Thunder's Place

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Discoloration from Hanging


I think that’s where the bib hanger puts the most pressure and sort of pools the trapped blood, but I’m not sure. It seems to cause some kind of damage though in that area. I hung for a year before I got it I really don’t know for sure why it starts but once it starts it doesn’t seem to go away easily. I don’t think the doctor will have a miracle cream for you but if he does please tell us about it.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

When my hanger is adjusted with a relatively narrow bottom gap I’ve occasionally had it pinch the bottom chamber. I think this often happens to some degree when I hang, though usually not bad enough to cause any discomfort. The CS “bulges” into the area below the side gripping surfaces into the space above the bottom teeth. The CS gets mashed when the hanger is fully tightened. I wonder if something similar is happening to those who get discoloration on the bottom. If so, maybe a wider bottom gap or positioning the shaft slightly higher in the hanger would help.

I’m still on break…….grrrrr.

I can’t get rid of it!

I have a question.I don’t know if I understand everything in this thread right.

Is bruising the same like discoloration?

I said in this thread that I have discoloration at the bottom,perhaps it is a bruising.What is the difference?

Originally Posted by SimonClass

I said in this thread that I have discoloration at the bottom,perhaps it is a bruising.What is the difference?

For me, it’s the same.

Still on break, still bruised….

I want to get back to PE,

but I don’t want my penis any more discolored

then it already is. DAMN!!!

Originally Posted by UlcasterDropout
Still on break, still bruised….
I want to get back to PE,
but I don’t want my penis any more discolored
then it already is. DAMN!!!

I hear you bro, I’m in the same boat but I’m building a wench and starting again very soon.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


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