hanging while driving
has any one else done this?
i have a twice weekly two-hour drive to and from my parents, so i thought i would get creative and hang while i drive (pumping while driving being another habit of mine which i had heard about via various pumping pe boards).
my personal hanging-while-driving routine
first i get on my (<a href=”/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7360”>patented, easy-as-pie neoprene sleeve)</a> wrap, then slap on my bib hanger. usually it’s my starter hanger because it’s easier to hide that one under my pants. next, i tighten the wingnuts but not all the way.
i usually wear something bulky and loose like sweat pants with no underwear.
once i’m safely in the car i lower my sweat pants to my knees and tighten the hanger the rest of the way. i keep a towel or something handy to cover myself if need be. i live in an urban area (boston) and you’d be surprised at how easy it is to have your pants down around your knees while your drive.
(well, maybe you already know. i personally believe that there are more guys on the road with their pants down, or at least their zippers open, than you would expect. damn, those frisky dicks, down boy, down!)
you do have to watch out for those high riding trucks and suv’s, especially the ones with inquisitive passengers on the right hand side of the vehicle.
to get my hang going, i use varying lengths of bunge cord to hook my bib hanger to my driver’s side visor. DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT ATTACH the cord to your rearview mirror, however. at least the rearview mirror in my little toyota corolla couldn’t take the pressure and it snapped it right off!
(d’oh! another dumb blunder by billinwashdc!)
to get different pulls you might try attaching your bunge cord to the passenger side visor, but your passenger might not appreciate this, so ask them first, okay?
ALSO, NEVER, NEVER attach the cord to the driving wheel, dudes! this could result in a serious injury if for some reason you had to quickly turn. it might yank your dick right off!
one problem with hanging while driving at night is that it is hard to see your dick (and whether everything is doing “ok” down there), even with the interior light switched on. so you might want to make periodic stops in order to give your dick a closer inspection. i wouldn’t want to feel responsible for any bad accidents due to my “hanging-while-driving” idea.
by the way, i’ve only done this half a dozen times or so, so i’d appreciate any words of wisdom from any other “hanging-while-driving” dudes out there. anyone else ever try this?
of course you can vary the tension by using different lengths of bunge cords or thicker ones with stronger tensions. people might wonder what that cord is doing there, leading from my visor straight down to my crotch. yikes! but i haven’t had any usual stares or inquiries yet …
pop quiz: why is a bunge cord called that?
answer: the bunge cord’s inventor is benjamin k. bunge. credit given where credit’s due, huh? yay mr. bunge! never thought your cord would have so so many danged diverse uses, did you?
over and out, give peace a chance,
bill in boston