Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Fatigue is...


Fatigue is...

Having to reduce the amount of weight you are hanging because of discomfort.
I realize that setup can give you a false reading on discomfort and that is why it is always good to be looking for ways to increase comfort.

I just did my hang session.
Here was my weight/times:

Set 1 (Warmup) 8.75 lbs @ 6 min, 11.25 lbs @ 7 min, 13.25 lbs @ 7 min for a total of 20 min
Set 2: 13.25 lbs @ 20 min
Set 3: 13.25 lbs @ 20 min
Set 4: 12.5 lbs @ 14 min
Set 5: 11.25 lbs @ 12 min
Set 6: 10.0 lbs @ 11 min
Set 7: 8.75 lbs @ 10 min
Set 8: 7.5 lbs @ 10 min

I stop a set when I cannot concentrate on anything but the discomfort.
I stop the workout when I can only do about half my max weight.
10 - 15 minute rest in between sets
I have been adding 1.25 lbs to my max weight each week
Yesterday I noticed a small gain in BPFSL so I am going to hold at 13.75 lbs.

Total Time approx 2 hours X 5 days a week = 10 hrs per week
To the best of my knowledge this is Bib’s technique. Hang your max and then reduce the weight.
If he had more time to hang he would change angles. From BTC to slightly more SO.


SheLovesIt - imho a shock-therapy (starting with the highest weight your dick can handle) would be much more efficient.

May I invite you to contribute to my thread ‘best ways of hanging - some ideas’? I would be very pleased since I want to make it the #1 hanging thread in this forum.

Thanks for considering.


Later - ttt


I tried an extreme shock routine (bits and pieces in several of my posts). I hung 22.5 - 25 lbs for 3 to 5 minutes, many sets. I had severe retraction (inflamation) so painful that I could not tighten the clamp without an unbearable burning sensation in my shaft. I hate thinking about it.

IMO Bib’s technique of hanging while fatigued is as much stress as I can handle without overtraining. I plan to stick with this routine at least until 2007.

I will look again at your thread and see if there is something for me to comment on.


Negative pe signs must be avoided, of course, I totally agree with you. I had a bad water blister myself (because I fell asleep while hanging straight up lying in bed on my back. No pe for 1 week and worse: no sex .

Later - ttt

Originally Posted by ticktickticker
Negative pe signs must be avoided, of course, I totally agree with you. I had a bad water blister myself (because I fell asleep while hanging straight up lying in bed on my back. No pe for 1 week and worse: no sex .


How long were you asleep?

I am thinking about maybe getting a Vac hanger, so I am just trying to get a realistic view of hanging with a Vac. And as you pointed out, no sex because of a blister would be a bad thing for sure.


Do you ADS (pe weights, extender etc) between daily hang sessions? or just let it rest and heal some between workouts? I’ve tried hanging 1-2 hrs a day for 5 days a week (10 hrs) but find my unit seems to get tired, shrinks up and retracts about the 3rd or 4th day into it.

I think I have a weird dick or maybe it’s just me but my little buddy seems to just die off later into the week. Any thoughts or advice? Maybe I should just keep going and forget about how it responds, but then again, I have learned over time to ‘listen to my dick’ so that’s what I go by.

I’ve been hanging and ADSing for 2 months now with the Max Vac and really like it! Flaccid hang is much better, just wish I could get some BPEL gains going. I need to keep increasing weight I think above my current 8.5lbs in order to see BPEL gains maybe.

Tivase - I think about 3 t 4 hours but at low weight of 5 pounds. Not recommended (was not intentional)

Later - ttt

Originally Posted by ineed9

Do you ADS (pe weights, extender etc) between daily hang sessions? or just let it rest and heal some between workouts? I’ve tried hanging 1-2 hrs a day for 5 days a week (10 hrs) but find my unit seems to get tired, shrinks up and retracts about the 3rd or 4th day into it.

I think I have a weird dick or maybe it’s just me but my little buddy seems to just die off later into the week. Any thoughts or advice? Maybe I should just keep going and forget about how it responds, but then again, I have learned over time to ‘listen to my dick’ so that’s what I go by.

I’ve been hanging and ADSing for 2 months now with the Max Vac and really like it! Flaccid hang is much better, just wish I could get some BPEL gains going. I need to keep increasing weight I think above my current 8.5lbs in order to see BPEL gains maybe.


