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Help buying a hanger

Help buying a hanger

I am 19 years old, living with my parents still.

The last thing I want is a box being shipped with big letters across the front “PENIS ENLARGER”.

Is there any discretion with these hangers or what, because I need this kept low if I get one.

I’d also like some tips on devices.


I have bought the Vacuhanger and the Max-vac and both were very discrete.

Is there any discretion with these hangers or what, because I need this kept low if I get one.


The Bib Hanger arrives in a plain brown box with the generic return address name of “BH Ltd”. My husband is incredibly pleased with his Bib, and the guy who sells them offers incredible customer support. He always answers email with great detail.

I’ve ordered Bib’s(yes plural)and there is no way anyone could guess what’s inside!Very discreet.

Joe_smith- which one of the vac hangers do you like the most and why?


Intelligentlife: - I’d like to meet your husband’s wife *s* and discuss some matters of common interest *s*

Originally Posted by b-7974
Joe_smith- which one of the vac hangers do you like the most and why?


It really depends what you want them for. I like them both. I have the Max-Vac that I use for hanging 10+ lbs (I’ve hung up to 20 pounds) and the Vacuextender Head (monkeybars’s) can be uses are a light hanger as well for up to about 5 pounds, anything over that it slipped off. He does offer specific heavy hanger, but i have not used that one but have heard good things about it. Oh, and I use the no hand pump method with the Max-Vac so I didn’t order it with a pump. That saved me some money so I could buy extra sleeves which you will need.

I also use the Max-Vac for an ADH (all day hanger) because it can withstand more weight. I used the Vacuextner Head as an ADS (all day stretcher) because all i need is just a pull and this does it fine and very very discretely. Both are concealable under clothes, but the Vacuextender Head is the most concealable.

If you do purchase a vacuum hanger make sure you Start hanging light and slowly work your way up. You penis really does need to be conditioned to the pressure. If you move to fast you will get fluid blisters and those are not fun.

having used other hangers I would have to say that the vacuum hangers are the most comfortable style of hanger out there at the moment.

Joe_smith- thank you for your help. I like what monkeybar has done with his hanger. After looking into it, I think that one make the most sense for me. Thanks again..



Which did you get? How are you finding it?

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