Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hanging Can't Find what I need with search button.

Hanging Can't Find what I need with search button.

So, I’m a month into PE.
Thinking of suing Thunder’s Place.

My penis is in thicker flaccid state almost constantly.

Erections are seeming to be a bit stronger.

Have to constantly re-adjust my “junk” in public because it gets “tangled”.

Some of my pants are seeming to be a bit tighter in the special area.

Yep, seems like I have a case. ;)

Anyway, back to the topic of discussion, hanging.

One month sufficient enough to start hanging at low weights? I.E. 2lbs?

From what I have read, 10 minutes per set for 4 sets should be sufficient and only use heat for the first half of half of the routine.
So Heat 5 minutes for first two sets.
10 minute rest period and light Jelq between sets?
Is what I just stated correct?
Thanks all.

P.S. What would life be like without Thunder’s?

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