Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hanging without soreness?


Hanging without soreness?

I have been hanging off and on for a few months, with various homemade hangers, from the bib to the AFB, and lately with the homebrew, which is the best one that I have tried thus far. When I first started I used the modified bib, which gave me a sore feeling in the ligs. At that time I only hung straight down, because I did not know any different. I advanced very rapidly in weight with it, hanging 20 lbs in less than 6 weeks, and felt some moderate soreness in the lig area with that. Since then I have found that I do not get sore after hanging at all. I am currently hanging 25 lbs straight out then the same weight standing, then 17 1/2 lbs btc for 20 mins per set once a day on a 5 on 2 off schedule. I would like to know if there is anyone else who has found that they have progressed to this type of weight and found that they do not have any soreness in the lig area to show for their work. I do find that in the btc the skin stretch is the limiting factor to the amount of weight that I can use, and the skin does tend to get irritated, but I still do not feel that I am achieving the proper workout to stimulate the growth that I want. Any suggestions on how to reduce the skin stretch so that I can hang heavier weight in the btc position would be appreciated. I start with 10 lbs and add 2 1/2 lb weights as the skin relaxes, which takes about 3 mins per jump, until I reach 17 1/2 lbs. which is the max that I can handle at this point.

Stretching in the sun

Hey Pep,

I can’t help with the weight problem, I’m still hanging at 8 lb. Being very careful, to avoid injury. I’m still feeling alot of soreness, even with 3 sets BTC at 20 min. each. You made the homebrew, huh? Pretty simple? I’m glad to see that it worked for you.

"If you build it, they will come".

Hi Tryn4more,

Yes I did find it to be pretty easy to make, though my technique was a little different as I don’t own a heat gun. I cut the pipe in half and placed the cut pieces one at a time in a bowl of water with only one side exposed and placed the bowl under the broiler in my oven for 2 mins or so until the pvc softened, then followed the instructions as per the original post. I shaped the front according to the modified bib. I have found it to be very comfortable in comparison to the other homemade hangers that I have tried so far.

Stretching in the sun


Right on!

"If you build it, they will come".

Hey Peppy!

You don’t always get a good ache in the ligs after hanging but the penis should still feel worked-out after your sets - there is more to growth than just your ligs. There are a few ways you can achieve this without going up in weight and may reduce the potential risk for injury which increases with the use of higher weights.

Firstly, you can hang more sets. You can either add an extra set on to your existing routine or split your routine and hang AM and PM. Remember to initially split the routine rather than do 2 full routines - it will be too much.

Alternatively, alter your schedule. Hang more days straight. You could try 6 days on then 2 off …. or even more, but work up to it.

Don’t discount the role of skin stretching with BTC - it’s an important and integral part of gains. Skin is a limiting factor and if you don’t have enough of it you won’t be able to work your ligs successfully. Your skin will take the weight first and, when you’ve stretched it enough, the ligs will then take the weight. It’s an ongoing process. Skin stretching can be done at lower weights as many guys find the burn a little too challenging. There may be also weight in the theory that the more aggressively you stretch the skin the more likely you will be to sustain stretch marks - less aggressive stretching may minimize this. Don’t be concerned that you can’t hang as much BTC - this is normal - it’s a very challenging position!

Finally, I’ll echo tryn’s sentiments in urging you to be very careful using higher weights. Higher weights do not mean greater growth - they mean bigger risks and less options further down the track. The art in hanging is to find the minimum weight which will give you fatigue, not your maximum! Finding the maximum is easy - just pile on the weight until you can’t take any more - any fool can do that. But finding the minimum weight which still gives fatigue takes experimentation and skill. Your minimum weight leaves you far more options - to start with, it’s safer. Apart from that, the biggest problem with hanging heavy early is that you find you paint yourself into a corner fairly quickly. As your hanging career progresses, you need increased amounts of weight to achieve the same levels of stress and it soon becomes apparent that it’s physically no longer viable to go up in weight any further. Stalemate! Remember, it’s not a weightlifting competition!

Take care.

lil1 :lep:

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!

Well said, lil!

