Hanging Timeline
Greetings Hangers,
This thread is in concern to the time frame that our more experienced members have observed.
When I began hanging, I started VERY light, and, as comfort allowed, I worked my way up to 5 lbs after about 2 weeks.
Now, after a month of hanging with 5 lbs for two 10 minute sets a day (day off about once a week) I can barely feel the 5 lb weight.
I have observed some gains, though they have been minimal, and stopped after about the second week of using 5 lbs.
Now, I think my penis has been conditioned to hanging enough that I can either 1) up the weight, or 2) add two more sets, ie. two sets in the morning before work, and two and night before bed.
What do you think I should do? Both maybe? (I have a feeling that the 2x light workouts per day to keep your penis in an extended / enlarged state is the key to gaining, regardless of what exercises you choose to do. Yes, it takes 24 hours for the penis to heal, but is that what we want? Or do we want it to partially heal and then be exposed to further stress? These are questions I can not answer.)
But, the real question I am here to ask is: at what weight did you begin to really get gains? Did you gain at all with 5 lbs, or only after you had worked your way up to a higher weight class?
Now, don’t get me wrong, if someone says “I experienced gains at 12 lbs” I’m not going to run off and hang 12 lbs from my dick. If there is one thing I have learned about PE over the last two years it is that slow and steady wins the race. I am just looking for accounts by some of the more experienced hangars as to how long / what weight it took to experience your first noticeable gains.
I feel like if a few of our experienced members can give us a little background as to their experience it will be a useful tool for many of us.
Starting (10 / 2006): 5.8~BPEL, 5~BG ----> Current: 7.6 BPEL, 5.6 BG ----> Goal: Pringles Can