Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hangers: Theory of Operation

It just occured to me, that if you had a redi-stretcher type device with the grips rotated 90 degrees you could hang in from your shaft while it was hanging SO and it wouldn’t be putting pressure on the top but rather on the sides.

Alternatively you could use a very wide strap to spread out the pressure over the top of your penis and hang the extra 10 lbs from that.

Man I need to get me some more free time and do some PE!

Measurements as of June 29, 2005 eg: 6 inch bpel: 7.2 inch nbpel: 6.3 inch My Goal eg: 7 inch bpel: 8.9 inch nbpel: 8 inch Have A Nice Day! :)

Originally Posted by ShaggyDog
Man I need to get me some more free time and do some PE!

LOL, I need to get a job… seriosuly PE is my job these days as sad as that is, but I’m making good life changes day by day so I must be in the oppisite situation you are in friend. ;) Get some more free time and let’s figure this out for quick gains! :)

Originally Posted by Piet
The difference between a manual v-stretch and one with weight is the pressure per area and with manual you can change the position where you push. I have tried v-stretches in the past and my dick just can’t handle pressure ontop. Apparently there are guys like you who’s top of the penis is less sensitive and for you this exercise might work. However for the sake of the guys whose dicks are like mine or even more sensitive I think it’s best to advice in general to avoid any pressure ontop of your dick.

I have used AFB like hangers with ribs like the BIB has and I found the ribs did grab the tunica but not enough to hold the weight. They only worked for me in combination with the end of the CC’s acting as a stopper. The problem with the ribs is they have to dig into your skin to reach the tunica. Even if your wrapped losely tightening pulls your skin and veins tight and when you want to tighten it some more the pain starts.

When I stopped using ribs on my AFB hangers I had less grip with the same tightness but I could tighten my hanger a lot more without any discomfort. This gives me a better grip with room for some extra tightening left. After a couple sessions the area where you attach the hanger becomes a bit loose which makes it even easier. When I hang SO there’s no skinstretch and no pressure on my glans so I much be stretching directly from the tunica ;)

I haven’t tried vacuum stretching or hanging so I can’t really comment on that. Pulling my tunica and ligs via the glans is not my cup of tea. Low tension like with the suckXtender seems doable. I just don’t want to jeopardise my glans’ sensitivity in any way.

You seem like one of those way too cautious people who never take a risk in life, but that’s cool (I come from a skateboarding background, so you might understand where I’m coming from now) :D . Might as well be smart about shit right? Of course it took crazy risks in PE for me to get over plateaus. (I’ll add most people should listen to Piet and not just expierment with crazy shit unless you have been practicing PE, know the your penis’s anatomy well, and truly from the heart really confident in your abilitys. Note that I have expierenced loss of feeling a few times from manual stretching and hanging and then rested for a while and regained much of my sensitivity back. I’m aiming for the gains ultimatly, but I do realize and understand that a dick with no sensitivity, particurlart around the glans and circ scar is not something I want and I will quit all PE if I were to lose any feeling for however long it took for my nerve cells/tissue to regenerate and regain a good amount of feeling (I think it’s about 2mm a day like BIB said in a post for nerves), that is why I am exteremly careful to make careful daily observations of what I did the day before and how it effected my dick the day after) ;) That’s just how life is sometimes for some people I guess…

Last edited by LoveMachine : 01-21-2006 at .

Originally Posted by ModestoMan

The few times that I managed to tighten my Bib Hanger enough to grasp the “internals,” the only result was intense pain, as the hanger slid forward when I applied the weight. It took 3 or 4 pounds before the hanger moved, but move it did, and moving with that much compression was painful.

I would be very surprised if any type of hanger can directly grasp the internals. It’s like trying to grasp a wet pickle inside a plastic bag. You might think you have a good grip, but try pulling the pickle. It will slip with just a little bit of force.

With regard to the septum, realize that a collagen fiber is only strong along the axis of the fiber. The fibers in the septum are circumferental. The run from the dorsal surface of the tunica to the ventral surface. They do not run lengthwise. Only weak cross-links hold them together lengthwise. Those can be easily pulled apart.

A common error is to attribute the toughness of the tunica to the septum. It’s really the dorsal thickening of the tunica (at the 11 and 1 o’clock positions) that presents the obstacle. Check the WIKI entry for “tunica” for good pics and explanations.