I am one of those whose experience is very similar to Peppy69’s. High weights, not much if any lig soreness. My advice is pretty much the same as you have been given. Don’t worry about out or standing and just go with BTC. In fact, just try light weights for long periods of time for a while. If you persist in the direction you are going, you might experience what I did which is soreness…but not in the ligs. Mainly in the lower abdomen and at the sides of the penile base/body junction. Take heed of this because once you fuck yourself up, by the time everything is all fine and dandy, you might not have the time to hang. I’m just curious as to the natural angle of your erection…is it pointing upward or more or less horizontal? Mine is almost horizontal and I wonder if this is indicative of which type of hanging is going to hit the ligs best off the start. Bib was almost straight up skyward pre-PE. I suspect that is why he could hit his ligs well right of the start in various positions. Might be a good thing to consider for folks who erect horizontally, for we might not hit the ligs with anything but extreme BTC. Might not be a bad idea for members who hang to chime in here on erect angles and lig soreness from different positions. groa


You don’t always get a good ache in the ligs after hanging but the penis should still feel worked-out after your sets

I don’t feel worked-out after hanging. All of my plumbing feels just the same as before hanging, besides the irritated skin from the stretching.

you can hang more sets

Time constraints do not allow me to hang more, however I can try the split routine. I did try to do that earlier this week, but my skin was too sore to attach the hanger comfortably, so I went back to once a day.

Remember to initially split the routine rather than do 2 full routines

I am thinking along the lines of 2x20 min sessions AM and the same PM, which gives me 20 mins more total hang time per day.

Your skin will take the weight first and, when you’ve stretched it enough, the ligs will then take the weight.

I have noticed in the last couple of weeks that there is more loose skin along my shaft, but I still get a pretty intense skin stretch when I hang btc.

There may be also weight in the theory that the more aggressively you stretch the skin the more likely you will be to sustain stretch marks - less aggressive stretching may minimize this.

So far no stretch marks. Before hanging btc, I lube up the upper shaft with oil, then while in the btc position, I apply more to the parts of the skin where I feel the most stretch. This seems to help to reduce the stinging, and may have helped me to avoid stretch marks. I also use cocoa butter with vitamin e after I am done with PE for the day, this works great for me, I have used it on all types of cuts and burns, and found that I heal much better with it.

The art in hanging is to find the minimum weight which will give you fatigue, not your maximum!

This is something that I have read before, however, I also have read on this board that you should hang your max weight to fatigue, and then back off on the weight with each set until you can only hang half of your max. My problem is that I have yet to reach the point where I feel fatigued. It is always the skin stretch which is the limiting factor for me, not a fatigued feeling.

As your hanging career progresses, you need increased amounts of weight to achieve the same levels of stress and it soon becomes apparent that it’s physically no longer viable to go up in weight any further.

This is a real concern for me, as I feel that I have progressed quite quickly in weight.


Don’t worry about out or standing and just go with BTC

The reason that I still use standing is that my first gains came that way and that is the only position that I have ever felt any type of fatigue in. I will try all btc for a while and see if I notice a difference.

you might experience what I did which is soreness…but not in the ligs. Mainly in the lower abdomen and at the sides of the penile base/body junction.

Could you explain exactly how this happened? Did you just feel something give and then pain or was it after hanging that the pain set in?

I’m just curious as to the natural angle of your erection…is it pointing upward or more or less horizontal?

Fully erect I point almost straight up.

Stretching in the sun

Last edited by Peppy69 : 07-24-2002 at .


The art in hanging is to find the minimum weight which will give you fatigue, not your maximum!

This is something that I have read before, however, I also have read on this board that you should hang your max weight to fatigue, and then back off on the weight with each set until you can only hang half of your max. My problem is that I have yet to reach the point where I feel fatigued. It is always the skin stretch which is the limiting factor for me, not a fatigued feeling.

Let me see if I can explain this a little clearer. When we talk about maximum weight we’re not talking about the maximum weight you can possibly hang, we’re talking about the weight you need to achieve fatigue. For instance - I can probably hang 30lbs yet my “max” weight is actually less than half that. My max weight is in fact the lowest weight which still causes fatigue.
The fact that you’re not getting fatigued and still stretching skin even though you seem to have ample leads me to believe that there may be an inherent problem with your hanger or technique. It appears, that at these weights, your hanger may only be capable of grasping the skin rather than anchoring on the internal structures of the penis.
There may be several possible solutions.
1. Use more wrap.
2. Position the hanger closer to the glans.
3. Tighten the hanger more.
4. Adjust the bolts on the bottom to make the bottom gap smaller.
5. Experiment with both toe-in and toe-out settings.
6. Bite the bullet and buy a BibHanger! ;)
Not having tried the Homebrew, I’m at a disadvantage. However, it is based on the BibHanger and these are the things I would suggest if someone came to me with similar problem using a BibHanger ….. all except #6!! :)
Give them a try (at lower weights, please!) and let us know how you get on.
Keep us posted!
lil1 :littleguy

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!

