Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Discoloration from Hanging


Discoloration from Hanging

I can’t break 10 pounds. My dick surface is 70% black from bruising.

Originally Posted by UlcasterDropout
I can’t break 10 pounds. My dick surface is 70% black from bruising.

Wow, and I thought mine was bad. I am starting to think of a BBQ’ed piece of corn that was left on the coals. :eek: I am wondering if the bruising is caused by too much weight or incorrect hanging? Are you using the wench Ulcaster? It would be interesting to see if this is more of a Wench related issue or whether it is a general problem.

I figure for me, hanging at the weight I am is shifting skin and it is too much for it to take. Which brings back the original problem if you have extra skin that can move like mine then at a certain weight hanging becomes impossible.

Now that I think about it - the only thing I have found is that if I go against what everyone suggests and keep blood in the head of the penis it does stop the hanger from moving too far up.

Well Ulcaster post yer bruising woes and we will see if maybe we can draw some conclusions here. Sorry for the thread hijack mm.

-Tom “Tire Iron” Foolery

"Yeah, we don't need another smart ass ... we have our share already." - ThunderSS

Originally Posted by Tom Foolery
Wow, and I thought mine was bad. I am starting to think of a BBQ’ed piece of corn that was left on the coals. :eek: I am wondering if the bruising is caused by too much weight or incorrect hanging?

Once I went to past 2 hours a day, OTS, my penis started to go to Hell…

Originally Posted by Tom Foolery
Are you using the wench Ulcaster? It would be interesting to see if this is more of a Wench related issue or whether it is a general problem.

Nope, BIB regular.

Originally Posted by Tom Foolery
Now that I think about it - the only thing I have found is that if I go against what everyone suggests and keep blood in the head of the penis it does stop the hanger from moving too far up.

I’ve tried to leave blood in the head, and that made it worse.

Originally Posted by Tom Foolery
Well Ulcaster post yer bruising woes and we will see if maybe we can draw some conclusions here. Sorry for the thread hijack mm.

I’ve gotten some of my best PE info from hijacks, he shouldn’t mind much.

I’m still the eager newbie. I’m on break again, for the fifth time now, grrrrr!
Trying to get some color back. I’m breaking from hands, pump, ADS, and hanging.
It looks that bad! I’m in a dead heat with inchXinch for the Thunder’s member
most likely going to be the first PE’er to rip their dick clean off LOL…..

Originally Posted by UlcasterDropout
Once I went to past 2 hours a day, OTS, my penis started to go to Hell…

Nope, BIB regular.

I’ve tried to leave blood in the head, and that made it worse.

I’ve gotten some of my best PE info from hijacks, he shouldn’t mind much.

I’m still the eager newbie. I’m on break again, for the fifth time now, grrrrr!
Trying to get some color back. I’m breaking from hands, pump, ADS, and hanging.
It looks that bad! I’m in a dead heat with inchXinch for the Thunder’s member
most likely going to be the first PE’er to rip their dick clean off LOL…..

Ulcaster you Bib possessed maniac! Put down the hanger and step away from the theraband.

I have to ask why you are hanging so much? Are you not hitting fatigue or are you and trying to hang during fatigue? I realize that you are trying to get gains but are you sure you are not over-working it? I also wonder - do you tighten during the hanging session or is it a constant level of pressure?

Second question Watson, er Ulcaster. You say OTS - what happened when you did SD/SO? Same problems? As for bruising I suggest Arnica. I am using some myself and it really helps. Besides I keep telling people to hang and we can’t let them see us old dogs licking our wounds. (Maybe Thunder can have a secret hanger board for the old and crippled?)

It looks that bad! I'm in a dead heat with inchXinch for the Thunder's member
most likely going to be the first PE'er to rip their dick clean off LOL…..

I keep laughing at the sight of a dismembered “member” chasing you around like “It” in the Adams Family.

Well feel free to tack on any insights you may have in relation to my questions or anyone else feel free to jump in. Heck, even mm could slap me and tell me to get out of his thread.

-Tom “Can’t Shut-up” Foolery

"Yeah, we don't need another smart ass ... we have our share already." - ThunderSS

Last edited by Tom Foolery : 07-23-2004 at .

Originally Posted by Tom Foolery
I have to ask why you are hanging so much?

You really don’t know?:p I have the time, I upped my hang time. Trying to make gains and all.

Originally Posted by Tom Foolery
Are you not hitting fatigue or are you and trying to hang during fatigue?

Yes, I was getting fatigue and keeping on it. Fatigue doesn’t come easy for me.

Originally Posted by Tom Foolery
I realize that you are trying to get gains but are you sure you are not over-working it?

I’m a consummate, over-archiver. My overzealousness to stretch my minidick sometimes
make me push the line of caution. :(

Originally Posted by Tom Foolery
I also wonder - do you tighten during the hanging session or is it a constant level of pressure?


Originally Posted by Tom Foolery
what happened when you did SD/SO? Same problems?

I got the bruising almost as bad, ST. It’s the worst OTS, under the penile shaft. I don’t have a SO system yet.

