Hanging: Split Sets?
Ok, I’ve been hanging with split sets, I’ll do 3 sets early in the day and 3 sets late in the day. I was just wondering how many vets have done it this way, and is there any advantage to going 6 straight sets?
For me, going 6 straight sets is difficult to say the least, by my third set, I’m very fatigued after about 5 minutes, and that last 15 minutes I definitely feel the fatigue heavy. Not to mention the sheer bulk of time spent in 1 6 set session is VERY VERY time consuming. Splitting helps me work PE around the rest of my schedule.
Any thoughts?
Oh, btw, I’m hanging BTC, I lay my back on my bed and I have my legs on a preacher curl bar (knee is at the top of the preacher curl, thighs are on the pad and my legs are hanging off, my feet can touch the seat), this seems to give me a comfortable way of hitting that hard to get at angle. I credit hanging with giving me my last .125”, we’ll see if that trend continues.
My goal is to be the best me, mind, body and soul, PE is part of achieving the best me.