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Hanging six days

Hanging six days

Guys I recently got some advice from a guy on the fourum about hanging. He suggested I hang days on, and 1 day off. I really want to gain length. I am about 6.75 to 7 raging hard nbp, and 7 bp. about 4.5 to 4.75 in girth. I am currentyl hanging 3 set of 10lbs for 20 min. I really want to make it to 7 nbp. If I could get to 7 by 5 nbp I would be so much more confident. I think my main problem with gains has been my lack of dedication and being able to stay on a steady routine. When could I move up to 12.5 pounds. I hang 10 pounds pretty comfortably. After I finish I usually flaccid jelq for about 5 to 10 minutes, then put my traction wrap on for a couple of hours. ALso do you think it would be okay to throw a super girth routine in 1 day to try to maintian, and or add a little size whilwe I am gaining lentgth?

could somebody please comment.

Hi waytoobig,

I moved your thread to the Hanger’s Forum, you may get more feedback here…


Are you hanging to fatigue and simply hanging 3x20 @10 lbs?
You say that you hang 10lbs comfortably. If that is the case them how do you expect to get any gains?
Do you take a rest day because you are too sore or just because thats your routine?

Waytoobig, the following comment is not aimed at you but here goes anyway,
I am certainly not a vet or expert hanger, but I think that quite a few guys seem to think that its just a matter of hanging weight off your dick and gains will just happen.
I don’t care if you hang with 100 lbs for 20 minutes, if that weight and time combination does not fatigue the tissues, YOU WILL NOT GAIN!

Hi Andrew69,

very nice gains, first time that I noticed your sign.
You seem to have some good thoughts from the few things i read from you.

Same here. It sounds very logical.

What is your routine?
Could you share some more of your thoughts about hanging and gaining like a good routine should look like? I would be interested in what you think about this !!

Bye Rising

My goal: from 11.9 cm NBPEL to 18 cm NBPEL (~7 ") or never...!!!! after 5 weeks(and a long break): 12.5 cm NBPEL

Thank you for the kind words.
I certainly have made some nice gains, however, almost all (bar the last 1/4 inch) has been via manual exercises.
I simply reached a point where I could not longer exert a force for long enough to make a difference, hence me taking up hanging.

The ideas I put forward in the last post are basically derived from one thing. This forum and my continual reading of it. Plain and simple. It is not my idea, nor is it a new one and thats why I emphasised it. Its basic hanging principal.

I think too many guys come here to Thunders looking for a quick and easy way out. Of course there is none.

I often get PM’ed asking for my routine (and freely give it), but it is not some magical wonder routine. It is based on the basic exercises found on this forum.

My routine really varies day to day. Yes, day to day. I have a basic routine I try to follow, of course, but it is not that often that I follow it to the letter.

If I was to reply to you the way most people reply with their routine, then I would say this;
3 x 20 minutes @ 9 lbs (current max weight)
Warm up with rice sock, before, during and between sets for all sets except the last half of the last set.

From what I have read and learned here at Thunder’s about hanging, if I can complete 3 sets of 20 min with 9 lbs; THEN I AM WASTING MY TIME!
Why? Simple.
Because If I can complete those three sets, than I must not be hanging to fatigue.

In reality, my routine consists of 1 set of 20 minutes with 9 lbs, almost to fatigue with that weight, start second set with 9 and usually drop 2 pounds within 5 minutes and try to continue to 20 minutes with 7lbs. Sometimes I can, other times I can’t.
If I can’t, then I will quickly drop another 2 pounds to 5lbs to finish the set.
Finish last set by adding 2 pounds to my last finishing weight (IE. finished with 5lbs, then I start with 7lbs), to bring me back to fatigue ASAP, again drop weight to finish set to completion.

Traction wrap for at least an hour. I love my traction wrap and I think (IMHO), that it is one of the most under rated and under utilised techniques out there. Ideally an ADS would be better, but it is simply not practical for me. It helps to keep my member elongated after I finish and gives me a wicked flaccid hang, if only for a while.

Now, here is my current dilemma. Even though I am hanging at least 2 out of the 3 sets to fatigue, I am still not seeing any real gains.
I believe that this is due to the fact that my manual exercises has toughened my tissues to a point where I need more force for them to “give”.
I am not in any hurry to find the weight that I need for this to happen…it comes when it comes. I am gradually increasing my weight, allowing my dick to become used to the higher weight (its taken weeks for me to comfortably be able to hang 9 lbs) and then I increase it some more, when I am sure that the current weight is still not producing results.

I don’t think that it is possible for one to say “Oh, I’ve hung with this weight for 1 week, time to increase the weight.”
I believe that you need to give it time. I know that the tissues of a muscle and those of the penis are different, but I still see it as stretching, and the best stretch is achieved by gradually increasing the force and letting the muscle “relax” into the force and then proceeding.