Yes. I use a loop ADS for 4-5 hours per day. It is a very light stretching force, probably less than 1 pound. When I wore it such that it was 2-2.5 lbs I experienced more internal shaft soreness and retraction. I thought I had a weird dick too. I now think that I was in too much of a hurry. I was not conditioned enough for the amount of weight I was hanging. Bib once told me to ignore the retraction. To some extent I have. The things I do to reduce retraction are to take a small amount of anti-inflamatory (1/2 tablet Aleve twice a day). I also take Glucosamine/Chondroitin (controversial for PE) which has a natural anti-inflamatory effect. ADS lightly. I also use Arnica Gel which is mainly for discoloration but also helps relieve pain.

My advice is to research Bib’s technique. I would also read the very old posts of some of the big gainers, like Dino9X7, bud_do, and jelktoid. I see no reason why this information cannot be applied to vacu-hanging.

For me gains have come very slowly after I exhausted my newbie gains. My max weight is getting close to the range which others have claimed their best gains from. I have not rushed getting there. I may try a 15 lb set tonight depending on how my warm-up set feels.

I am also clamping several days a week. I am continuing to see slight gains in girth. I feel that if I was working on girth only and clamping 5 or 6 sets per session I would see some very significant gains. However I do not want to let up the focus on length gains so I only clamp mildly to remove adhesions (in theory).

Good luck


Thanks for the reply. I had hoped since getting the Mac Vax 2 months ago and being very consistant with my hanging and ADSing so many hours I would be seeing some nice gains by now. I know this is an extremly slow process, and like you, I’m in no hurry. I’m also taking my time moving up in weight. I think I will have to get above the 10lb mark to start seeing some real improvement with length. I too am mainly focused on length and not so much on girth as I can pump and jelk to easily get an increase in girth but length is a whole different matter!

I don’t know how long you have been at it, long time I take it since you talked to Bib here on the forum. I use to talk to Bib too ‘back in the day’ and man he really knew his stuff! Yes, I think I will drop back and dig up his old threads and do some reading! I must be missing something because I’ve been at this hanging thing for years! I’ve been thru the Grip system, the Wench, the Bib starter and now the Max Vac. But I like that MV best of all.

One thing that puzzles me is, I don’t get ‘any’ internal soreness after hanging sessions or the days after hanging like many here on the board say they do, I mean I don’t understand that! I hang SD (now days) with 8.5lbs for 2- 20 min sets, 7.5lbs for 1- 20 min set and usually 4-6 hours ADS @ 1- 1.5 lbs thru the day but I get no soreness at all, never have actually, so I’m thinking I’m either not using enough weight to damage the ligs/tissues enough or simply not hanging enough thru-out the week but who knows?? Very frustrating. BPFSL is getting longer but I’m really after BPEL.

Yes, girth has always come much easier for me than length. I want to get length first then work on girth. I agree you should be seeing some good gains in the 15lb department! That’s a good amount of weight and many have reported gains once hitting that weight. I’m trying to get to much higher weight myself, it maybe the only way I’ll get some real EL gains going.

How long has it taken you to reach 15lbs? Thanks for the tip on taking Aleve twice a day for the retraction. Have you noted gains since hanging twice-a day, 10 hours per week?

Good luck to you too! Thanks,


I bought my Bib hanger in March of 2003 so I have had it for over 3 1/2 years. I have hung 65-75% of that time so about 2 1/2 years. During my first year with it I was in a hurry to add weight. I gained 1/4-3/8 inch. I got up to around 12.5 & 13.75 lbs. I took a 3 month break. Then the long hard gain started. I tried my previous routine and got up to around 17.5 18.75 and was not gaining so I tried very heavy( 22+)/short duration and experienced a loss of 1/8 th. Then I tried lighter/longer duration <= 12.5. I gained another 1/8- 1/4 with that.

I then took a long decon break. I came back and have been trying to emulate Bib’s technique as much as time allows. The big difference in what I am doing now is I now hand while fatigued instead of hanging to fatigue. I knew a long time ago that I was not doing it strickly Bib’s way. I started hanging this way a month ago. I started then with a max of 11.25 lbs. Today I bumped my max to 15.0 lbs.

I am also now hanging BTC very close to it. If you have an upward curve you might want to move to a more BTC angle. You might have to drop the weight a little at first due to skin stretch but I really think that the dorsal thickening of the tunica is most peoples limiting factor.

I do not get internal soreness that lasts during the day unless I overdo the ADS tension. That soreness just causes me to have short painful workouts. I would not strive for that.

That is good news that your BPFSL is gaining. Have you tried kegeling/clamping? I strongly recommend that to help you gain BPEL. You might try doing this while taking L-Arginine.



You have been at for a while and my hats off to you for keeping the faith! I’m glad to hear you have made good gains with the Bib. It is a great hanger, I just wish it worked out for me but I had too many problems with it. I doubt the Max Vac can handle (or my head) can handle 15lbs due to blisters that seem to come with really heavy weight but I’m still gonna get above 10lbs with if it kills me!

