>You are correct, ligs gains wouldn’t give more than 1/4 erect gains at most.<
Is this a typo? Maybe you meant 1 1/4”?
Given that some guys have very high exit points, and hence short and tight ligs, I don’t think that length gains due to lig stretch can be limited to such a small amount.
I believe that guys starting with average length have 1 to 1 1/2 inches of length potential from lig stretch and 1/2 inch of that is from skin stretch which is easily gained from jelqing and manual stretching (newbie gains).
For most guys with average to low exit points, the next inch requires sustained tension and a fair amount of time.
One explanation for guys that gain a lot from jelq and manual stretch alone (no hanging) is that they may have started with very high exit points. Their penises were attached for 3 to 5 inches up their pubic bone. Their erections pointed up at 10-11:00. When they essentially straighten out their erection the exit point lowers and voila, more outer penis.
These are the lucky dogs. BIB (Bigger) is one of those dogs and he notes that as the main reason for his spectacular gains (That coupled with the fact that he hung for more hours per week than anyone else).
So, alot depends on your exit point.
Also 2Big4u, (SD) straight down is not the most effective lig stretch angle. For me SD still engages the inner tunica. To get better isolation of the ligs you need to hang BTC (Between The Cheeks), or what I like to call ITC (In The Crack).