It may well be much faster to simply increase 2.5 lbs every few weeks until it happens. But why run the risk of having to hang with 20 or 25lbs, if 10 or 12 would have been enough if all you had to do was give it a little long for it to work its magic.

So, my magic routine that is guaranteed to make you gain is this;
1. Read, read and then read some more,
2. PE and especially hanging is a dangerous pastime, so take it slow and easy.
3. Listen to your body. It will tell you when it is time to increase the weight.
4. Always aim to hang at fatigue. Otherwise go and do something else, cause you are wasting your time hanging.


>ALso do you think it would be okay to throw a super girth routine in 1 day to try to maintian, and or add a little size whilwe I am gaining lentgth?<

If it was possible to gain from doing one routine per week, that’s what we’d all be doing. Your time would be better spent concentrating on your length goals.



Once again, you hit a homer with your posts in this thread. Except for one thing and it is not too bad: Some guys can gain without ever reaching a fatigued state. I know, it pisses me off also. But in the past, there have been guys that report this. But maybe it does not last too long for them.

At any rate, gross generalities are really tough in this endeavor, because of the differences between guys.



Fatigued is still abstract for me, but I assume we usually call it fatigued when we have to either start dropping weights or call it enough hanging for the day. IYO, is that a good enough description of hanger’s fatigue?

This far I’m happy to report that although I haven’t been dropping weights through my sets, I’ve made a steady .1” EL gain in each of my first 4 hanging weeks. My sessions progressively longer from 45 to currently 70 minutes (3-4 <20 min sets, just to be clear); weights progressively increased from 4 to 8#.

EDIT: Although not dropping weiths, I’m not sure it would be wise to add too much time each day… I reckon fatigued is just one side of the coin, with general conditioning on the other…

Last edited by Ideal : 04-12-2004 at .

Thanks Bigger,

I would love to be one of those guys who can gain with out reaching fatigue.

I wonder if its because they start hanging early on in their PE “careers” and so the tissues are not too conditioned?

Thank you very much for your detailed relpy, Andrew!

I also think that the body tells what to do when doing PE, each one is different.
But the definition of “fatigue” is also not easy in my eyes.

I would describe it as a feeling that the penis is stretched very much but no pain, and INSIDE the body (behind the base) there is a feeling that something is slightly uncomfortably stretched (the ligs?)

My goal: from 11.9 cm NBPEL to 18 cm NBPEL (~7 ") or never...!!!! after 5 weeks(and a long break): 12.5 cm NBPEL


>Fatigued is still abstract for me, but I assume we usually call it fatigued when we have to either start dropping weights or call it enough hanging for the day. IYO, is that a good enough description of hanger’s fatigue? <

That is correct. When you have to call it quits for the day, that is total fatigue. Now, how do YOU describe that feeling that makes you drop the weight, or stop for the day? What does it feel like?

>This far I’m happy to report that although I haven’t been dropping weights through my sets, I’ve made a steady .1” EL gain in each of my first 4 hanging weeks. My sessions progressively longer from 45 to currently 70 minutes (3-4 <20 min sets, just to be clear); weights progressively increased from 4 to 8#. <

Congrats on the gains!

>EDIT: Although not dropping weiths, I’m not sure it would be wise to add too much time each day… I reckon fatigued is just one side of the coin, with general conditioning on the other.<

You are correct.


>I wonder if its because they start hanging early on in their PE “careers” and so the tissues are not too conditioned?<

That could surely be one part of it. Many of these guys simply do not have the time to hang enough sets to reach fatigue. But the amount of stress they can produce during their little time is still enough to cause gains. Also, they may have a high tolerance for the stresses. They just don’t feel it.

By the same token, many jelqers and stretchers never feel fatigue, and are able to gain, at least for a while.


Andrew, I’m interested in what you were saying about going increasing the weight too quickly in the beginning. I just began hanging and I went from 5 lbs, to 10 lbs, and now 15 lbs over the course of a month an a half. I only do about 20 mins a day though. Are you saying I should step down the weight and up the number of reps? I am feeling a pretty good stretch, but I don’t think I am achieving fatigue.

Fatigue is brought on by a combination of time and weight. If you hang for a short time, then a higher weight will be required to reach fatigue than if you had a lower weight and hung for a long time.

However, in my post, what I meant was that it seems that many guys here jump at the chance to increase the weight as soon as they can. I thought PE was all about promoting growth and was not a weight lifting comp.

It took me about 2 months to go from 2.5 lbs to a bit over 9 lbs. This had as much to do with conditioning my penis as well as being able to reach fatigue with lower weights.

If you feel comfortable hanging that weight, then great. If it was me, I would try increase the time you hang as much as possible. I believe Bib recommends building up to hanging at least 10 hours per week. I’m sure he will correct me if I got that wrong.
Obviously, not everyone has the time/privacy to be able to do this. I don’t think I’ve hung more than 10 hours per week yet!
Remember, hanging is basically a form of traction and traction works best over a longer time frame.

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