I’ve never really tried BTC hanging due to my hanging (pulley) set up but instead hang SD most of the time with 8.5/7.5lbs which delivers a good stretch to the ligs, no soreness, but I know their stretching. I think I might change up at some point to SO or SU. According to Bib’s lot I have a low lot so, SO/SU is recommended. I have done those angles before and may hit them again soon.

Yes, I too have noticed if I go up in weight too soon or ADS at too much tension for too long I get bad retraction. I have tried to learn from my mistakes and now days keep things on the lighter side of time and weight allowing a little rest here and there. I know it’s not recommened to stray too far from hanging or ADSing so I take that into account also to keep a balance going.

It is tricky finding just the right balance of weight, ADSing and rest but do think 10 hours per week would be a very good regimen for me to reach fatique and ride it out at this point with weekends off completely. I fully agree with you on ‘hanging fatiqued’. I think Bib certainly got it right! I will start doing the same myself…lots more hanging to do!

I wish you the best with you efforts! I think Bibs routine is very solid and I think you’re on the right track, maybe I’ll get there too.



BTC hanging is not hard to set up for. I think that it would be even easier with a vacu-hanger. Again, I got this from Bib. I hang while at my computer. I bought a cheap computer chair with arm supports. I cut a section out of a 4” PVC drain coupling. I slid that over the seat of the chair. I bungee it to keep it in place. The skids on the Bib hanger ride on the PVC so that the Bib hanger cannot rotate. I set the tower of my computer in the center of the floor in front of me and placed a cushion on it. This is for resting my legs. So I attach the weights and get in a semi-reclined position and simply scoot out so that the hanger is BTC. The first week was tough. I recall trying to do this early in my hanging days and giving up due to skin soreness.

Frankly I am not convinced that the Lot theory is valid. I do support Bib’s theory about limiting factors.

I also think that the conditioning that is often referred to as something to avoid is not as harmful to gains as most think. I tend to think that what allows us to hang more weight at the same comfort level is not as much due to strengthening of the tissues as it is conditioning of the skin. Much like how a person with tender hands cannot use a shovel very long without making his hands raw. After awhile those same hands can shovel for hours even without gloves.

Thanks for the words of encouragement.
Good luck to you too,



I agree with you on Bib’s lot theory in that I’ve never been totally convienced about it either because, for me, I have always gotten my best stretches hanging and ADSing straight down. I don’t know why exactly but I’ve noticed ( maybe you have as well) that after a long day of stretching mainly SD my unit is very loose and stretchy for several hours. That has lead me to believe my best angle is SD and you know maybe BTC would be even better now that I think about.

My thinking is that if the ligs ever dry up, give out, from hanging and ADSing SD and my BPFSL dries up then it will be time to change angles but as long as I see positive results I’ll stick with it. Yes, hanging BTC would be very easy to do with this vac hanger I think. Only problem I see is loosing vacuum around the shaft if too much bend occurs. I think I will see what I can rig up for BTC hanging, should be interesting!

That is very inventive of you coming up with using the drain pipe and computer chair to hang BTC, confort as I have found is the #1 priority when it comes to hanging. I’ll tell what I did to hang Monty’s PE weights on my sofa. I bought a 2’x2’x4” thick piece of foam and cut a hole in the middle about 5-6” in dia. I removed the cushion from the sofa and placed the foam their instead. Using 1.5-2lbs of weight I’d sit my but down on the cushion and drop the weight thru the hole and hang for hours watching tv. I got a little uncomfortable after a while but actually worked very well, gotta do what ya gotta do.. right?

Yes, I believe too that conditioning is vital for weight hanging! Without it we would not be able to sustain the weight we hang or be able to go up in weight when neccessary. I think we need to avoid toughening of the tissues which I believe comes from excessive weight to early but conditioning is vital if we want to hang heavier weight later on.

I’ve always found it interesting how quickly the penis adapts to weight, routines etc and think conditioning is the equalizer that allows us to hang more as needed to keep the weight-mass ratio in check. I guess that’s why it takes so much time to hit that ‘magic’ weight to make us grow, just a theory.


Fatigue to me is when you have done several sets and you are on the last one and you are feeling a tremble in your legs. I do BTC hanging and on my last step I feel a tremble I know this is my fatigue state and stop.

Long Term Goal

The perfect 8x6 cock aka the pussy destroyer (one day).

Hence the name Dickstruction, j/k. How much total time do you hang? Care to post your sets, weight & time?

Do you ever experience retraction?

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