get into it. Nice solution.

>if you can no longer hang 10 pounds because the soreness in the ligs is too much, that is great. When you find yourself sweating, gritting your teeth and shifting uncomfortably in your seat, it is time to lower the weight.<

Toes wriggling, using the Lord’s name in vain….yeah! Thanks SS for the first confirmation of what the much talked about ‘fatigue’ feels like.

>No, use the tried and tested formula. What you suggest here IS a good way to strengthen the ligs - hanging less than max, they will adapt to this weight will less chance of deformation.<

Probably the most important bit of info I’ve gotten yet.

>OK, if the skin is too tight it will be the first limiting factor, when you have some ‘slack’ you will be putting more stress on the ligs than you are now.<

Yes. Now that I’m past the first major hanging hurdle - skin-stretch-agony - I definitely feel the pull in the ligs.

I also want to correct something from my post: I should have written that I haven’t “measured” any gains yet. This because I haven’t measured and am waiting until the end of the month. I can say that there is a visible difference in length both flaccid and erect since beginning my hanging routine a little over 3 weeks ago (as well as a striking expansion of girth at the base. It isn’t my imagination as by now I know my skipper pretty well. It also feels bigger when walking around or when “rubbing one out”.
I can’t tell you how exciting this is. I owe it all to guys like you SS, and of course Thunders.

Anything else anyone can add will be appreciated.

Thanks again——Cap


>I can say that there is a visible difference in length both flaccid and erect since beginning my hanging routine a little over 3 weeks ago <

Wow, that is great. Keep it going. You should be glad of the visual change, many report that they are bigger but can’t tell the difference from the starting size!

Good Luck

Cap, We both started PE and hanging at the same time (three weeks ago).

Good luck to us both. My routine is M-F Hang 3x20, 7lbs. twice a day. Total of 10 hours a week hang time. Light jelqing in between sets. I won’t measure until end of 4th week. Hoping for .25” el gain.

Keep in touch and good luck again, Cap.

Later . . LS


I’m more than glad…It’s like a dream come true. Almost unreal - remember now, up until a few months ago I believed this to be an impossibility (“You can make your dick bigger??!”)

It’s hardly over yet but thanks - You’ve helped a guy more than you know.



Well, HEY NOW! We’re like PE Boot Camp Buddies or something. Allright!

I will stay in touch - and you do the same. I’ll share anything that seems worthy.

I’ll be curious about your gains. And I’ll be rooting for you.

Thanks for the kind words.


(Nice routine, Nost. A lot of hours. I’m convinced the more you put in the more you get out, no?)

Hey guys. I will join the boot camp with you. I started at about the same time also.
This thread has interested me because of the whole “strengthen the ligs” comments.
I really say I don’t understand this. Right now, I am doing about 90 minutes a day all
at 10 pounds BTC. Should I be lowering the weight after the 2nd or 3rd set? Also, I am
using the golf club weights for all day wear after my sets and I have really started to
notice a better flacid look.


Keep working, keep learning


BTW, can anyone tell me why my post look like the above?

That is certainly not how I typed it out.

Keep working, keep learning



>This thread has interested me because of the whole “strengthen the ligs” comments.
I really say I don’t understand this. Right now, I am doing about 90 minutes a day all
at 10 pounds BTC. Should I be lowering the weight after the 2nd or 3rd set?<

Uh oh!! I feel a monster being created and unleashed here! OK listen up, no matter what weight you hang and for how long, your ligs will strengthen and adapt the THIS amount of work. It’s like running, 2 miles a day will eventually stop giving further benefits, just keep you nicely where you are. Kinda. Hang as much weight as you SAFELY can, the only time you should lower the weight is when fatigue sets in, and your ligs or tunica are simply too sore to handle that much weight. *Then* you take a couple of pounds off and continue. This is GOOD. You are hanging in the fatigued state, and building on the work you have done.

See my comments in post 2:

“What you suggest here IS a good way to strengthen the ligs - hanging less than max, they will adapt to this weight will less chance of deformation.”

We know that the tissues will adapt to whatever stress you give them. We know that the tissues need x amount of work to deform (lengthen). If you are doing less work than you need to gain, you are getting stronger but not longer tissues. This just makes sense doesn’t it?

Lets nip this in the bud here, hanging less than max is equivelent to walking round the running track to increase stamina. Of course, if you have a bad ankle, you don’t want to be sprinting either (safety first). Also, if you just started running (hangin), you want to ease into it (build up to your max weight over a period of weeks).

Does this help?

> Also, I am
using the golf club weights for all day wear after my sets and I have really started to
notice a better flacid look.<

Cool, extra flaccid hang is great! Nothing better than walking round with a nice bulge and catching a crotch watcher or two!

