Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Discoloration from Hanging

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Hey UD,

Your pics are here.

Ok then….:)
Sorry for the mixup.

Originally Posted by Ramrod


I read in an earlier post of yours that you said, “My circulation is bad.”

Do you have a medical condition?

The circulation in my penis is bad when I got a big ass hanger clamped on it LOL

I have/had high blood pressure.

I got it to about average though…

That’s all I can think of…..


You got the same thing as me only not as bad as I had it, I have been off for over a month and it still has only faded about half as light. Mine is all on the bottom of my dick under the circ scar. I’m taking off the summer and than I will make a decision on when to start up and if I will hang again and if I do hang I will be trying the wench to push out tunica gains.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

When your normal appearance comes back, I suggest you abandon OTS and all the upper angles.
Do BTC for a month and see how that goes. Even if you have a low LOT you will not be wasting your time.

P.S. Make sure you’re completely flaccid and don’t look at porn while you hang!

Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgh! ~Howard Dean Illustrations & Diagrams PE -- What's it all about? Read this.

I’m still on break..(I HATE BREAK!!)

The blackness is now turning brownish…

It is fading slowly. Gonna try some light pumping and jelq and see if it stays.

Clamping made it worse.


I had to stop all PE except kegels to get it to start to fade, even jelqing made it dark. Been using arnica montana fincture in a product called second skin bruise control.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

You’re right Dino9X7, right back to black and purple….

I have the same problem.

I have a discoloration from ots hanging.Its only on the bottom.

I had do a rest period of a month because of my private life.

The discoloration is still there.Its more identifiable when I’m flaccid.In an erect state,not much.

What can i do?Please help me.In the end of this weak i want to start hanging again.

I have no pain.Is it deleterious for health?

What can i do against it?Should i go the doctor?But what can he do?

Please help me.I want to start hanging so much.


You have to live with the discoloration or wait to it goes away it’s your choice. As long as it don’t hurt it should be ok to hang but the discoloration will get worse.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Thank you dino,you are always helpful.

But what is the reason for discoloration?I do not understand this.My discoloration is the same like you see on the photos in this thread.But i only have it on the bottom.This is what i do not understand.
When i hang, after 3 sets my skin is pushed forward by the hanger(I’m uncut),but only my bottom skin.The hanger pushed it to the glans,but not beyond the glans.In some positions i had some fluid building on the same place, where the discoloration is.
Can somebody help me?

If i go to the doctor,what should i tell him?
@vets: Is discoloration permanent?I have my since one month.

If i quit hanging,can i go with manual stretching?

I forget to ask.If i go to the doctor,who might be the best?The dermatologist or the urologist?

Originally Posted by SimonClass
I forget to ask.If i go to the doctor,who might be the best?The dermatologist or the urologist?

Good question I don’t know. I really don’t think you need to go to the doctor if you go they will tell you to stop the PE. If you are concerned about the discoloration then stop PE till it goes away, but it could takes months to go away. I have taken about two months off and the color has faded about half I’m not sure if I’m going to wait much longer to start PE again. I’m pretty sure the discoloration will keep on fading with no PE I just can’t say for sure how long it takes to get rid of it all.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

But perhaps the doctor gives me a medicine or ointment.

So you think the discoloration will definitely go away after stopping pe?

Is your discoloration bad?Why do you think the discoloration is coming?I find it more logic if we have the discoloration on the whole penis and not only at the bottom.


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