Thanks for that BD.
The wrap for me isn’t something that constricts - just the same as girth more or less. I use Theraband for this, which then grips better to the Theraband glued on the Bib - without a wrap I find it’s too painful/too much stretch. If I attach too near the base, the skin stretch is too intense for me, so find it works around half way down, which then goes forward with weight to nearer the glans.
Actually that’s one thing I was going to ask you about the stretch feeling - I remember you posting to Xeno a while back when you were starting out with this modified Bib method whether you had got it right or if what you were doing was some advanced skin stretching exercise! I now have the same question since I feel I have to reduce weight based on tenderness of the shaft/skin on the body side of the hanger - as in not based on that dull ache in ligs that I associate with proper fatigue. So what was your conclusion on that - you gained with that method clearly, but in terms of what you felt as ‘fatigue’, did it always feel like a bunch of skin stretching going on as well to you?
Start: 6" BPEL x 5" EG (mid)
Current: 7.5" BPEL x 5.98" EG (average distal/mid/base shaft)
Goal: 8" BPEL x 6.5" EG (whole shaft)