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does stretched ligs reflect gains?

does stretched ligs reflect gains?

Because when I think hanging straight down to really stretch the ligs. I can’t help but think am I lengthening my cock by stretching my ligs? Or am I just making my cock more pliable at the base. Do ligs retain any size? And how do you know if your ligs are conditioned enough to start tunica exercises?

Best stats 2009 = NBPEL - 6.25", BPEL - 7.25".. Mid EG - 5".. Base EG - 5.75" BPSFL - 7.375 —New stat 2021 = NBPEL - 5.5", BPEL - 6.5", Mid EG - 5.25

Goal stat = NBPEL - 7.75", BPEL - 8.25".. Tip EG - 5.75".. Base EG - 6.25

:dance: Need a workout log? I've got one Here. :-pulse:

You are “peeling” your cock down and out from the pubic bone by stretching the ligs.

So naturally you’ll see some length gains just by stretching the ligs at first before the max out? Then its all about maintaining the stretch and start tunica work? I’m assuming people see 1/4 to 1/2 inch increase over a period of time just for ligs?

Best stats 2009 = NBPEL - 6.25", BPEL - 7.25".. Mid EG - 5".. Base EG - 5.75" BPSFL - 7.375 —New stat 2021 = NBPEL - 5.5", BPEL - 6.5", Mid EG - 5.25

Goal stat = NBPEL - 7.75", BPEL - 8.25".. Tip EG - 5.75".. Base EG - 6.25

:dance: Need a workout log? I've got one Here. :-pulse:

I don’t know what you mean by “first before the max out”.

Yes, you should stretch ligs first at downward angles and when you don’t feel good stretch anymore, change to tunica angles.

Why should you do that? Well, at least for me, ligament gains are much faster than tunica gains.

You are stretching your tunica, too, expecially the dorsal side. You are correct, ligs gains wouldn’t give more than 1/4 erect gains at most.

Just a follow-up question to 2Big4U’s original post, and in fact I think he asked this himself: Do ligament gains retain size gains? I know that a maintenance routine of some sort would be necessary, but would it have to be done forever in order to keep the lig gains from tightening back up?

Not forever, but for a long time - say some months.

>You are correct, ligs gains wouldn’t give more than 1/4 erect gains at most.<
Is this a typo? Maybe you meant 1 1/4”?

Given that some guys have very high exit points, and hence short and tight ligs, I don’t think that length gains due to lig stretch can be limited to such a small amount.

I believe that guys starting with average length have 1 to 1 1/2 inches of length potential from lig stretch and 1/2 inch of that is from skin stretch which is easily gained from jelqing and manual stretching (newbie gains).

For most guys with average to low exit points, the next inch requires sustained tension and a fair amount of time.

One explanation for guys that gain a lot from jelq and manual stretch alone (no hanging) is that they may have started with very high exit points. Their penises were attached for 3 to 5 inches up their pubic bone. Their erections pointed up at 10-11:00. When they essentially straighten out their erection the exit point lowers and voila, more outer penis.

These are the lucky dogs. BIB (Bigger) is one of those dogs and he notes that as the main reason for his spectacular gains (That coupled with the fact that he hung for more hours per week than anyone else).

So, alot depends on your exit point.

Also 2Big4u, (SD) straight down is not the most effective lig stretch angle. For me SD still engages the inner tunica. To get better isolation of the ligs you need to hang BTC (Between The Cheeks), or what I like to call ITC (In The Crack).


It is not a typo, it is what is empirically observed in penis length surgeries done cutting the suspensory ligs: patients gain about half inch in flaccid length and 1/4” in erect length, if they are lucky; otherwise they gain nothing.

You can check also threads debunking the LOT theory around here, they are linked to this topic - there are very good diagrams and even a small software if my memory isn’t betraying me.

You can’t expose the inner penis, it is nonsense - if that was possible, you would see patients undergoing penis length surgery gaining multiple inches overnight.

