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Hangers: Theory of Operation

Hangers: Theory of Operation

Theories abound to explain how hangers grip the penis. Some say they grasp the “internals.” Others say they form a “plug” of expanded tissue against which the hanger rests. What’s really going on?

The purpose of this thread is to explore the topic of gripping the penis for the purpose of stretching it. The idea is not simply to repeat what others have said before, but to think about the problem from a fresh perspective. Ultimately, I hope that any understanding we gain will inspire better hanger designs.

So, jump right in. Let’s hear your thoughts on the subject.

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Both. Saying both is the way of the future man. But seriously I say both.

-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...

I believe the Wench, BIB, and Redistretcher (only have expierence with the Wench, but those hangers are designed from the same theory BIB came up with of laterl compression to grip the sides of the penis when hanging) hangers and all the others that grip the sides of the shaft are inefficent (but safe!) in the sence for gains. I know is true at least for the Wench because I got all the variables down to give a perfect hang, gripping the internals as I clamp down with my clamp in the perfect position so it grips both sides of my shaft, wrapping, etc, and have messed around with body positions hanging a 10 pound weight from the Wench and I felt most of the stress on the sides of the shaft and not much on the top. So I did what some would consider a crazy thing and don’t recommend it to others just yet. But I recently took another 10 pound dumbbell weight and layed it on top of my shaft as I hung SO in various body positions to do a kind of V-Stretch and held the 10 pound weight (absorbing some of the weight with my hands) as it layed on top of my shaft while hanging 10 pounds SO. This for the first time after moving the 10 pound fulcrum wieght around on top of my shaft gave me about 0.15” out 0.100” (which is 1”) extra length after the hanging session and that gain has stayed there since I yesterday after I slept. I could really feel the localized intense pressure/force/stress on the areas hitting the septum right where the fulcrum of the dumbbell weight came in contact with my shaft. And I did this for like 5 mins on each part of my shaft along with some regular SO hanging without the fulcrum on top of the shaft. Also note after doing this my dick felt more like taffy and more stretchy then before (must have looosened up my septum in the middle of the tunica with the fulcrum on the top of the shaft althought I honestly didn’t think I had a septum as a limiting factor since I couldn’;t feelt the string like steel cord in the middle hmmm).

So I’m thinking now, gains really do come on a per session (or couple sessions for visible gains) basis. And we need to focus on attacking not only the sides of the shaft but also the top even though BIB which I highly respect and others don’t recommend this. I even did some inverted V-Type fulcrum fulcrums with the 10 pound weight held under my shaft like a typical fulcrum hanging stretch as well during some of my sets. The reason/theory for me being I wanted to target all four sides of the shaft equally so gains could be expressed and it seemed to work. :) Also I think some rest is defintly needed as I worked my dick to the point of total fatigue and it was harder to get a erection at the end of the day but now that seems to be gone since I have rested for about 8-12 hours. When BIB said get your dick into a fatigued state I think that’s what he meant, hang till you just can’t get a erection. That’s what fatigue means, you’re tired as in my dick is tired time for some rest.

So maybe a hanger design that targeted the top as well as the sides and maybe a low pressur eon the bottom to stretch the easier to stretch CS would be best. On a side note which I think everyone is wondering since we have been told this time and time again I had absolutly no circulation problems from putting a fulcrum on the top of my shaft and putting imense pressure all along the dorsal/top-side of my penis. If fact my erections have never been better and I woke up today with very nice hard morning wood that lasted for a while. I also attribute this effect from my BTB jelqing and regular jelqing which keeps my whole dick in top shape.

Ok, these are some of my thoughts. I know theres a lot to digest here but I thought this thread is the perfect place to place some of my current thoughts and ideas. :)

Last edited by LoveMachine : 01-19-2006 at .

If you value the ability to feel your dick I wouldn’t recommand putting any pressure ontop of your penis.

Piet, what about the V-stretch then. Its the same thing just with a weight. Much like a manual clamp over a cable clamp, it just makes it easier.

8 nbp| x |5.8"

Stats|:mwink: |Pics!

I can't stand Diet Coke. Does anyone know where I can see pics of a girl with a regular Coke can up her ass? - Chad66 (:

Piet, what about the V-stretch then. Its the same thing just with a weight. Much like a manual clamp over a cable clamp, it just makes it easier.