I like the slippery pickle in a plastic bag analogy! I’ll remember this. It’s like the you know how the skin is the plastic bag with superfical fascia and then the bucks fascia connected to the tunica and which is basically the internals of the penis is the pickle. Very good way to imagine what the hell is going on inside my penis when I am expiermenting trying to grip it correctly for hanging. There must be a perfect way for a hanger to grip the internals and one of us one day soon is going to find it. It may be ME or may be YOU but let’s do it! :D

Good argument for the septum. I did study and expierment like I said with some getting the perfect grip using both a Wench and a Wenchette hanger and I haven’t come to any final conclusions yet but I am getting closer to narrowing down the variables. I had to write down and pay close attention to the distinct feelings I was feeling as I would clamp down a couple notchs on the cable clamp and when I would pull out the penis etc. I come from a computer hacker/programming background so I can be very analytical at times looking for the most subtle problems. Buffer overflows anyone??? I may sound arrogant but I don’t truly think I am being that way, just stating a point so you guys can get a better picture of where I’m coming from. ;) A little pride is good every now and then anyways. :)

I’m reading all this and getting a headache. I don’t say that in a derogatory way as you guys obviously have a terrific amount of knowledge about all this. My question is; what is the preferred hanger of choice - the BIB or Redi-Stretcher? I’m asking this as I’ve been using a simple home made device out of PVC pipe however I think it’s time to get the real McCoy and before I outlay any dollars, I want to make sure I get teh best one sent all the way over here to Australia.

Howdy penis theorists,

Is there any consensus on what the “steely string” (LoveMachine’s description) palpable when stretching the penis is? When I started PEing I was convinced I must have severely thrombosed the whole dorsal vein or something, but a doctor I spoke to said this was ridiculous — that there’d be inflammation and pain if I really had a problem, and that, besides, the relevant vessel would be absorbed and recanalization would occur if I’d really wrecked a vein. (Months of time off from all PE produced no change in the steely string.)

So is this thing the septum, as LM suggested, or what??

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.


Why not try a Wench or Wenchette. Don’t they sell Velcro down under?

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

PG: The "steely string" is called the dorsal thickening. Check out the Wiki entry.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

I didn’t know about the dorsal thickening before, so I gave it some more thought. I don’t think the thickening alone would feel like a steely string. It must be the septum primarily although it is not shaped like a string. Because of it’s rectangular shape it is more elastic from the sides than from top bottom. So that’s why it feels like the limiting factor from the top and not so much from the sides. It’s like with folded paper /\/\/\ It can handle a lot more pressure from above than from the sides. In order to attack it properly it would require stretching with a vertical fulcrum which would look like < and > as opposed to V and inverse V stretching.

IIRC Hobby and Andrew69 have already been hanging like this, penis 90 degrees rotated with a horizontal fulcrum. I actually never gave it much thought before but I may have to try this :)

Originally Posted by shintaro
I’m reading all this and getting a headache. I don’t say that in a derogatory way as you guys obviously have a terrific amount of knowledge about all this. My question is; what is the preferred hanger of choice - the BIB or Redi-Stretcher? I’m asking this as I’ve been using a simple home made device out of PVC pipe however I think it’s time to get the real McCoy and before I outlay any dollars, I want to make sure I get teh best one sent all the way over here to Australia.

Don’t know about the BIB or redi-stretcher shintaro but the Wench and Wenchette are working perfect for me. The Wench is the first hanger I’ve tried that has gotten me REAL length (and base girth) gains! I know real gains because I knew I was getting real length gains from hanging when I noticed that I started getting base girth just like BIB and others have described when they would hang, I couldn’t get any base girth for length from the other homemade hangers (AFB, Homemade BIB) that I tried, but good old really dirt-cheap Wench did it! I got all the materials needed for my Wench including Theraband wrap at Monty’s PE site. . You could buy all the needed materials for the 1 Wench for about $10 at his site. Very cool guy and nice to do buisness with. I’m sure the BIB and redi-stretcher are great devices but of course I can’t really comment on them not having used them myself. My 2 cents.

