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Hanging: Average gains in just ligs?

Hanging: Average gains in just ligs?

So I recently started hanging and I see that it is recommended to start hanging SD and/or BTC in order to first gain from stretching the ligs.

1. How much can I expect my ligs to “expand”?
2. What is the effect of this really? The ligs gets longer but not the penis? Seems like it only will affect flaccid size, i.e. hanging lower? Or are we talking about pulling out the “inner penis” (if that’s even possible). (Sorry for my lousy knowledge in penile anatomy. Will read more on this subject later)

The reason I ask is twofold:
1. How much length can be gained from lig stretching (hanging)?
2. When do I know when it’s time to move on to stretch the real thing, hanging for tunica gains”?


Ligament gains affect erect length as well as flaccid length, as far as I know. For most guys they’re also easier to get than tunica gains.

You have Bib hanger? I suggest you to read the product guide and check bib’s forum basics section.

mister: I have ordered one. I will read more in his forum. Just hoped for a quick answer, seems like pe is more about reading than doing… ;)

Up: I still don’t get how it affects erect length. It’s ligaments, not the penis itself that is expanding. Seems like a longer flaccid hang would be the result. Will read more…

I’m not sure about the science behind it, but I’m sure it works because the base of my penis looks different after gaining 1” of length than before I did any PE. I did this with manual stretching, though, but the base of my penis is definitely part that has been affected the most.

Upto7, my dick seems thicker at the base from stretching manually and with a mechanical device, so the thickening must be a by-product of the pulling in my case. I never really measured girth before I started and so have nothing to compare to, but it does seem thicker.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

It depends on how high is your Penis.If your penis exit point is HIGH you will gain more.If it is LOW you will gain little from the lig gains.And yeah LIG gains produce increase in both flacid and erect penis.

For example see this guy his penis Has very low exit point you can see that his ligs are stretched out naturally. Yeah BTC hanging pulls out the inner penis when you penis is with high exit point and tight ligs it will be hidden. When you stretch out your ligs your penis will be pulled out and it will be longer. The penis lengthening surgeries are similar they cut your ligs and they pull out the inner penis which leads to longer penis. :)
But the surgery is dangerous and expensive better do some hanging and you will definitely get longer unit :)

Also your penis becomes longer not only from the stretching of the ligs the tunica is being stretched too so that’s double gains :P When you use your lig gains potential you will start to do only tunica hanging which will lead to new gains which are a lot more harder to achieve but it’s worth it.

-======Goal BPEL 9.5x6======-

Sorry, please this comment. I started a thread on the issue and dont want to repeat it.

NBPEL 2002: 5.5 inches, EG 4.5 inches.

December 2011: BPEL 7.5 inches; EG 5.0 inches; FSBPL: 8.0 inches.

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