That’s true goingfor8at. The 10 lbs weight I hung did act like a V-Stretch with your hand. Actually that was kind of the reason now that I think about it that I tiried putting the 10 lb weight on my dick in the first place. because I fiugred if I can take my thumb and put all kinds of pressure safefully on my shaft then I should be able to safefully as long as I moniter the feeling off the weight and my penis at all times to be safe. Whew! Hanging is defintly a art form and pretty new at that.


The sides of my penis are slippery. The skin slips very easily over the underlying tissue. How can a hanger that grips the sides really grab hold of the tunica when the skin just slides forward?

Regarding the “septum,” I’ve always questioned whether the septum is really an important factor. Check your anatomy books. The septum contains no longitudinal fibers. It consists solely of circumferential fibers. Little structure is there to resist elongation. Maybe the dorsal fibers of your tunica resist stretching, but that septum cannot.

Any more thoughts on what makes a hanger hold on?

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The most popular hanger – the Bib definitely does not grab the internals. I am even more convinced in this fact now than before. I observed my dick during hanging SO 20 lb. and swinging the weight (forwards and backwards). At first, when I observed my dick I thought that during the swing my dick gets longer (more stretched) by 1/8 of an inch, but today after reading this thread I observed closely my dick and realized that is was not true. The elongation was just of the shaft, but my glnas didn’t go forwards by 1/8 of an inch. It was just my shaft or better to say the skin that moved forward and bounced in the cushion, that was built in front of the Bib.
In order to be absolutely sure that I was not mistaken in my conclusion I tightened the Bib to the max possible (ouch!). I observed the same …

So definitely the Bib cannot grab the internals! The only hanger, that I have experienced, to pull directly on the internals is the Grip System (a vacuum hanger). I was used to hang with the Grip for about a month. Excellent pull, 0% skin stretch, no foreskin issues, no blood circulation problems (I hung for 45-60 min in a set), BUT useless when it comes to hanging over 10 lb.; there is simply no way one can hang more than 12 lb. with it, unless he enjoys pain and wish to damage his penis.

So definitely the ideal hanger is not invented yet. I am willing to pay even $ 1,000 for a hanger that would:
1. Grab the internal structures.
2. Would not cause foreskin problems
3. And is able to sustain the pull of 30+ lb. for at least 20 min. without causing any pain.

Not that I am that reach, I’m simply desperate for light gains!

Here’s a good way to assure yourself that you’re stretching your internal structures.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Originally Posted by ModestoMan

The sides of my penis are slippery. The skin slips very easily over the underlying tissue. How can a hanger that grips the sides really grab hold of the tunica when the skin just slides forward?

Regarding the “septum,” I’ve always questioned whether the septum is really an important factor. Check your anatomy books. The septum contains no longitudinal fibers. It consists solely of circumferential fibers. Little structure is there to resist elongation. Maybe the dorsal fibers of your tunica resist stretching, but that septum cannot.

Any more thoughts on what makes a hanger hold on?


This is exactly what I have been trying to figure out and always aim for when ever I am clamping down the Wench or the Wenchette hanger to my penis. I still haven’t completely figured it out yet but based on what position your cable clamp/cuff is on your Wench (imagine a 360 degree rotation that cable clamp can be placed in any of those 360 degree positions on your Wench), how much I wrap, how I attach the hanger, and how I tighten the hanger. This last variable is the one where the real testing happens so I will pay close attention today to see exactly what is going on to figure out how I can grip the internals correctly and easily. For instance the last variable could be like “do I pull my dick out before tighting a few clicks”, or “do I not pull my dick out and just clamp and then attach the weight and hang then after 30 seconds of hanging do another click on my Wench”, or “Do I have to clamp really slowly to grab the internals”, etc. It’s going to take some expiermenation you see to figure out how to grab the internals correctly. ;) I do believe I’ve done it a few times, I just didn’t record what I did or make a mental note of it.

With the septum I’ll need to look a bit more into the anatomy of our johnsons. Why wouldn’t the septum limit us from elongating our dicks? I mean it is made out of mostly the same matter (tunica which is like tough mylar to stretch as MagnumXL described) I would think so that should make it a pretty tough limiting factor I would think. Also there is of course the theory that a few people here think of how doing some girth work and weakining the circumferential layer of the tunica along with the inner septum (all those fibers) can help to gain length. I don’t know the reason why that would work but maybe loosening up as many limiting factors in the internals of the shaft as possible (CC’s,CS,Septum,Logitudinal layer of tunica and the circufermrential, etc) to get a greater stretch when hanging? Hmm… Don’t know why the dorsal artieries,nerves,and veins would be hard to stretch since they are very elastic.