Your points are well taken. However, the reason that I have not purchased a Bib hanger has nothing to do with finances, but more to do with privacy issues. I live in a country where all incoming mail is subject to search, which is done as a matter of course, not chance. In other words all packages which are received here have about a 95% chance of being opened by customs agents. I for one am not about to explain to some small minded individual what the contents of this package contain and what it is to be used for. This is a very small place, where just about everyone knows each other, and I prefer my business to remain just that, mine! If I were living in the US or some other more liberal country, or somewhere that the chances of running into the same individual on the street that I just had to explain to that a Bib hanger was for the purpose of enlarging my penis were almost nil, I would have purchased one long ago. I am sure that most of the members of the board would agree that if their purchase of PE equipment were to be common knowledge, they would think twice before buying! This is not to rag on you personally, but just to let you know my reasons for being hesitant about making a purchase that I am sure would be money well spent. As for suggestions 1 & 5, I will put them to use tonight and see how it works out, and post on my findings. For #2, I position the hanger at about 1 inch from the glans now, and find that if it is any closer, it causes a skin pinch under the wrap(As I pointed out in my earlier post, I have a good bit of loose skin along my shaft). For #3, I have the top screw tightened till almost touching, while the bottom screws are more flared out, in a toe out position. I have experimented with this, and have found this to be the most comfortable thus far, but will continue to try to fine tune it. Finally #4, I tighten the bottom screws until I feel a slight skin pinch, and then back them off until it is comfortable for me. I am still working on perfecting my wrapping technique, to avoid bunching the skin underneath the wrap, but I haven’t quite gotten it down as yet, some days all goes smoothly the first time, and other days I have to wrap and re-wrap 2 or 3 times, but I just take it as a part of the learning curve. Eventually, with the help of yourself and all of the board members who ask and reply to questions, I believe that I will reach my goals.

Stretching in the sun

Hey Peppy,

I have a suggestion for you. If you want a Bib hanger, go ahead and order it! If anyone should question you, ask them if they have ever heard of Peyronnes disease. This is a curvature of the penis that can range from very slight to nearly ninety degrees. Say that you have a slight case of this and the hanger is a medical device that is designed to correct this. If they ask to see your pecker, just say that the curve only shows up during erections. If that doesn’t work, X&!$% it.


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!


I almost missed this one,

. My max weight is in fact the lowest weight which still causes fatigue.

I have been calculating my max as the total weight that I can hang for a whole 20 mins. If I feel that I cannot reach the 20 min goal with the weight that I am using, then I would say that it is too much for me. If I understand you correctly, I need to lower the weight and do a lot more experimentation to find that elusive fatigue point. What exactly should I be feeling, or I guess a better question would be what do you feel when you reach the point of fatigue? I find that after 2 or 3 hanging sessions, at a given weight, my body adjusts to that weight and I am able to increase the weight without changing the amount of stress that I feel, hence the rapid increase is weight. Over the course of the next couple of weeks I will experiment with different hanger settings, and wrapping to find the best combination for me, and then evaluate my progress at that point. If I find that I am making gains, I will continue on the same routine until I hit a plateau, before making changes to my routine. Any other suggestions or comments would be appreciated.

Stretching in the sun


That is not a bad suggestion, for a normal society, however, in a place as small as this things are much different from a large city. People here have nothing better to do with their lives than to poke into other people’s business. I guess that I may seem to be overly paranoid to some of you, but I guess that you would have to actually have to visit here to understand just how bad it can be. I will be traveling to the US in the next couple of months, and may be able to have one shipped to me while there, and carry it back with me.

Stretching in the sun

And this is...

Where do you live, Pep?

jay in cali

I have the top screw tightened till almost touching, while the bottom screws are more flared out, in a toe out position.

This may be the problem. Ideally, the top gap should be wider than the bottom. Imagine a “V”, that’s what you want. One of the reasons we need the top gap wider is to protect the delicate dorsal region of the penis - this is where the main vein and nerve bundles reside and the less interference with these the better.

Don’t worry too much about fatigue at the moment - concentrate on and experiment with getting your hanger working properly first. If you can do that, half the battle is won. For it to work effectively it needs to grip the internal structures of the penis. Once you have fine tuned this, fatigue is generally easier to achieve.

Good luck and keep us posted!

lil1 :littleguy

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!


>Ideally, the top gap should be wider than the bottom. Imagine a “V”, that’s what you want. One of the reasons we need the top gap wider is to protect the delicate dorsal region of the penis - this is where the main vein and nerve bundles reside and the less interference with these the better.<

If you are talking about a Bib, you have it backwards. The top gap should be slightly less than the bottom gap (distance between teeth). The primary pressure should be on the top of the sides of the two major chambers. If the teeth are meshed completely on top, one should wrap a little more so that both gaps are larger.

The teeth on top should put very little pressure on the dorsal region of the penis.

The V is already built into the hanger. Notice the front thumbs are wider on top (which I think you were talking about), and the back thumbs are wider on bottom.


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