Fatigue is...
Having to reduce the amount of weight you are hanging because of discomfort.
I realize that setup can give you a false reading on discomfort and that is why it is always good to be looking for ways to increase comfort.
I just did my hang session.
Here was my weight/times:
Set 1 (Warmup) 8.75 lbs @ 6 min, 11.25 lbs @ 7 min, 13.25 lbs @ 7 min for a total of 20 min
Set 2: 13.25 lbs @ 20 min
Set 3: 13.25 lbs @ 20 min
Set 4: 12.5 lbs @ 14 min
Set 5: 11.25 lbs @ 12 min
Set 6: 10.0 lbs @ 11 min
Set 7: 8.75 lbs @ 10 min
Set 8: 7.5 lbs @ 10 min
I stop a set when I cannot concentrate on anything but the discomfort.
I stop the workout when I can only do about half my max weight.
10 - 15 minute rest in between sets
I have been adding 1.25 lbs to my max weight each week
Yesterday I noticed a small gain in BPFSL so I am going to hold at 13.75 lbs.
Total Time approx 2 hours X 5 days a week = 10 hrs per week
To the best of my knowledge this is Bib’s technique. Hang your max and then reduce the weight.
If he had more time to hang he would change angles. From BTC to slightly more SO.