>BTW, can anyone tell me why my post look like the above?
That is certainly not how I typed it out.<

Oooh I dunno. Did you press enter after every line or something? Damn technology.

Good Luck

PS, This whole time/intensity thing is not new, some searches will reveal much info. I remember a great post by Bib on the subject, which might be in the ‘various reposts’ thread (find it anyway good stuff in there).

You are officially a member of PE Boot-Camp 2003!
But seriously, best of luck. Any support or motivation I can give- just holler.
I hope you get what you want.

For me that is: 3/4” cemented nbpel - then onto girth. And I have to say that I am convinced beyond any doubt now that hanging is working. Even faster than I had hoped. Still no measuring yet, but feeling and looking great (getting the tell-tale “hair creep” up the shaft when erect).
What about you Koooky? What goal have you set?
I know that Nostradamus is shooting for .25” by week 4.

I’ve set the 31st of October as my measuring day. It’s becoming harder and harder to resist, though. I started off as a “measuring-freak” pulling out the ruler every day only to frustrate myself with inconsistent readings. Learned a good lesson about PE Psychology.

Chapter 2 - A Funny Thing Happened On the Way To Fatigue

SS4 suggested doing a few sets on my days off (weekends) and I did just that this past sat/sun. I learned a few things as a result:

1. Because I was hanging at home instead of the office I had only 7.5 lbs to use. This proved valuable because having less weight available freed me of the temptation to hang my max (10 lbs) which I usually can bear for only 15 mins x 2 sets (usually a very unpleasant 15 mins). To my surprise, even though the 7.5 lbs felt “easy” in the beginning I was able to go for 20 mins and experience what I now recognize as “fatigue: the real thing”.
In the last 1/3 of every set a creeping exhaustion would beset my ligs - not in the skin, and not at the glans - but right where I wanted it: in the ligs. At the 20 min mark I would gratefully end the set, but found myself more willing that normal to hang the same weight very soon (5-10 mins) after, and go the whole 20 mins. 4 sets of this left me with a healthy, worn out feeling, not unlike a serious gym workout. I then went on to hang 5 lbs x 2 setsX 20 mins and called it a day.
The lesson here (I think) is that ones’ max weight is not necessarily the amount that causes you the most discomfort without tearing your skipper off. I’m certain now that I have had the whole “pain vs fatigue” concept mixed up. What I previously thought was fatigue was in reality pain caused by weight over-load. My “fatigue” was setting in too early, almost from the beginning of any set using 10lbs. With 7.5lbs fatigue is a gradual sense that the weight is no longer bearable but allows me to hang the same weight for the same duration for more sets - until of course, it becomes unpalatable to do so- and I have to lower the weight.
Sounds obvious, I know, but not until one actually tries this stuff does the complexity of it dawn on them.
Lesson 2:
Stop laughing!
While hanging last night I tried to pass the time by watching television. The cable station “Comedy Central” was running a new a feature called “Windy City Heat”, a little reality-prank flick about this incredibly pathetic character who is duped by ‘friends’ into believing he is making a feature film.
Well to keep this short, I believe that if having your penis jump up and down while hanging 7.5lbs from it provided gains I would have a massive member this morning. I laughed so hard I had to hold one hand over my mouth while pinching my nose closed with the other- much like a mischievous school boy. At one point I closed my eyes and tried to think of the least funny thing I could (Lima beans, lima beans, lima beans) but this proved temporary and I knew I’d have to change the channel or abort my hanging. Note to self: CNN is not funny.



>What I previously thought was fatigue was in reality pain caused by weight over-load. My “fatigue” was setting in too early, almost from the beginning of any set using 10lbs. <

Remember that your max is based on the time, like your max for 20 minutes will be less than your max for 10. I personally prefer 10 minute sets. I am glad you are finding a program that works for you.

>Stop laughing!<

lol! Have you coughed or sneezed during hanging yet?

Good Luck


Good post. Sounds as if you are getting it.


Thanks for the words. You’re an inspiration (and one mean fucking debater on the other boards! Keep it up boss…..I love it!)

>Remember that your max is based on the time, like your max for 20 minutes will be less than your max for 10. <
Thanks SS….Yes. Right now I’m embracing long sets to find fatigue because heavier weights are brutal on my novice penis - It’s telling me that I just don’t have the strength yet because these heavier weight sets are always accompanied by pain right from the outset and if I’m reading you right: Pain is bad.
I’m staying aware of the eventuality of higher weights.

>lol! Have you coughed or sneezed during hanging yet?<
Yeah, man it would be funny if it weren’t so damn scary!

Thanks guys

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