Originally Posted by Tom Foolery
I keep laughing at the sight of a dismembered “member” chasing you around like “It” in the Adams Family.

That’d be a sight. :rolling:

I’ll look into the Arnica. Thanks!

Just out of curiousity, because I’m a newb too :) . After you hit fatigue are you suppose to stop? and go ADS or something? or just hang at lower weights?

Also, how often are you guys hitting fatigue…everyday, every other day, etc.

And Tom Foolery how long did it take you to get from 5-16lb?

And last, and totally off subject, where do you buy those dame golf weights from lol.

Damn those penis falling off jokes are not funny, I’m hanging right now and it feels like that :( :p

Where is your darkening? Underneath the hanger or in front of it?

What color is it? Dark and purple like a typical bruise or a brownish, somewhat splotchy pigment in the skin?


I had the same problem at ten with the startor.

I dropped the weight back to 6.75 and added a fulcrum instead. Brusing is down, length is up. I am thinking of moving up to 8 in a few weeks.

Less weight, more sets. This is the only thing I have found that will alleviate bruising.

Originally Posted by Tom Foolery
Now that I think about it - the only thing I have found is that if I go against what everyone suggests and keep blood in the head of the penis it does stop the hanger from moving too far up.

Hey Tom “pin dick” Foolery,
I…..what?, Its not pin dick anymore? Oh OK. Man it’s tough to keep up with your name changes :chuckle:
I ALWAYS hang with blood in the shaft. I have even read posts made by Bib stating this also. There is nothing wrong with it.
Here is a little tip I learned the hard way (injury).

You don’t actually want any blood in the glans (CS).
Ideally, the blood should be located in the tips of the CC’s. If you hang with just a little too much blood in the glans, you run the risk of injury.

So how do you do it you say?
Well what I do is kegel some blood into the shaft, jelq it towards the end of the shaft (glans), and then while holding the wrap (gently) so the blood does not easily escape, I squeeze the tip of my glans to push some of the blood located there, back past the wrap into the shaft. This way you are left with a partly filled head, but relatively well filled (in comparison, but not really) CC’s. It does take some practice, but I simply cannot get the hanger to stay put without doing this first. I quickly know when I get it wrong, because the startor starts to slide almost immediately after I release the weight.

As I am uncut, I have tried in the past, many different ways of getting the damn thing to stay put. The one thing I did find was that the tighter I screwed the bib down, the more I got bruised, and the faster it would slide!! After just 2 days, I would need a break due to the pain. I only did that once. I learned fast.:D

I first got discoloration on the sides and bottom under the hanger from using my homemade modified Bib.

The worst came from two-handed squeezes where I built a lot of pressure under stretched skin. Any time I focus on girth I end up doing this one way or another, which leads to dark brown to almost black skin in a band at midshaft when flaccid. It’s less noticeable when erect. It fades a little with time, but takes many months.

I haven’t had much, if any, discoloration caused by hanging with a Starter. Some I had from previous girth work continued to fade over a few months of hanging.

Andrew69, that’s what I do. Hang with a relatively flaccid head, with the hanger supported in part by the blood in the CC’s in front of it. The CC’s can be full yet the head flaccid. This cannot be done with a hanger incapable of tightly clamping the internal structures.

As I am uncut, I have tried in the past, many different ways of getting the damn thing to stay put. The one thing I did find was that the tighter I screwed the bib down, the more I got bruised, and the faster it would slide!! After just 2 days, I would need a break due to the pain. I only did that once. I learned fast.

Hmm. First, I’ve never understood the alleged difference between uncut and cut hanging. Either the hanger is grasping internal structures, dangling from skin, riding on the head, or somewhere in between. Ideally we want enough skin slack that the hanger rides mostly only the internals. Additional support will be provided by the head at higher weights. Apart from the problem of not having enough skin (which is a problem many newbies have), I don’t see how being circumsized or not makes a whit of difference either way. FWIW, I am cut, but loosely.

The key, as you indicated, is having enough blood in the CC’s in front of the hanger. Not too much, but just the right amount. I can and must make the hanger very tight and repeatedly tighten as the shaft settles in for it not to slide much. I crank it down extremely tight and haven’t had any discoloration problems as a result.


The only explanation I can offer is that the foreskin slides over the skin of the shaft when the weight is attached. So rather than trying to grasp “through” one layer of skin to grasp the internals, we are trying to grasp through two layers. The problem being that they easily slide between each other (foreskin and shaft skin).

Does that make any sense?

>Does that make any sense?

No, because loosely cut/partially restored/fully restored guys have the same thing going on. I certainly do.

Why wouldn’t you pull the skin back and attach far enough back that only one layer is under the hanger? Let the fold happen ahead of the hanger (as mine does). Am I missing something?

Fine example I am, splitting the OT stuff to here and then taking this OT. Sorry. If this line continues I’ll split it yet again. The main topic is discoloration from hanging. The cut/uncut thing applies tangentially.

Seems to me that if a guy is clamping a hanger on doubled over skin it should turn pretty dark and nasty. There, somewhat back on topic. :D


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