P.S. The Wench can also be used as a awesome ADS and manual stretcher if one wants to use them for that pourpose… Oh how my Wenchs serve me well. :D

Originally Posted by Piet
I didn’t know about the dorsal thickening before, so I gave it some more thought. I don’t think the thickening alone would feel like a steely string. It must be the septum primarily although it is not shaped like a string. Because of it’s rectangular shape it is more elastic from the sides than from top bottom. So that’s why it feels like the limiting factor from the top and not so much from the sides. It’s like with folded paper /\/\/\ It can handle a lot more pressure from above than from the sides. In order to attack it properly it would require stretching with a vertical fulcrum which would look like < and > as opposed to V and inverse V stretching.

IIRC Hobby and Andrew69 have already been hanging like this, penis 90 degrees rotated with a horizontal fulcrum. I actually never gave it much thought before but I may have to try this :)

Good reasoning Piet. You may be on to something there about the hanging with the penis twisted/rotated 90 degrees and using a horizontal fulcrum. Let us know when you test your horizontal fulcrum septum attacking theory (whew!) how it feels and what you think about it. ;)

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
PG: The "steely string" is called the dorsal thickening. Check out the Wiki entry.


That’s the best explanation I’ve read for the tunica looking at it from a PE perspective. :)

From the tunica wiki entry listed above:

The tunica albuginea is thickest between the 11 and 1 o’clock positions (called the “dorsal thickening”) and between the 3 and 5 o’clock positions (called the “paraurethral ridge”). See “The correction of congenital penile curvature in young men,” L.S. Baskin and T.F. Lue, Department of Urology, University of California, San Francisco, USA.

Can someone please explain what exactly they mean by the clock positions for the tunica in this description? I know since this piece of text came from university researchers they are not talking about the clock positions as in BIB’s LOT Theory. Hmm. I’m confused.

Dammit, sorry for posting again and bitching but I thought it productive to this thread if I put out the thoughts I’m currently having. In the wiki entry again for the tunica there is this text posted:

In an experiment measuring 7 male cadavers, the thickness of the tunica was found to be 0.8 +/- 0.1 mm, 1.2 +/- 0.2 mm and 2.2 +/- 0.4 mm, at the 7, 9, and 11 o’clock positions, respectively. Thickness for each subject was symmetical side-to-side. See “Anatomy and strength of the tunica albuginea: its relevance to penile prosthesis extrusion.,” Hsu GL, Brock G, Martinez-Pineiro L, von Heyden B, Lue TF, Tanagho EA., Department of Urology, University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco.

This paragraph right here shows that when we hang (or manual stretch) to be most efficent for quick length gains one should attack different areas of the tunica like I did with the 10 pound weight on top of my shaft (I don’t recommend this to anyone!) or what Piet was saying about the 90 degrees side fulcrum hanging or even the good old Jelktoid method of fulcrum hanging with the fulcrum on the bottom of the shaft, etc. We should define exactly what types of fulcrum hanging target which parts of the tunica, which we can see is thicker at certain clock positions. Now based on the weight and the type of fulcrum and hanging angle might we be even effecting the inner penis tunica as well? A better question to ask is are the gains coming from stretching the tunica and getting growth inside the body where the inner part of the penis is or are they coming from the outer shaft? The only real way we can test this is to try different fulcrum methods out targeting certain parts of the tunica and making careful notes of exactly what we feel and WHERE in out dicks we feel the soreness/fatigue with as accurate and best description as possible. Then we should start to hang a little more intelligently/smarter for quicker gains IMO. :)

One other thing I noticed recently when hanging and I made my first base girth gains (shaft length gains from hanging) is I observed how my dick immediatly after hanging a couple consecutive sets SO with and without fulcrums (with a little heat applied during a few sets) was instantly looking longer and was staying longer after. I couldn’t believe me eyes. So I did another measurement and I was up like I said in length by about 0.015 inches it seemed. Then I jelqed and rested for the rest of the day and after restingf for a while I observed again my dick and it looked with my eyes that I might have grown a little base girth then. Didn’t take measurements but oh well just a feeling and look I guess. Maybe I triggered some cell growth in the shaft after overstretching the tunica somehow??? Questions, questions, questions…

Last edited by LoveMachine : 01-21-2006 at .

Many thanks Modesto And LM. Yes I’ve been doing some reading on the Wench and Wenchette and yes, this may be the answer for me. Much appreciated.


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