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Dual fulcrum hanging-long term side effects from pain

Dual fulcrum hanging-long term side effects from pain

Sometimes when I hang my penis over a rod I get a sharp pain on the underside of my penis near the base. I’m guessing it’s the urethra. The circumfrence of my rod is 3 7/8. If I use a thinner rod it hurts even more. If I use a thicker rod I won’t be getting a good angle stretch. I usually use a sock or cotton wrap on the rod, but it doesn’t help much. I’m using 17.5 lbs now. If I remember correct, I don’t think it botthered me when I used 7 or 10 lbs. But, you know I have to move up my weight sooner or later. Did anyone ever had this problem before??? Is there away to do dual fulcrum hanging, but avoiding the urethra?

I’m wondering if by doing this, it will give long term side effects down the road. I could picture myself 40 years from now with a 8 or 9 inch dick (hopefully) in a bathroom pissing with pain because of the urethra. Although I don’t have the problem now, I’m just wondering about the future consequences you know, because the urethra or penis for that matter was not meant to handle so much stress!


I never hung over a rod, but I think hobby wrote about turning the shaft 90 degrees to avoid the urethra. I guess you could switch sides when doing this to keep things even.

The one thing that caught my attention was the weight you are using. Going from 7-10 up to 17.5 is a big difference. It may just be that you are using too much weight. Did you get a good stretch at 7-10 lbs? How about 12.5? IOW, do you really need 17.5 to get a good stretch, or is a little impatience showing, and you simply want to move things along?



Bib said:

>It may just be that you are using too much weight.<

Either that or your hour long sets….

I found much less pressure on the urethra by hanging SO with a fulcrum.


I should have been more specific, but I didn’t jump from 10 lbs to 17.5. I usually increment 2.5 pounds every 3 weeks so my penis can get used to it. I started noticing more pain when I hit 15 lbs. After several weeks of 15, my pain went away and so I decided to increase to 17.5. Now the pain is starting up again after several weeks of 17.5. Maybe I should go down to 12.5 or 10 lbs.

SS, actually I am doing SO dual fulcrum hanging like you said all this time. I think 3 hours is too much for me I don’t have the time, so I split up my hanging. I do 1 hour straight in the morning and do another hour straight at night. From what I learned splitting up the routine like this is better than doing it straight for 2 hours at night. I dislike doing 20 minute sets, because it’s very time consuming taking off the bib, wrapper, restoring circulation, applying wrapper, and putting back bib. My penis looks like an alien after an hour hanging, but I’d rather do that than every 20 minutes. The pain is not comming from circulation, but I strongly believe from the urethra.

But, what hobby said about 90 degrees intrigues me. I just don’t know how to do it.

Last edited by mike2002 : 06-24-2003 at .

>But, what hobby said about 90 degrees intrigues me. I just don’t know how to do it.<

Attach the hanger as usual and hang over the fulcrum rod. Now pick up the hanger and turn it and your dick 90 degrees to the left or right. Lay it back over the fulcrum. Switch directions each set or even during a set. Make sure the base itself turns so the side of the shaft lays across the fulcrum.

Keep a closer eye on circulation than usual when hanging twisted like this. 90 degrees may or may not reduce circulation. 180 degrees can greatly reduce it or even cut it off entirely.


> I dislike doing 20 minute sets, because it’s very time consuming taking off the bib, wrapper, restoring circulation, applying wrapper, and putting back bib.<

You can stay wrapped all day with hanging, just make sure the wrap is loose enough to avoid head swell and fluid buildup (although you may get some fluid), and allow full circulation, yet tight enough to stop pinching. You can do light jelqing while still wrapped to restore circulation.

> My penis looks like an alien after an hour hanging, but I’d rather do that than every 20 minutes.<

I’d rather do 20 minute sets and not have my dick look like an alien, but to each his own I guess.

> The pain is not comming from circulation, but I strongly believe from the urethra. <

Maybe not, but remember that the urethra is under pressure for a full hour here, with little or no breaks. If you did 20min sets you could massage at the point where the shaft meets the fulcrum, which should help.


Excellent, thank you both.

Geezus, HOUR long sets??????

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Originally posted by bigblackstick
Geezus, HOUR long sets??????

Yea no shit. My dick will go numb if I go past 25 minutes.

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