There isn’t anything like ‘skin stretch gains’ either.

>You are correct, ligs gains wouldn’t give more than 1/4 erect gains at most.<
Is this a typo? Maybe you meant 1 1/4”?

1/4 to a 1/3 of an inch is about it . Ask the guys that have no ligament (if you are questioning this).

Good Luck with your goals. Diesel.

Always be cool.

Now BPEL 7.75 EG 5.80 Goals for 2013 improved E Quality + BPEL 8.25 6.0 EG Long term goals, 8.75

This is all very interesting to hear. Admittedly I haven’t looked into LOT theory much. If someone like me is at 9 ‘O Clock are they wasting their time hanging straight down or at any other angle that is targeting ligs? Would they just be better off doing manual stretches to hit the tunica rather than spend hours for such a minimal potential gain?

Starting (2008): BPEL-6.5" EG-5"

Current: BPEL-7.6" Mid girth- 5.25" Base girth- 5.5"

Goal: BPEL-8" Mid girth- 6"

I hope that we can simply agree to disagree.

I think we all tend to believe something based on what we have experienced. After all, experience is the best teacher.

I know my experience, and it is very similar to that which many on this board have reported.

BTW marinera, surgery requires follow up traction, so no, the length would not just pop out overnight. But this (high exit point/large inner penis) may explain some of the better outcomes. Also these patients are not a random sample of the PE community. If fact they are more likely to be people who have no time to do PE and hence maybe do not do the follow up traction.

Why so negative and defensive? Can’t people state their opinions without being showered with strong objection? I simply asked if that could be a typo? Why the tirade and attack? Because I mentioned BIB? The jury is out on the LOT theory. I believe it has merit as I have watched my LOT drop from 8:30 to nothing No LOT at 6:00. I have hung strick BTC/SD and only after 3 months am I starting to feel soreness in my inner tunica. So please don’t tell me that LOT is bunk.

Funny that this ties in with the author of this threads question.

So what do either of you attribute most of your gains to? Tunica stretch? If so, in your opinion, what method(s) work the best?

Originally Posted by StumpStump32
This is all very interesting to hear. Admittedly I haven’t looked into LOT theory much. If someone like me is at 9 ‘O Clock are they wasting their time hanging straight down or at any other angle that is targeting ligs? Would they just be better off doing manual stretches to hit the tunica rather than spend hours for such a minimal potential gain?

Any angle which target ligs will target the dorsal side of your penis so TA - yes, BTC too - so it isn’t a waste time. Chance are that most of time spent at higher angles (OTS, for example) is kinda wasted time; the underside of your penis is very elastic and not covered by outer layers of tunica.

Anatomy and strength of the tunica albuginea: its relevance to penile prosthesis extrusion - PubMed

So, stretching or hanging at above SO appears unuseful for the very vast majority of men.

There isn’t any attack in my post, SheLovesIt.

‘BTW marinera, surgery requires follow up traction, so no, the length would not just pop out overnight.’
Right. If it was possible to expose the inner penis, once cut the ligs the penis could grow several inches overnight - you just had to pull it out of your body. Since this is not true, than it comes that lengthening ligs will give very limited gains. The follow up traction, FYI, is required to avoid that ligs will reattach lower, losing even that minimal amount of length luckily gained through the surgery.

Beside that, ever seen a daddy with a boner? Ever noticed his penis hangs lower? This is due to the fact that, growing older, ligs becomes less tense. So if ‘ligs gains’ were such big things, older guys would have much longer penises than young guys.

As far as I am concerned, when you called something I said “nonsense”, that is an open attack on my intelligence. I don’t speak nonsense.

>Beside that, ever seen a daddy with a boner?<


>So if ‘ligs gains’ were such big things, older guys would have much longer penises than young guys.<

Is your generalization based on seeing (how many) daddy boners?

What is a “daddy”? An older man? How old?

If not what do you base your knowledge of the relationship between age and length on?

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