Now that I think about it I do remember reading on a medical website a while ago and many other sites how medical experts (of course we can’t trust all there information when it comes to the penis as we here all know to well) say that it is the logitudinal (outer) layer of the tunica which is what limits how long your erection can be. This may be true, but I also think jelqing to fill in the new space of the tunica made may help along with stretching the other internals I described above somehow all at once if possible or close to all at once.

Time to study some anatomy…

Originally Posted by xenolith
Here’s a good way to assure yourself that you’re stretching your internal structures.

Looks cool xeno, you’re a pretty creative dude. I’ll keep this BAS thingy in mind if I ever need to quickly strengthen my BS muscle for whatever reason as well as get a little internals stretch.


The few times that I managed to tighten my Bib Hanger enough to grasp the “internals,” the only result was intense pain, as the hanger slid forward when I applied the weight. It took 3 or 4 pounds before the hanger moved, but move it did, and moving with that much compression was painful.

I would be very surprised if any type of hanger can directly grasp the internals. It’s like trying to grasp a wet pickle inside a plastic bag. You might think you have a good grip, but try pulling the pickle. It will slip with just a little bit of force.

With regard to the septum, realize that a collagen fiber is only strong along the axis of the fiber. The fibers in the septum are circumferental. The run from the dorsal surface of the tunica to the ventral surface. They do not run lengthwise. Only weak cross-links hold them together lengthwise. Those can be easily pulled apart.

A common error is to attribute the toughness of the tunica to the septum. It’s really the dorsal thickening of the tunica (at the 11 and 1 o’clock positions) that presents the obstacle. Check the WIKI entry for “tunica” for good pics and explanations.

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Last edited by ModestoMan : 01-20-2006 at .


I agree. I think that what you observed for the Bib will be true for all hangers—at least for those that attach along the length of the shaft.

Ironically, the justifiably maligned “noose” hangers do grasp the internals. A noose attaches just below the glans and sits on a shoulder formed by the corona. Since the glans is tightly adhered to the tunica by dense connective tissue, pulling on the glans effectively grasps the internals.

Vaccuum hangers, which pull on the glans, also effectively grasp the internals, for the same reason.

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Last edited by ModestoMan : 01-20-2006 at .

Originally Posted by goingfor8at
Piet, what about the V-stretch then. Its the same thing just with a weight. Much like a manual clamp over a cable clamp, it just makes it easier.

The difference between a manual v-stretch and one with weight is the pressure per area and with manual you can change the position where you push. I have tried v-stretches in the past and my dick just can’t handle pressure ontop. Apparently there are guys like you who’s top of the penis is less sensitive and for you this exercise might work. However for the sake of the guys whose dicks are like mine or even more sensitive I think it’s best to advice in general to avoid any pressure ontop of your dick.

I have used AFB like hangers with ribs like the BIB has and I found the ribs did grab the tunica but not enough to hold the weight. They only worked for me in combination with the end of the CC’s acting as a stopper. The problem with the ribs is they have to dig into your skin to reach the tunica. Even if your wrapped losely tightening pulls your skin and veins tight and when you want to tighten it some more the pain starts.

When I stopped using ribs on my AFB hangers I had less grip with the same tightness but I could tighten my hanger a lot more without any discomfort. This gives me a better grip with room for some extra tightening left. After a couple sessions the area where you attach the hanger becomes a bit loose which makes it even easier. When I hang SO there’s no skinstretch and no pressure on my glans so I much be stretching directly from the tunica ;)

I haven’t tried vacuum stretching or hanging so I can’t really comment on that. Pulling my tunica and ligs via the glans is not my cup of tea. Low tension like with the suckXtender seems doable. I just don’t want to jeopardise my glans’ sensitivity in any way.

My thoughts on how the BIB grips this area is that the compression creates enough internal friction to translate the axial force to the longitudinal fibers in the tunica and ligaments.

My BIB has a very good hold on that area. When I push down on it while hanging there is no give without pain. If I hang too heavy the area retracts and possibly gets stronger instead of longer. If I hang to light the gains are slow to no.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
A common error is to attribute the toughness of the tunica to the septum. It’s really the dorsal thickening of the tunica (at the 11 and 1 o’clock positions) that presents the obstacle.

Assuming that the crosslinks are far fewer in number than the circumferential fiber, I tend to agree that the septum should not be a limiting factor. I have been palpitating this area during hanging and the dorsal thickening is were most of my stress is. I also believe that the suspensory ligament helps bolster the dorsal thickening along the length of the shaft.

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